Ultimate Doom FAQ/Walkthrough
For Dos/Windows (PC)
Written by peach freak or peachfreak90@hotmail.com
Copyright 2003-2009 Tim Brastow. All Rights Reserved.
Version 13.10
ClassicDOOM.com edition updated 05/13/2009

Welcome! This FAQ is a guide for The Ultimate Doom, including the new episode 4 
"Thy Flesh Consumed". If you have any questions, or if I have missed anything, 
e-mail me at peachfreak90@hotmail.com. Any questions will be put in the Asked 
Questions section. Also, to find something specific you're looking for, use 
CTRL + F and type in the level/enemy/weapon/item you're looking for, and it 
should bring you down to it instead of scrolling all the way down this FAQ. 

If you don't want to email me and want to talk with be directly, then I have 
AIM. IM me at sonicdoommario, as my list is open. Just tell me what your 
problem is and I'll try to help you fix it with the game. 

Also, this FAQ is protected by copyright. You cannot sell this, put this on 
your website without my permission, or any other violation of copyright law. 
You can, however, save this in something like My Documents.

Now, I'm going to say this once, and I'm not going to say this again: You 
BETTER not violate 1 single copyright violation with this FAQ. I spent a lot of
time and effort into this Walkthrough, and it all comes into this. This work 
better not be on your website, as I will only allow ClassicDOOM, GameFAQs, IGN,
and Gamespot to host this guide.

Table of Contents
 1. Asked Questions
 2. Controls
 3. Weapons
 4. Enemies
 5. Items
 6. Things to Look Out For
 7. Ultimate Doom Features
 8. Where to Find Weapons/Enemies
 9. Hints
10. Walkthrough
11. Secrets
12. Which Levels have Which Keys?
13. Tricks
14. Nightmare!
15. How to use a BFG9000
16. Bugs and Errors
17. Codes
18. Update History
19. Credits

1. Asked Questions

If any (good) questions are brought up to me about this game (either by instant 
messaging or emailing me), I will add them here if they help. 


Question: I installed the Doom Collector's Edition, and it's great. I am 
getting sound effects, but no music at all. How do I fix this? I am running on 
Windows XP Professional. 

Answer: If you get sound effects but no music, it is most likely your audio 
settings used to play back MIDI files. Some settings will not play back MIDI 
format files. To change this, do this:

1. Click Start and then open up the control panel.
2. On the control panel, open up the "Sounds and Multimedia" program.
3. On the window that is opened, there are three tabs at the top. Click the 
audio tab.
4. There will be "Sound Playback", "Sound Recording" and "MIDI Playback". Set 
"MIDI playback" to "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth". Now, this is your 
computer's default device for playing back sound files. 

Another method is to make sure your MIDI volume isn't set to 0. You can do this
by checking your volume settings in Windows. Sometimes, your MIDI volume will
drop to 0 for no good reason, and it's usually one of the last things I check,
which can be irritating for some people.


Question: I cannot create demos in Doom95. When it loads, it closes saying the 
demo was recorded. How can I fix this?

Answer: Whenever you get Doom95, you will need a file called "doomlnch.dll" to 
run Doom95. This is the reason why you can't create demos under Doom95. Here is 
a link to the updated version of doomlnch.dll:


Unzip doomlnch.dll and put it in your Doom95 folder, replacing your older file. 
If you right click the file and go to properties, the date modified should be 
"Wednesday, April 22, 1998". If so, then you got the updated version. If not, 
download the link above.

Now you should be able to create demos without a problem. To do this, open 
Doom95, click the Advanced Tab, click the Demo Tab, and then you'll see "Record 
Demo". Check this box, make a name for the demo, put maximum file size at 
999KB, and hit ok. Now run Doom95 and you should be good to go creating demos.


Question: Man, this game is so hard to find. Where can I buy this game? 

Answer: Good question. See, back then, this game was simple enough to find at
Wal-Mart for $10. It was under the name "Doom: Collector's Edition", which
provided the Ultimate Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom. Sadly, Wal-Mart doesn't
hold this anymore. I've notice this at my local Wal-Mart, with help from
distant friends too. Your other choices are to buy this off that program
"Stream" or whatever the hell that is, check out Ebay constantly for a great
deal on this game, or buy it directly from id Software, which can be found at
www.idsoftware.com. Or if you're lucky and go to flea markets and that crap,
you may find it there (not too recent, I found a PC Doom II box there with the
CD, so go figure), but if you want to hunt this game down, I HIGHLY suggest you
get the Collector's Edition to get the other two Doom games. It'll be worth
every single penny of your purchase.

Of course, this thing changes from time to time, so I'll try to keep this


Question: I was playing Episode 4 on Doom 95, and every time I completed a
level, I noticed the episode 4 intermission screen was the same as episode 1's
intermission screen and it had episode 1's level names. Does episode 4 have its
own intermission screen? If so, what does it look like?

Answer: Yes, episode 4 does have its own intermission screen. If you tried this 
on a source port like Zdoom (www.zdoom.org) or Doom Legacy
(http://legacy.newdoom.com), then you could see episode 4's real intermission
screen. But it does not look like episode 1, 2, or 3's intermission screen 
where an arrow points to a building saying "You are here". Instead, it has a 
gray background with skeleton bones and such, and as always, it shows your 
kills, items, and secrets scores. Also it does use episode 4's level names, not 
episode 1's.


Question: How come my mouse will not work under Doom95?

Answer: In Doom95, there can be many reasons for your mouse not working. First, 
you must download the Doom95 mouse driver located at 

Then you must put it into the folder you have Doom95 in. The next requirement 
for having the mouse work is that this only works for Windows 95 and 98. It 
will not work with Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Rule number 3 is that you must 
have your mouse plugged into a PS/2 port, NOT A USB PORT. Otherwise this won't 

If you have downloaded that and you meet all of the requirements, open up 
Doom95, click the configuration button. Now on this window, click on the mouse 
tab. If "Enable Mouse Support" is not checked, check it now. Now hit "Apply 
Now" on the top of the screen, run Doom95, and hopefully your mouse will work 
now. Doing this made my mouse work when I had Windows 98, but now I am upgraded 
to Windows XP Professional.


Question: Is there a way to play Doom online?

Answer: Yes, there is as a matter of fact. You can play Doom online using
Zdaemon, which can be downloaded at www.zdaemon.org. If you use Zdaemon, then
you can create your own user name, make servers and play online with up to 16
people. You can play Cooperative, where you help out other people kill the
demons and get through the levels. There is also Deathmatch where you can
battle and kill other marines. Finally, you have Capture the Flag where you
must capture the enemy's flag and return it to your base with Red Team vs. Blue
Team (there are some WADs that have 4 teams instead of 2, with red, blue, green
and white teams).

An alternative to Zdaemon is Skulltag, which can be found at www.skulltag.com.
Some people prefer Zdaemon over Skulltag and vice versa. Each of them have
their own sets of different players, servers, WADs used, and both obviously
have features exclusive to both ports. If you're not sure which one to pick,
try out both of them for a while, and then pick which one is suitable for you.
Or you can like both for all that matter.


Question: When I play Doom on Doom95, the screen looks all messed up, What
causes this?

On Doom95, this can be caused by the game's default resolution, which is
320x200. Most monitors today cannot support this resolution, so the game can be
pushed off the monitor screen, be in a widescreen view, and other weird
effects. My suggestion would be to bump up the resolution to 640x480, which is
the highest Doom95 can go, but only do this if your computer is fast enough for
this resolution. Otherwise, use 320x240. Nearly every monitor supports this
resolution without a problem and the game should run smoother.

Another suggestion is to ditch Doom95 and use a source port, like ZDoom or Doom
Legacy. These source ports are compatible with modern day resolutions like
1024x768 and look really nice. I run Doom using 1280x1024 because it looks all
weird on any lower resolution, nothing is blurry, and it doesn't hurt your


2. Controls

Keyboard Controls

Control: Fire, hold Control down to fire rapidly
Arrow Keys: Move
Shift (held) while moving: Run
Alt (held) while moving: Strafe
*Spacebar: Activate Switches, Open Doors, activate lifts, etc...
Enter: Shows the last message that appeared in the top left corner in the
Screen, or to select something in the menu
Tab: View Automap
Escape: View menu (this can be used anytime in the game, including at the title
screen, and ending texture screen)
Pause: Pauses the game (press Pause again to Un-pause it)

*When I say "Check the walls", it means to press the spacebar in front of the 
wall. Also, when I say "Go through the Blue Door", that means open it, and 
enter the room.

Mouse Controls

Even though the mouse is just as useful as the keyboard is, the mouse can turn
your player in a direction more quicker than the keyboard does (but I prefer 
the keyboard). Anyway, here are the controls for the mouse (if you have mouse 
support for Doom). Also, there is no mouse button for opening doors, hitting 
switches, etc. You still need to use the keyboard.

Move Mouse Right: Turns player right
Move Mouse Left: Turns player left
Move Mouse Up: Moves player forward 
Move Mouse Back: Moves player backward
Left Mouse Button: Fire weapon
Right Mouse Button (While held, moving left/right): Strafe left/right

Automap Controls

Tab: Switch back to first person mode
Arrow Keys: Move
Shift (Held) while moving: Run
Alt (Held) while moving: Strafe
-: Zoom out
+: Zoom In
0: Full view of map
M: Make check-mark on the spot you're in
C: Clear all marks
F: Follow Mode On/Off (when off you can scroll around the map, press F again to 
have the dot come back to you, and you can now go back to moving on the map)
Escape: View menu

"F" Functions (some only work during gameplay)

F1: Read This! (This shows you how to play the game and all of the controls)
*F2: Save Game
F3: Load Game
F4: Sound Effects/Music
F5: Change the Graphic Detail (High/Low)
F6: Quicksave 
F7: End Game (Returns to Title Screen, and then Press Y to do so, or N to not 
return to the title screen)
F8: Turn Messages On/Off (the messages appear when you pick up an item, and
they show the messages at the top left hand corner of the computer screen) 
F9: Quickload
F10: Quit Game (press Y to exit Doom, and N not to)
F11: Gamma Correction (Adjusts brightness in 5 different levels)

*You can save anytime in this game. You can save on your own if you use this 
walkthrough, but there are a few times where I suggest you to save. And if you
are a beginner at Doom, I suggest you save often. 

Weapon Controls

The Weapon Controls show which number you need to press to equip a weapon.

1. Fist/Chainsaw (You get Chainsaw if you have it, and if you got a Berserked 
Fist, press 1to switch between these two)
2. Pistol
3. Shotgun 
4. Chaingun
5. Rocket Launcher
6. Plasma Gun
7. BFG
8. Chainsaw

Doom95-only controls/options

If you buy the Doom Collector's Edition these days, it may come with Doom95, a 
program for running Doom. Doom95 is like the original EXE with a bit more 

With Doom95 you can change the screen size while playing Doom. The possible 
choices are:

320 x 200
320 x 240
640 x 400
640 x 480

There are two ways of changing the screen size: During the game, Hold Alt and 
press + or -, and this will change the screen size higher or lower (+ is 
higher, and - is lower). Another way is to open Doom95 and click Advanced. Then 
go to the Screen Resolution tab, select which one you want, and hit OK.

Creating demos with Doom95: If you've ever tried to create a demo with Doom95 
before, you'll notice that when you load the game up Doom95 immediately 
terminates, as Doom95 has a bug that prevents it from creating demos. To fix 
the bug, download this doomlnch.dll here: www.classicdoom.com/dm95fix.zip then
copy and paste it into your Doom95 folder and replace the current doomlnch.dll 
with this one. Now you should be able to create demos with Doom95 without a 
problem (this is legal by the way, it's a little "patch" to fix up demo 

Playing demos: To play demos with Doom95, open up Doom95 and then click 
Advanced. Then click the demo tab and check "play demo". Now select the one you 
want to play, then click OK, then run the game (note that you need the correct 
game running and this may not run demos created with other source ports). Also, 
there is no bug that prevents you from playing demos.

To play with no monsters: Open Doom95, check the "No Monsters" box and run the 
To play with fast monsters: Open Doom95, check the "Fast Monsters" box and run 
the game. Monsters will be 3 times as fast.
To play with respawning monsters: Open Doom95, check the "Monsters Respawn" box 
and run the game. 

Also, on the main window of Doom95, you can select what Doom game you want to 
play and if you want to use a PWAD (you can only use one though). You can also 
select the skill level you want to play on. To play a saved game, click on 
Advanced and check what saved game you want to load (note that you must be 
running the correct Doom game for it to load). 

The configuration button: Next to the Advanced button is a Configuration 
button. If you click on it you can configure all your settings for the 
keyboard, mouse, audio, chat strings, and joystick. Once you change anything 
you want, click Apply Now (or create a new configuration, save it, switch to 
it, and then click Apply Now). There is a default configuration which can't be 


3. Weapons

Note that the numbers stand for which key you will have to press to access it. 
Also, when you finish a level and go onto the next one, you still have all your 
weapons, and if you pick up a weapon you already have, it will give you ammo.

1. Fist: How could you possibly pick up a Fist? You will have your arms the 
whole time, but they are pretty weak. Only use this on weak enemies to spare 
ammo if you really need to, otherwise don't bother using your own iron 
knuckles. They are weak and useless. To change that around, grab the Berserk 
and this will become a really fun thing to use around with. With a Berserk, you 
can knock out almost any weak enemy in one hit, and a matter of a few punches 
on stronger enemies.

1. Chainsaw: A fun weapon to use if you know how to use it correctly. For some 
weird reason, you will never run out of fuel to keep the Chainsaw going, but 
we'll take it! With a Chainsaw, you can run into enemies and try to cut them, 
but you'll have to get close. Now the best enemies to use a Chainsaw on is 
Demons and Cacodemons. Once you use it on these enemies, they will go down very 
fast. Also they will not be able to attack back because the Chainsaw will keep 
stopping them. Useful at times, especially if you need to spare ammo. This is 
first found in E1M2: Nuclear Plant. 

2. Pistol: Just like the Fist, you will always have this with you, but this 
time ammo is limited. The kind of ammo this uses are clips. You can hold up to 
200 bullets maximum, 400 with a backpack. The Pistol is pretty weak except on 
Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys, where they will go down in a few shots. Most of the 
time you will use this a lot in the early parts of levels until you get better 
weapons. Just use this on Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys. Nothing else and you  
should be fine.

3. Shotgun: Before there was a Super Shotgun introduced into the Doom series, 
this was my favorite weapon. But it's still a pretty solid weapon for the early 
going. It can hold up to 50 shells, 100 with backpack. If you fire accurately, 
it can knock out Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Imps within a few shots. You can 
use it on other enemies too, where it still takes a few shots to take down 
stronger enemies. Unless there is a better weapon around, use this because it's 
a great weapon. This is first found in E1M1: Hangar. 

4. Chaingun: Something to replace that old, weak Pistol you have. This is the 
"machine gun" in Doom. It fires multiple bullets at a time and uses the same 
bullets as a Pistol. It can take out many weak enemies at a time and can stop 
Demons and Cacodemons from attacking you when you fire right at them, because 
they'll be stunned trying to attack. Use this against Demons and Cacodemons, 
and in large groups of weak enemies because they can go down pretty fast. This 
is first found in E1M2: Nuclear Plant. 

5. Rocket Launcher: Another one of my favorite weapons in the game. It can hold 
up to 50 rockets, and 100 with a backpack. It fires 1 rocket at a time and the 
damage can be awesome. If you fire it in the right spot, it can knock out a 
huge group of weak enemies in one hit, making lots of blood for you to see. Use 
this on ANY enemy, as it can take them down very quickly. The bad part about 
this weapon is that if the rocket explodes and you are extremely close to the 
explosion, you will lose health, and the amount lost depends on how far you are 
from the explosion. This is first found in E1M3: Toxin Refinery. 

6. Plasma Gun: Just like a Chaingun, except it fires blue cells instead of 
bullets. This is a fun weapon to play around with. It holds up to 300 cells, 
600 with a backpack, and it also fires about multiple cells at a time. Use this 
on any enemy, as they will go down fast if you hold your fire button down. It 
can take down plenty of Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys at once, so have fun with 
it. A bad part would be if that you are too close to an enemy, the plasma cells 
may get in your right and you may not see what's in front of you. This is first 
found in E2M1: Deimos Anomaly.

7 BFG: The ultimate weapon in the game, but it has negatives to balance the 
positives. It uses the same cells as a Plasma Gun, and it can fires 40 cells at 
one time. The ball it makes explodes, damaging/killing any enemy on the screen, 
so you'll need to use this the right way. Do not use this on a single enemy, as 
it just wastes ammo. But you can still use it on any enemy, because it knocks 
out a Spider Mastermind or Cyberdemon with 2 perfect direct hits. This is first 
found in E3M3: Pandemonium. 


4. Enemies

Note that the enemy appearances I'm referring to is their first appearance on 
the skill level, "Ultra Violence" 

Zombiemen: One of your most basic, standard, most weakest enemies in the game. 
They are small soldiers who used to be former marines of your own kind. They 
fire small pistol bullets at you for attacking. You can use pretty much any 
weapon to get rid of them. This is first found in E1M1: Hangar. 

Shotgun Guys: Just like the Zombiemen, except these are slightly stronger and 
better with their weapons. They carry around Shotguns and fire at you to 
attack. These Shotguns can do a lot of damage at you, especially on high skill 
levels. To get rid of Shotgun Guys, use any weapon to get rid of them, as they 
are still pretty weak. These are first found in E1M1: Hangar. 

Imp: About the size of a Shotgun Guy. Imps are small, brown monsters who walk 
around on two feet. To attack you, they shoot out a fireball at far distances. 
But if you are up close, they will scratch you. Their attacks are pretty weak, 
so don't worry. Use any weapon but the Pistol or Fist (unless you have a 
Berserk), and they should be taken down in one hit. Found in plenty of the 
levels during the game. First level found in is E1M1: Hangar. 

Demon: One of the first actual "Demons" you will see in the game. They are pink 
"bulls" who run around on two legs. On harder skill levels, their bite, which 
is their only way of attacking, can hurt really badly. To kill these enemies, 
stay at a far distance and use pretty much any weapon. If you are up close, a 
Chaingun or a Chainsaw can take them down easily, and they shouldn't be able to 
attack either. This is first found in E1M3: Toxin Refinery. 

Spectre: Almost the same exact thing as a Demon. Instead, Spectres are nearly 
invisible, as they are gray and blurry, but you can still see them easily, but 
watch out in dark areas. They bite at you for attacking, and it can hurt badly 
on harder skill levels. To get rid of them easily, use any weapon and if you 
are up close, use a Chaingun or a Chainsaw to take them down in no time, and 
they shouldn't be able to attack either. This is first found in E1M3: Toxin 

Lost Soul: Probably the most annoying enemy at the game. You'll know them when 
you see them. Fine, I'll tell you. They are small enemies that are on fire and 
they also fly around in the air. Most of the time they appear in groups, and 
they will come out of the mouth of a Pain Elemental. They attack you by backing 
up and then charging right at you, which can be annoying, especially when you 
are up close to them. To get rid of them, use anything but a Pistol, Fist, or 
Chainsaw and they will go down quickly. This is first found in E2M1: Deimos 
Anomaly on easy skill levels, otherwise E2M2: Containment Area on hard skill 

Cacodemon: A really popular enemy, it seems. Just like the Lost Souls, these 
enemies fly around in the air. They are big, red, have one eye, and a big 
mouth. They have two methods of attacking you. They can open their mouth up and 
shoot a fireball at you, and theirs is pretty strong. Their other attack is 
when you are up close, they can bit at you, which can hurt a LOT. The best 
weapons to use against them are the Chaingun and Chainsaw, and if you use 
those, they won't have a chance to attack you. This is first found in E2M1: 
Deimos Anomaly. 

Baron of Hell: This is the toughest non-boss enemy in the game. These monsters 
are tall and they walk on two legs. They have a dark pink body and for 
attacking, they toss a green slimeball at you. On hard skill levels, these hurt 
A LOT, so try your best to dodge them. They can also take a lot of damage, so 
be sure you have plenty of ammo loaded up. Use a Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, 
or BFG to take them down, otherwise be prepared for a long fight. This enemy is 
first found in E1M8: Phobos Anomaly. 

Cyberdemon: My favorite enemy in the whole world of Doom. Cyberdemons are huge 
goat-like monsters, but they stand on two legs and walk around. One of their 
legs is metal, and on one of their arms is a Rocket Launcher, which has about 
the same amount of power as yours. The rockets can be dodged without a problem, 
and you can attack him by using your own rockets or a BFG. It should take 
anywhere from 2-4 shots to kill him. Also, his metal leg makes a sound when he 
walks, and it gets louder when he gets closer. This always scared the crap out 
of me. This is first found in and it is your boss in E2M8: Tower of Babel. 

Spider Mastermind: This enemy is a very large spider, and is seen as a boss
twice. The Spider Mastermind can use its Super Chainguns to mow down your
health quickly, but it is a rather week enemy. Two direct and close up hits
with a BFG can kill it, and if you can get a Baron of Hell or two to fight it,
they can take away a good amount of its health. Its metal legs make sounds when
it walks, just like the Cyberdemon. You'll first find the enemy in E3M8: Dis,
and then again as a boss in E4M8: Unto the Cruel.


5. Items


Health Bonus: This adds 1% extra Health to your current health. With this, you 
can go past 100% health.

Armor Bonus: This adds 1% extra Armor to your current armor. With this, you can 
go past 100% armor.

Stimpack: This adds 10% health to your current health. You cannot go past 100% 
health using these.

Medikits: Better than the Stimpacks. These add 25% health to your current 
health. You cannot go past 100% health using these.

Green Armor: When you pick this up, this sets your armor to 100%. This will not 
work if your armor is greater than 100%.

MegaArmor: This is the blue armor. When you pick it up, it sets your armor to 

Soulsphere: This increases your health by 100%. The maximum health you can have 
is 200%, so this is a really useful item. Only use it when you are low on 
health, but grab it when you really need it.


This is the ammo you can get throughout the game. It shows how much it gives on 
easy/hard skill levels, what weapon it is used for, etc.
Use this table to find out the name of ammo used for each weapon. The "small 
ammo" is very little ammo that doesn't give you a lot. "Large Ammo" is ammo 
that comes in bigger amounts and is a lot more useful.

|Weapon | Small Ammo | Large Ammo            |
| P/CG  | Clip       |Box of Bullets         |
|  SG   |4/8 Shells  |Box of Shotgun Shells  |
| RL    |Rocket      |Box of Rockets         |
|PG/BFG |Energy Cell |Energy Cell Pack       |

P: Pistol
SG: Shotgun
CG: Chaingun
RL: Rocket Launcher
PG: Plasma Gun
BFG: BFG9000

Here is the amount of ammo each type gives out.  
Pistol/Chaingun Ammo

Clip: Gives out 20 bullets on skill 1, 10 on harder skill levels. If you pick 
it up from a Zombiemen, it will give you 10 on skill 1, 5 on harder skill 

Box of Bullets: Gives you 100 bullets on skill 1, 50 on harder skill levels.  

Shotgun Ammo

Shotgun Shells: Gives you 8 shells on skill 1, 4 shells on harder skill levels.

Box of Shells: Gives you 40 shells on skill 1, 20 on harder skill levels.

Rocket Launcher Ammo

Rocket: Gives you 2 rockets on skill 1, 1 on harder skill levels.

Box of Rockets: Gives you 10 rockets on skill 1, 5 on harder skill levels.

Plasma Gun/BFG Ammo

Energy Cell: Gives you 40 cells on skill 1, 20 on harder skill levels.

Energy Cell Pack: Gives you 200 cells on skill 1, 100 on harder skills.


These are items that will be a big help to you throughout the game. They help 
you or protect you of some sort.

Backpack: This is probably my favorite item in the whole game. When you pick it 
up, it doubles the amount of ammo you can carry! For example, the maximum 
amount of bullets you can carry is 200. With a backpack you can carry 400. Just 
take your maximum ammo and multiply it by 2.

Berserk: Man, this is a really fun item right here. When you pick it up, it 
will set your health to 100% if it is below 100%. The second effect is that 
your screen will go red and it will power up your Fist! The red screen lasts 
for a few seconds, and this will remain in effect for the rest of the level. 
During this time, your Fist will become very powerful, and it will be able to 
knock out anything weaker than a Demon in one hit. It can knock out stronger 
enemies in just a few punches! Very useful to save ammo as well.

Computer Area Map: Another useful item if you may happen to get lost. Once you 
pick this up, it will fill your Automap 100% so that you can see everything on 
the Automap! Areas that are in gray are areas that you have not visited yet. 
However, this will not add object indicators to the Automap (where you can see 
items and enemies moving around).

Invisibility Sphere: This red orb is something that makes you invisible. While 
you are invisible, enemy attacks will be less accurate, and when they try to 
attack you, it may miss. But you won't be completely invisible, as enemies just 
have more difficulty spotting you. The other part is that this is on a time 
limit, and you will be invisible for a minute.

Invincibility Sphere: Just the exact thing you'll need when you are in a 
hellhole. While you are invincible, your screen will go white. This effect 
lasts for 30 seconds. Also when you are invincible, you cannot be damaged in 
any way. This includes enemy attacks, crushing ceilings, and even slime pits. 
It just lasts for 30 seconds, and the white screen can be annoying. 

Radiation Suit: Something you will really need in levels with a lot of slime 
pits. When you pick one of these up, your screen will go green for a minute. 
During this time, you will not be hurt when you are walking around in slime, as 
this gives you protection from lava and slime. This effect lasts for a minute 
and you can still get hurt by enemies, even if you do have this on.

Light Amplification Visors: A really, really, neat power-up. When picked up, 
the brightness greatly increases for 2 minutes, and then the screen will return 
back to it's normal brightness. These goggles are useful for getting pack dark 
areas/mazes. Yeah, this means every area in the level will be 100% bright as 
long as you have these on.

Key Items

Keycard/Skull Keys: Found in levels, these keys come in 3 colors: red, 
yellow, and blue. Not all keys are in all levels, so keep that in mind. These 
keys open a locked door, activate certain switches, etc.....

Also, many of the doors are not 100% blue, red, or yellow. If the door has red,
yellow, or blue lights to the sides of it, that's also a red, yellow, or blue
door. There may be a level with a Yellow and Red Key, but you may not need the
Yellow Key to complete that level (that sentence right there is made up, just
giving you a little example of that some keys in a level might not be needed to
finish that level).


6. Things to Look Out For

What I mean is that watch out for these things. They can hurt you, depending on
what you do. Some can be useful, some will not.

Barrels: These can be your best friend, or your worst enemies. These are
scattered around many levels, and can help you a lot. To make very good use of
these, lure a lot of enemies to one barrel, and shoot the barrel. It should
explode, and hurt/kill the enemies near it. Or if you shoot the barrel when
you're right next to it, you'll be hurt/killed. Even enemies can blow up
barrels, so you can use them to blow them up and save your ammo.

Crushing Ceilings: Crushing Ceilings can appear at a nasty time, so watch out.
Just like Barrels, these can be your best friend or worst enemy. These ceilings
fall from the ceiling and touch the ground, and rise back to ceiling, and so
on. You'll need to time your moves right to get past these. Also, their good
use is that Crushing Ceilings can also crush and kill enemies, saving your
ammo. But they can crush you too, and these do hurt.

Slime/Lava/Blood: These appear on floors. Slime is green, lava is a mix of red
and yellow, and blood is red. Whenever you step on these kind of floors, there
is a good chance your health will decrease each second. The amount of health
decreased depends on your armor and what kind of toxic floor you stepped into.
All types of toxic floors cannot hurt enemies, sadly. You will not be hurt from
these floors if you step on them while having an active Radiation Suit on.


7. Ultimate Doom Features

1. In E1M1, there is a new secret. At the start, get to the room to the left of
you. In here there is a pillar to the left and right of the staircase. On the
east side of the right pillar is an Ultimate Doom only switch. When you hit it,
get back into the starting room, and see those "windows", where you can use
them to see the MegaArmor? To the right of them, a new opening has been
revealed. Use it to get to the MegaArmor. If the opening closes on you, hit the
switch. Using this shortcut, you can get past most of the level.

2. There is a new Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed. The most obvious new feature
in the game. Episode 4 is a really annoying episode, especially on hard skill

Also in Episode 4, some doors open up more quickly than usual. There are also
some new graphic features too.

3. At the title screen, you'll now see "The Ultimate" above Doom.

4. At the title screen, the music is slightly different. If you listen really
carefully between the title screen music from Doom and Ultimate Doom, you'll
notice a really small difference.

Email me if I missed any!


8. Where to Find Weapons/Enemies/Items 

Ok, here is a list of which levels you can find weapons:



E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M9: Military Base
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M9: Warrens
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M7: And Hell Followed

Shotgun (killing a Shotgun Guy to get one counts)

E1M1: Hanger
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M1: Hell Keep 
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked 
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear


E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Anomaly
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel

Rocket Launcher

E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M9: Military Base
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M8: Tower of Babel
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel

Plasma Gun

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M9: Fear


E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Dis
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed (Skills 4 and 5 only)
E4M8: Unto the Cruel


Note that these enemy encounters are on skill level "Ultra Violence"


E1M1: Hanger
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M9: Military Base
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear

Shotgun Guy

E1M1: Hanger
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear


E1M1: Hanger
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear


E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked 
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear


E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M6: Halls of the Damned 
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath 
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear

Lost Souls

E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned 
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M8: Tower of Babel
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Warrens
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear


E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear

Baron of Hell

E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear


E2M8: Tower of Babel
E3M9: Warrens
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed

Spider Mastermind

E3M8: Dis 
E4M8: Unto the Cruel


9. Hints

1. Strafe to Avoid enemy attacks easier. To strafe, hold Alt, then go 
Left/Right/Up/Down. You can hold Shift too. Strafing gives you a better chance 
of dodging enemy attacks, and you can easily dodge Fireballs like this too.

2. Save your ammo. If you see two different enemies in the same room (excluding 
Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys), try to lure them in a fight. To do this, try to 
get one enemy to hit the other and the other enemy may fight back. When they're 
done fighting, you'll be able to finish off the surviving one easier. Enemies 
will not fight if they are the same type (Baron and Baron, etc), except for 
Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys. Another exception would be Lost Souls, they can 
fight each other too. 

3. Save your game often. If you die, you'll restart the level with a Pistol 
with 50 bullets, 100% health, and 0% armor. Saving often is a good thing to do 
if you're a Doom beginner.

4. Memorize the location of enemies on the skill level you're on. This is so 
that you're ready to kill the enemies(s) you'll then encounter, instead of 
coming unprepared with low ammo and health, and you've got no idea what you're 


10. Walkthrough

First, before you start, you must pick the episode, and then your skill level.
Here are the episodes and skill levels, and some other notes about the game:

Episode 1: Knee Deep in the Dead
Episode 2: The Shores of Hell
Episode 3: Inferno
Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

Skill levels (from easiest to hardest):

I'm Too Young To Die (Skill level 1)
Hey, Not Too Rough (Skill level 2)
Hurt Me Plenty (Skill level 3)
Ultra Violence (Skill level 4)
Nightmare (Skill level 5)

Beware the Nightmare skill level. It is not for inexperienced Doom players. 
Enemies respawn, monsters are fast and powerful, but the good thing is you get 
double ammo when you pick up ammo, and you can get a kill percentage over 100 

What I mean by double ammo is this: For example, when you pick up a box of 
Shotgun Shells on skill levels 2, 3, and 4, it will add 20 shells to your 
Shotgun Ammo, and 40 in skills 1 and 5. ID Software knows you'll need the 
double ammo in Skill 5. ;)

Notes: When you finish an episode, at the story text screen, you must press 
Escape, New Game, and then the episode to start a new one. If you go on to the
next episode doing that (ex: Episode 2 to 3), you will lose your weapons you
had, your health, ammo, and armor. You would start out with a Pistol with 50
bullets, 100% health, and no armor.

Hint: Try to "telefrag" enemies. A telefrag is when you teleport using a 
teleporter, and an enemy is on the spot where you teleport to, he will be 
killed like that, without using any ammo to destroy it. 

The Status Bar:

   50   |   100%  | 2 | 3 | 4 |       |    0%     |__|     
        |         |---|---|---|(your  |           |__|        OTHER AMMO 
  AMMO  | HEALTH  | 5 | 6 | 7 | face) |  ARMOR    |  |     
Ammo: You'll see how many bullets you have for that weapon.

Health: Your survival. When you drop to 0% health, you're dead. 

Arms: Shows which weapons you have, the weapon numbers you have are yellow (for
example, if you have the Shotgun, just press 3 to get to it).

Your Face: The marine's face. As your health goes down, your face will start to
bleed, and gets worse as your health slithers away.

Armor: Your armor helps you as it lasts. 

The boxes next to armor: In each box, it will show which keys you have.

Other ammo: Shows how much ammo you have for each weapon, and shows how much 
ammo you can hold up to for each gun.


Now, here's the walkthrough (note that this walkthrough is not useful for skill 
level 5)! Also some enemies I tell you to kill in this game may not be there
because of the skill level so if you don't see an enemy I told you to kill in
this guide, then you're playing a low skill level.

Also, when you finish any episode, a story comes, then a little picture after. 
Press Escape then New Game to start another episode. Or, press F7, then Y to 
return to the title screen. 


Walkthrough for Episode 1: Knee Deep in the Dead

E1M1: Hangar
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base

E1M1: Hanger

At the start, there is a health potion to the left and right of you. Go 
straight and enter the room to the left, and beware the Shotgun Guys on skill 
levels 4 and 5. Take their Shotguns, including the Combat Armor, health and 
armor potions too. When you are done, leave the room, and head left into the 
opening, and go through the door.

Kill all the enemies in this room, and watch out for the Shotgun Guys on skill 
levels 4 and 5. When this room is empty, collect all the items and ammo here, 
and go through the opening at the east part of the room.

Kill the Zombieman at the stairs, and collect the health bonuses, and go down 
the stairs. Kill every enemy here, including the Imp(s) on the platform. Get 
past the zigzag floor to the other side of the room. Before you open the door, 
check the walls to the right until you find a secret area. In here, go down the 
stairs and kill the Shotgun Guys on skill levels 4 and 5, and collect the ammo 
and health here. Go outside and collect the Mega Armor, and go back to the zig 
zag room, and now go through the door.  

Kill the enemies here, and get the health, and go to the exit door. But before 
you go into the exit room, go back to the zig zag room (again). Remember that 
platform that had the Imp(s) on it? It's now been lowered. Go into the new room 
that was behind the platform, and get yourself a Shotgun on skill levels 3 and 
below, with a box of shells and health, and a Shotgun Guy on skill levels 4 and 
5. Now go back to the exit door, open it, grab the items, and hit the exit 

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M2: Nuclear Plant

Get out of the starting alcove and go right. You will be in front of a door, 
but go left, and kill any Zombiemen there. Now check the wall across from the 
wall in between the 2 doors until the wall opens. Grab the goodies in here, and 
flip the switch (don't forget the backpack), and leave this room. Take the door 
to the left, and kill the Zombieman in front of you.

Go up the stairs, and while you're climbing up, go through the opening to the 
left when you see it. On skill levels 4 and 5, beware of all the nasty Shotgun 
Guys here. But out here you can get a Soulsphere and a Chaingun and some 
Chaingun ammo. Now go back through the opening. Climb up the stairs in front of 
you, and when you get to the top, skill the enemies here, and get the Red Key 
in this little room. Now go back to the room we started in.

Get to the other side of the room, killing any Zombiemen in your way. Go 
through the Red Door. Kill all the enemies in front of you, and head straight, 
going up the stairs. From the edge of the stairs, get to the other side of the 
room, and collect the health and ammo, and go down the elevator.

Down here is an "ambush" of Imps and Zombimen. Kill all of them, even the Imps 
on the high platforms. Hit the switch , and 2 doors will open. Take either one, 
and go right down the stairs, and open the exit door. Kill the enemies, go down 
the lift, and watch out for that nasty Imp there on hard skill levels, and hit 
the exit switch.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M3: Toxin Refinery

Open the door in front of you. Kill all the Shotgun Guys, Zombiemen, Demons, 
and Spectres (on high skills) in here, and go left, following the hallway into 
a door. When you open it, shoot the barrel to see those 2 Zombiemen go to 
waste. Go right up the stairs, and take a left, going down some stairs. Down 
here, kill the Shotgun Guys and Imps to your left. When they are all dead, go 
left where they were and hit the switch.

Go back upstairs and to the right. A new passage in this room has opened. Go up 
the stairs, killing any enemies in your way. Leave the room once you do (down 
the stairs), and go back up. As you are getting up the stairs, you should hear 
the sound of an elevator. Here's a little map where the sounds are coming from:

              |                                    |
              |    |-----| |---| |-----------|     |  
              |    |     |-------|           |     |
              |    |                         |     |           
              |    |                         |     |
              |    |                         |     |
              |    |                         |     | 
              |    |                         |     |
              |    |                         |     |
              |    |                         |     |
              |    |-------------------------|     |
              |                                    |
              |-----------|     |------------------|
                          |     |
                          | X   |

Say the X is you. The sounds are coming from A1, and A2, which are the 
platforms in front of the "computer wall". Run to A2 first (get on the platform 
that dropped, and walk to the "computer wall" and it should open. Go 
downstairs, and kill any Imps there. Hit the switch on the pillar and get the 
Soulsphere when it comes down. Go back, exit A2, and run to A1, and do the same 
thing as last time (kill the Imps, Demons, and Shotgun Guys in your way). When 
it does open go straight, kill any Shotgun Guys or Imps  here, and get the 
Rocket Launcher and Armor. Go right, jumping in the toxic river, entering the 
slime tunnel. 

When you get to the end, hit the switch, get the backpack, and check the walls 
to the right of the switch until the door opens. Go inside, get all the goodies 
in here, hop on the elevator, and check the wall at the end of the room, and it 
should open. Grab the stuff in this room, and take the lift down, and go back 
up the stairs from this familiar room. Go right again, open the door, and cross 
the new bridge made. When you get to the wall, it should open.

Walk up and kill the Imp in front of you, and walk straight, and the wall 
should open, revealing Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys. Kill them all, walk straight 
and another wall should open, revealing Imps. Kill all of them, and go into the 
room they came out of. In here, go through the opening, and follow it to the 
exit door. Open it. In here, check the wall to your left, and it should lower 
like a lift. Get on it, and ride it to the top. Kill the Imp up here, and get 
the Box of Rockets.

Now turn back around and drop down to the exit room. Down here again, hit the 
exit switch (this takes you to the secret level).

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M9: Military Base

At the start, collect the two clips to the left and right of you, and get out 
of the alcove. Kill all the Imps in the Imp Cage, and kill any 
Zombiemen/Shotgun Guys that come for you. Take the staircase to the left of the 
starting alcove, go down, and kill all the enemies down here. Walk around the 
cage to get the Yellow Key.

Now go back upstairs and take the staircase to the east and go down. When you 
get to the bottom, go left, down the stairs to the Yellow Door. Kill all of the 
Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Imps in front of you, and get the Red Key in this 
room. Watch out for the opening wall revealing Shotgun Guys too.

Exit the Yellow Door we came from, and get to the other side of the room to the 
Red Door. Open it, and kill all the Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Imps, and then 
go to the other side of the room and enter the little alcove. Destroy the 
barrels (stay at a safe distance), and hit the switch. 

Go back out the Red Door we came from, and a little Demon Pen has been 
released. Get the Demons out of the way, and collect the Blue Key from the 
Demon Pen. Go upstairs from this room, and take the staircase across from us.

Open the Blue Door, and kill any Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, Imps, and Spectres in 
this room. When you're done, jump into the slime pit, and take either way to 
this switch. Activate it, and go right from the switch, and this door should 
open. Go through it, kill all the Imps, and take the lift up. There may be 
another Imp there, so watch out, collect the health. Check the wall in front of 
you, and it should open. Go across the new bridge, get the health in front of 
you, and exit the level.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M4: Command Control

At the start, go to the door, but check the wall to the left and it should 
open. Take the backpack, health, and Shotgun Shells, and go back out to open 
the door.

Kill the Zombiemen to the left, and take the middle opening in this room. Kill 
the Zombieman in here, and hit the switch and a lift should lower. Take it up 
and go right, and walk up to the doors in this room. They should open by 
themselves. Go in, kill the Imps, grab the health bonuses and Chaingun, and 
pick up the Blue Key. If you are locked it, stand on the light the blue key 
was on, the doors will open. Get out of this room.

There are 4 ways out of this room. Look for the entrance that has white lights 
to the left and right of the opening. When you do, go in and go left. Kill the 
Shotgun Guys here, and enter the Blue Door. 

Watch out for Imps and Demons in this maze (try to kill them if they get in 
your way). To get out, go right until you hit a wall, and go right again into 
this little small room. Take a left, and go left again, and you're out of this 
maze. Turn right to get some health, armor, and the Yellow Key. Go up the 
stairs in this room, and hit the switch next to the Yellow Door. Open the 
Yellow Door, go right, go left, and then left again up the stairs, and cross 
the bridge to the exit door. Open it, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M5: Phobos Lab

Go across the slime pit, and in this room, go all the way right (there is a 
door, but skip it) , and at the end, turn left into a "balcony", and a platform 
across from us should rise. Leave the room, kill any enemies in your way, going 
straight. Keep going until you find a staircase to your right, and then climb 
it. Destroy the 2 barrels and check the wall they were in front of. In this 
secret room, grab the Shotgun, the ammo, and the health and armor bonuses. Get 
out and go right onto the new bridge, and follow it to an opening. Kill the 
enemies, and go forward to get the Health and Yellow Key. Leave this room and 
jump into the slime pit, go straight, check the brown wall, and it should open. 
Collect the armor, Rocket Launcher, and ammo, and go into the opening. Go 
straight, collecting health and ammo, but when you try to pick up the small 
Shotgun Shells in front of the wall, the wall should open, and get out of this 
secret room.

Back in this familiar room, kill any appearing enemies coming from the door. 
Now open the door. Kill all enemies here, and when you're done, open the Yellow 
Door. Take the lift down, and kill any enemies there. Go either left or right, 
there's no difference, but watch out for the doors that open, containing 
enemies. When you've reached the other half of the room, jump in the acid, run 
across it, and hit the switch, and then two pillars with enemies will lower. 
Kill them, and get back to (and open) the Yellow Door. 

Run across to the new opening, killing the enemies in your way. At the top of 
the stairs, turn left and kill the enemies, and grab the health if necessary. 
Go up another set of stairs killing all of the enemies. In this room is a 
switch (which is a door), but before you open the door, check the walls to the 
right of the door until you find a secret area. In this secret area, there's a 
Chaingun, Health, Backpack, and a Computer Area Map. Now go to the door.

Watch out in this semi-dark hall. Follow it, killing the enemies, and at the 
end of the hall is another room. Kill the enemies, grab anything you need, 
including the Blue Key. Hit the switch, turn around, go down the stairs, kill 
any Spectres that should be there, and enter the Blue Door.

Be careful in this dark room....actually you don't need to! There are some 
Light Amplification Visors in here, and I'll show you where they are:

                         |----------|        |        |
 |      |                |          |        |        |        
 |      |                |          |        |        |
 |      |----------------|          |--------|        |          
 |                                                    |
 |-----------------| |------| X |---------------------|
 | A                 |      |---|

So say you're the X, and the Visors are "A". At the start of the Blue Door, 
turn left, and looking to the left, look for an alcove. This is an easy to miss 
alcove, so watch out. So turn left when you see it, and follow the passage to 
the Visors, along with so other goodies. This does count as a secret too.

When you are done with that, get to the northern half of the room, killing all 
enemies in your way, and open the exit door. Kill the Demons there on skill 
levels 4 and 5, and then hit the exit switch.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M6: Central Processing

Go straight down the hallway at the start, and when you get to the first 4 way 
intersection, go right, and kill the enemies in your way. Enter the room, 
destroy all the barrels (always stay at a safe distance), and look around this 
room for the Red Key. Once you pick it up, you will be locked up in this room 
and be ambushed by a bunch of monsters for a certain amount of time. While 
waiting for the doors to open, kill the enemies, grabbing ammo and health while 
you're at it. 

Once the door opens, Go all the way straight to the red doors (watch out for 
any remaining enemies), and open either one. Follow the hall from the door you 
took to a larger opening, and go through to get the Blue Key. Instead of going 
back to the Red Door, jump into the slime pit and go left, and get on the 
ledge, and grab health and other neat things. On the same ledge, go into the 
alcove, follow it to the stairs, go up them, and grab everything in here. Hit 
the switch (it is a door), and forward to the 4 way path. Go straight, opening 
the door.

Turn right, follow this hall to another room to the right, and go into the 
room. Get to the Blue Door. Touch it, but don't open it. Look behind you to the 
left: a platform with enemies behind it is lowering. Kill all the enemies 
behind the lowered platform, and go in the small dark room behind the lowered 
platform. Check the wall in between the Medikit and Radiation Suit, and you 
should find a secret area, which has a Backpack, Rocket Launcher, and an 
Invisibility Sphere. Open the Blue Door here (it's a wall, actually), and kill 
the Imps here, and get the Yellow Key (this was a QUICK shortcut to the Yellow 
Key) and another Backpack. Follow down the hall until you here an opening, and 
run back to the Blue Door (you won't see the lights this time, but it's still 
here), open it, grab the Radiation Suit (if you haven't yet), and go straight, 
into the alcove in the slime pit, killing the Imps. Follow this alcove to a 
door and some goodies. Open the door.

On Skill levels 4 and 5, there will be a whole bunch of Shotgun Guys here. Kill 
them all, jump down there, and take their Shotguns. Also, check the platform 
the Soulsphere is on. It will lower, and grab it. Stay on the platform, and 
when you get as high as it goes, check the green wall and it should open. Get 
into the room killing any enemies, and then go straight, and then go right, 
going up the stairs. Kill the Imps up here, and hit the switch. Go back 
downstairs, turn right, and go into the slime pit into the door. Kill the 
enemies at the door. In this room, there are 3 staircases. Take either the left 
or the right one, and follow the halls into another room.

In this big room, kill all the enemies in here. Then go into the small alcove 
and hit the switch. Behind you is a big ambush of enemies. You can kill them, 
or try to avoid them and run into the alcove in the northeast part of the room. 
Open the exit door, collect the health here, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M7: Computer Station

At the start, collect the ammo here, and open the door. Kill all the enemies in 
your way, and from the door, go left, and follow the hall to a bigger room. Go 
into the alcove, and take the lift up. Kill all enemies in your way, and follow 
this ledge into a dark room. Grab the health, kill the enemies here, and take 
the Yellow Key. Get back out, jump off the ledge, and go straight (not up the 
stairs) to the Yellow Door.

Open the Yellow door, killing any enemies in your way, going straight. At the 
end, go left, and go all the way straight, and at the stairs, destroy the 
barrels, and kill the Zombiemen there. Go up the small set of stairs, and kill 
the Shotgun Guys from the pillar that lowers. There are two passages to take: 
take the one on the right, and kill the enemies in your way. Go straight until 
you get to the door, and open it.

Kill any enemies that are there, and get the Northwest part of the room, and 
take the lift. Grab the health if you need to, and when the lift reaches the 
top, follow this hallway to the Red Key, killing enemies. Once you get the Red 
Key, backtrack your steps to the lift, and take it down. In this room, avoid 
the new enemies, running to the door. Run straight out of this room too, and 
get past the pillar down the stairs, keep going straight, and get back to the 
Yellow Door.

Open it, go left, and take another left up the stairs. Go straight to the other 
set of stairs, and descend them. At the bottom, go right all the way, then turn 
left to the Red Door. Open it, kill the Imps if you haven't and go straight to 
get the health and the Blue Key. Leave this room. Go all the way right to the 
Yellow Door, skipping the new alcove. Go right until you see the Blue Door, and 
open it.

Kill the enemies in your way, and go up the stairs. In this room, go straight, 
into another room. Follow its hallway to another room, killing the enemies in 
your way. In this dark room, hit the switch, and leave this room, going into 
the room near the Blue Door. On the other side of this room, a door has been 
opened. Go into the new room, kill any enemies in your way, go through the exit 
door, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M8: Phobos Anomaly

You've made it to the final level of episode 1! Anyway, hit the switch at the 
start, and the wall will lower. From where you are, shoot a barrel and watch 
many of the Demons die. Kill the leftover ones, and get off the platform you're 
on, and turn left down the stairs. While going down the stairs, check the walls 
to your right, and you should find a hidden Soulsphere. Now, enter the door at 
the bottom. 

If you need ammo, there is some Shotgun and Chaingun ammo in the rooms to the 
left and right, but watch out for the Demons there on hard skill levels. Now 
get out of the room you are in, and get to the other end of the room (from the 
door). Hit the switch, and take the lift.

Walk up forward, and 2 doors will open, both will have 1 Baron of Hell. Here 
are some tips for beating them:

1. If you have plenty of Rocket Ammo, use it on them, no matter how many 
rockets you have.
2. Watch out for the Spectres on skill levels 4 and 5. Get them out of your 
3. Run around the room, taking potshots now and then.
4. If you find you are low on ammo, you can lure them to the barrels, and at 
least damage/kill one.
5. On skill levels 4 and 5, you can have the Spectres get in a fight with a 
Baron to weaken him (the Spectre needs to be hit by one first though).
6. The Barons will respawn on skill level 5, so finish them off quickly.

Once you've defeated both Barons, the walls will lower. Jump down to the lower 
ground, and down there is a "building". Hit the switch on it, and the stairs 
will rise. At the top, take the teleporter, let the enemies kill you inside, 
and you've beat episode 1!

Once you die (you have to), you get a little story:
Once you beat the big badasses and clean out the moon base you're supposed to 
win, aren't you? Aren't you? Where's your fat reward and ticket home? What the 
hell is this? It's not supposed to end this way! It stinks like rotten meat, 
but looks like the lost Deimos base. You're stuck on the Shores of Hell. The 
only way out is through. To continue the Doom experience, play the Shores of 
Hell, and its amazing sequel, Inferno!

A few seconds after the story is over, you'll see a screen of the id software 
employees, who make this game, and what they did (level design, music, etc). 
After that, press escape, select New Game, then pick the Shores of Hell. Select 
your skill level, and you begin Episode 2. 

Episode 1 index / Contents

Walkthrough for Episode 2: The Shores of Hell

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M8: Tower of Babel
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly

You start out in an alcove. Get out and go right, skipping he teleporter (but
grab the Shotgun that's there on skill levels 1 and 2 next to it though). Kill 
the Zombiemen in your way, and pass the evil red cross, going right. Kill the 
Zombiemen here that appear on skill levels 3 and above, and grab the Medikit 
and Blue Key here. Go through the teleporter we skipped. 

Kill any enemies in your way, and head straight, on skill levels 3 and above, 
grab the Shotgun on one of the red triangles, Continue through more of the 
room, killing any enemies in your way. Cross the red blood pit, and hit the 
switch on the right wall. A little lump with a switch on each side behind you 
will rise. Hit the switch on both sides, and go through the last teleporter we 
visited. From here, go past the red cross again go right, and go through the 
new teleporter here. In this room, kill all enemies (watch out for the 
Cacodemon on skill levels 3 and above), and once the room is cleared, grab the 
Plasma Gun and Cell Pack here. Leave this room, go through the teleporter near 
the start, and go across the blood pit (don't go to the teleporter yet).

To the left of the teleporter is a small opening. Enter it, and in this small 
hallway, collect the health and Red Key. Exit this secret room, and now go 
through the teleporter. In this room, go through the small alcove in the left 
wall, and flip the left switch. Where the switch we flipped is, a secret area 
will appear (this only happens once), and enter the teleporter in the secret 

Rush through this secret hallway, collecting the armor and health bonuses, and 
go through the teleporter at the end of the hall. If the secret door closed, 
hit the switch to open it. Now hit the other switch we didn't flip yet. Leave 
this small alcove, to find that a platform is lowering. When it does lower, 
kill the enemies there, and when it is clean, go straight, and enter the Red 
Door. Kill the enemies inside, and grab all the goodies here, and leave this 
room, going straight to the Blue Door. Open it, and take the teleporter.

Kill the enemies in here, and grab the health in here. Hit the switch in this 
room, and the stairs will raise in the alcove. Kill the Lost Soul/Cacodemon 
there (skill level varies), climb the stairs, hit the switch, and exit this 
alcove. Go through the new teleporter that lowered, and enter it.

Walk forward, and the wall in front of you will lower. Watch out for the 
Cacodemon on skill levels 4 and 5. Kill it, or avoid it, open the exit door, 
kill the Imp there, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M2: Containment Area 

Grab the armor in the right alcove if you need to. Go straight, killing the 
Imp, and then flip the switch on the left wall. Turn around, and find that the 
crate containing the Shotgun/Ammo (it's ammo on skill levels 1 and 2, and a 
Shotgun on skills 3 and above, but the Shotgun on skills 1 and 2 is in the 
alcove behind the crate with the Ammo) has lowered. Take whatever's there, turn 
around, go straight, and when you have the choice to go left or right, go left. 
Go straight to the Berserk pack across from us, and go right, killing any Imps 
in your way. Enter the non-crate room.

You can easily outrun these Imps in here. Get to the other side of the room, 
and just before the door is an alcove with a switch on the left wall. Flip it, 
and the door we were just at has opened. Go through it, and go forward inside, 
and stairs to the platform will rise. At the top, go straight, to the other end 
of the room. Again, when you have the chance to go left or right, go right. Go 
all the way straight and when you see the exit door, don't jump into the slime 
pool in front of it. Kill any enemies in your way. When you see the exit door, 
you can't access it, you'll need to hit a certain switch first. From our view 
of the exit door, go left, go left again past the Red Door, to the crushing 
ceiling hallway. Oh no! 

There may be enemies in front of us, but let them commit suicide under the 
crushing ceilings. Timing your moves right, get to the other end of the 
crushing ceiling hall. Now, follow this hallway to a slime pool. Cross it to 
get the Blue Key. From the Blue Key, there's an alcove to the right wall. Climb 
down the stairs, and open the Blue Door, and kill the Spectre there on hard 
skill levels. Go through the Blue Door, and go right, and open this Blue Door. 
Walk forward to get the Red Key. Leave this room, go back through the other 
Blue Door, and backtrack your steps to the Red Door. 

Open the Red Door, turn right, take another right, and flip the switch. Watch 
out for the Imps though. Leave the Red Door. Now, a bridge is rising to the 
exit door. Cross it, open the exit door, and hit the exit switch. 

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M3: Refinery

There's a door to the right, but skip it, and go straight. At the Cacodemon 
cage, turn left, and then right. Go through the opening, turn left, and kill 
any Zombiemen there. From the Blue Door, go right, and go straight until you 
hit a wall. Turn right, go straight, take another right, and kill the Imps and 
Demons there, and go straight. Before taking a turn into the pillar room, check 
the green walls across from it. Use this map to nail it down: 
       |                     |    |-------------------|
       |------|--------------|    | < Blue Door       |
Pillar Room   |Secret        |    |------------|      |      
---------|    |              |    |            |      |
Another  |E   |-------|      |    |            |      |
Room     |n   |              |    |
         |e   |Slime Pit     |    |
         |m   |              |    |
         |i   |              |    | 
         |e   |--------------|    | 
         |s                       |

Once you do find the secret, walk in, turn right, cross the slime pit and pick 
up the Backpack. Exit this secret room, and no go into a pillar room. Instead 
of crossing all those rising and dropping pillars, check the walls to the left 
when the entrance of the room. A wall should rise, go into this room, and kill 
the enemies in here. From where we entered into this room, go right, and pick 
up the Shotgun on the platform. No go straight (not to the slime pool), turn 
left, and take a right into a room. Now go straight, jump into a blood pit, and 
go right onto a platform. Kill any Lost Souls here, and grab the Plasma Gun and 
its ammo. Jump off the Platform (not into the Blood Pit), and kill the Demons 
here. In this room, behind the pillar is the Blue Key. Leave this room, but 
watch out for the Baron on skills 4 and 5. Once you leave the room, turn right, 
and at the end of the room, turn left, and go straight, into the big room 
across from us. At the end of the room, search the wall that's in between 2 
gray skinny poles (the one on the right), and the wall should open. 

Go into this room, go straight, and when you reach the wall, go left to the 
Blue Door. Open it, kill any enemies in your way, and go right, through a dark 
hall. Follow it to a bigger room, kill any enemies in your way, and collect all 
of the goodies in the bigger room. In the northwest part of the room, enter 
into a dark room. I'll show you the quickest way to get out of here: From the 
start of this pillar room, go all the way right until you hit a wall. Then, go 
left until you hit another wall. Go right until you hit another wall. Then go 
left, and to the right is the exit out of this room. Cross the slime pit, turn 
left, and then go right into another room. Kill any enemies here, enter the 
exit door, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M4: Deimos Lab

At the start, check the flashing wall to the right, and it should open. Go into 
this secret area, and collect all of the goodies in here. Leave this room, go 
right, and go through the teleporter. In this room, go through the opening in 
the left, and rush to the opposite wall. Go right, left, and then straight, 
skipping the opening to the right. Now go left, kill the Imps here, and open 
the door. The enemy in front of you varies: Demon on skills 1 and 2, a Baron on 
harder ones. Avoid or kill the enemy, and at the left side of the room, flip 
the switch, and take the lift to the left of it. Ride it to the Blue Key. Jump 
off the platform, and exit this room.

Go straight, and then right. Now go left into the opening we skipped. From 
here, run to the Blue Door Across from it. Enter it. Follow this hallway to the 
Yellow Door, but since we don't have the Yellow Key, go left. Run under the 
crushing ceiling to get the Yellow Key. Return to the Yellow Door, and open it.

From the Yellow Door, go left, passing the staircase. After the staircase, hug 
the left wall (still move, don't stay in 1 place) until you drop into a small 
pit. In this small pit, check the walls until an opening is revealed. Get the 
Plasma Gun in this secret room, and take the teleporter. If you're playing on 
skill levels 3 and above, use your Plasma Gun to kill the Cacodemon in front of 
you. After that, kill the other enemies, and go through the alcove in the 
northwest part of the room. Keep going straight until you get to a 
bigger room, and once you get to the bigger room, run to the teleporter across 
from you.

Once you've entered the teleporter, go right, kill the Demon, and jump into the 
blood pit, and go left, onto a platform (DON'T ENTER THE TELEPORTER YET!), and 
hit the switch near the teleporter (there's only one). Now enter the 
teleporter. When you get back to this room, go forward, but go back into the 
teleporter. Go right again, onto the new bridge to the exit door, Open it, kill 
the Imps, but don't hit the exit switch yet. Turn around, cross the new bridge 
leading to the Soulsphere, and grab it. Now go back to the exit door, open it, 
and hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M5: Command Center

At the start, open the door, and kill the enemies. Take the staircase at the 
southeast part of the room, and climb it. At the northeast part of the room, 
hit the switch (it's a door), and go through into this room. Follow the hallway 
to a switch (another door), open it, and go through it. In this room, open the 
door to the right, and kill the Demons inside. Go into the room, and hit the 
switch in the small alcove. Leave this room, and turn right. At the wall, turn 
another right, to see that the stairs have appeared. Climb them, go through the 
red wall (just walk through), and take the teleporter.

Watch out for the Lost Souls in this room. Kill them if you can, and try to 
open the door in this room (it's a switch). When it opens, get to the exit door 
on the other end of the room, and hit the exit switch (this exit leads to the 
secret level ;)).

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

Run straight to the wall at the beginning and pick up the Plasma Rifle (equip 
it too). Turn around and blast down the 4 Barons. When they're all dead, grab 
the goodie from each alcove (there's a Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, the 
Plasma Gun we got, Chainsaw, Backpack, and Computer Area Map, grab everything). 
Open the door in one of the alcoves, and go into the room.

Use your Rocket Launcher and Plasma Gun to kill all the Cacodemons in here, and 
when the room is empty, collect the health and ammo, then the Soulsphere. From 
the door we entered, check the wall across from it (the wall in the room with 
all the Cacodemons), and it should open. In this room, flip the switch to the 
left and the door to the right of it will open. Enter it and get the Blue Key. 
Exit it, open the Blue Door and get the Red Key. Exit that room, and enter the 
Red Door to get the Yellow Key. Open the Yellow Door and go through the exit 

Tip: If you don't have enough ammo, lure the Barons of Hell and Cacodemons into 
one room, and have them fight off each other. You can then kill the remaining 
enemies easily. 

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M6: Halls of the Damned

Go into the other room at the start. Kill any enemies here, and grab the Rocket 
Launcher. Open the door in here. Kill the enemy in front of you (if one is 
there), and hit the switch. Leave this room, and go back into the room we 
started in. Go past the new opening and go right. Go all the way straight, past 
all of the pillars, and hit the switch when you get to it. A platform to the 
right of it will rise, and use that platform to get to that Berserk Pack. Take 
it, and see that the platform around the pillars have lowered to just a slime 
pit. Get off the platform you're on, and RUN through the new opening in the 
western part of this room. Follow it to a switch and some health. Once you hit 
the switch, get out of this room, go left onto a platform, collect the health, 
and go left into a new opening, where there's a Blue Door, and to the right is 
a normal door. Go through the normal door, having a Shotgun or Chaingun ready.

Go all the way straight, killing any Zombiemen/Shotgun Guys in your way. When 
you have the choice to go left or right, go left. Go straight, and go left to 
get the Blue Key. Turn around, go right, then all the way straight (skip the 
hallway to the left as we progress), until you get to a brown opening. Go 
inside this dark, brown room (this is a maze if you were wondering). I don't 
know the exact guide to the door in here, but all I can tell is look around 
until you find a door in here, and kill any enemies in your way. Once you find 
the door, go through it, and go right, going through a hallway. When you get 
out of this hallway, go left, and take another left to a small room, and in 
here, and go left, and get the Red Key. Exit this small room, and backtrack 
your steps to the door, killing any enemies in your way. Go back through the 
door, and work your way out of this maze. When you do get out of this dark maze 
(to the bright white halls again), go left, and on this part of the hall are 3 
doors to the left. Each door is separated by a wall. Take the second one.

Use a Shotgun or Chaingun to blast the Zombiemen/Shotgun Guys/ in front of you. 
Follow this hallway to another door. Open it, go into this small room, and hit 
the switch on the right wall. A new passage behind you has opened. Go through 
it. Follow the long hallway to another room. On hard skill levels there will be
a Cacodemon in this room. Kill it, and open the door that has a Health Bonus 
in front of it.

In here, take either path to the other end of the room, and at the other end of
the room is the Yellow Key. Take it, exit this room, and back in this room, 
Imps have been released. Take a left, through this same long hall again, 
outrunning these enemies. When you wind of in front of the switch you hit, take 
the door on your right, follow the hall to the other door, open it, and turn 
right. Now, kill any new appearing Demons or Barons (on hard skill levels) in 
your way. Go left past the opening to the maze, keep going straight, and then 
as you go keep on heading straight, take a left to another hallway. Run 
straight to the door, open it. To the right, open the Blue Door. Go inside and 
open the Red Door. Go inside and open the Yellow Door. Go inside and hit the 
exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M7: Spawning Vats

At the start, you'll see two openings to go through. Take the one on the left.
Follow this hallway into another room. When you do get into the a new room, go
straight into another room, skipping the door on your right. In this room, kill
the Imps in here, and go right, heading down the stairs. In this large room, 
kill all the Demons in here. Grab the goodies. In the southeast part of the 
room, there is a lump with a switch on it. Hit it, and the lump will lower. Go 
through the hall into a bigger room. Kill the Cacodemon(s) and a Baron in here
(that only appears on hard skill levels). In this room, take the health, and 
get the Blue Key. Now backtrack your steps back to the room we started this 
level in.

In the room we started in, take the other opening we didn't go through. Follow
the hall into another room. In this room, open the Blue Door. Kill the Demon in
front of you, and go right and get the Chaingun. Now turn around, go straight
(not up the stairs), and go through the opening to the left of the staircase.
Kill any enemies here, and go up the stairs in the room. Follow the staircase 
to a platform with the Yellow Key.

From where you are, kill the Imps in front of you. When you do, hop off the  
platform and go through the opening north of the platform you just jumped off.
In this room, go left, and open the Yellow Door to your right. Go into the room
killing any Imps. From the Yellow Door, get all the way to the other end of the
room, and open the door to the right. Kill the Imps in here, and enter the 
alcove near the pillar. Follow the small hall to a switch, and hit it (kill the
Imp in here too). Now, exit this hallway to see the pillar has lowered. Get the
Red Key on it. Now leave this room and go left, out the Yellow Door. Out here,
go left, and then when you get to the "rectangular" hallway, go left, and when
you get to the wall, go right, and open the door. In this room, open the Red 
Door to your right. Go inside, and hit the switch on the right. The switch will
disappear, and hit the new one. Leave the Red Door, kill the Cacodemon, and 
take the bridge rising to the exit door. Open it, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M8: Tower of Babel

Congratulations, you've made it to the final level of episode 2! Anyway, at the
start, turn around, and hit all 4 switches on this pillar. Walk up to 1 of the
sets of the rising stairs, and walk up to the wall the staircase leads to. It
will open, and go inside and grab the goodies. Take out your Rocket Launcher
(or Plasma Gun, whatever you choose),then go outside and KILL THE CYBERDEMON!
Also, his exact location is the northwest part of the map. Here are some hints:

1. When facing the Cyberdemon, Strafe to avoid his Rockets.
2. Watch out for the Lost Souls on skill levels 3 and above. You could try
luring them in a fight with the Cyberdemon.
3. If you need health or ammo, go into the other power-up rooms, then go back 
out to kill the Cyberdemon.
4. Use the Rocket Launcher. It's your best hope.
5. At each corner of the map there is a pillar bigger than all the others that
is right next to the wall (they don't touch the walls, so there is a small 
crack between the pillar and the wall). If you are on one side of the crack and
the Cyberdemon is on the other, you can shoot through the cracks with your 
Chaingun or Shotgun, and his Rockets won't pass. This takes a while, and do not
touch the crack when the Cyberdemon fires his rockets, or you'll get damaged.
6. Pillars are scattered all around the map. You can hide behind one when the
Cyberdemon fires.
7. There are also 4 power-up rooms, and each contain Boxes of Rockets, 2 of 
them have Soulspheres, and 1 other one has a Rocket Launcher. Use them when you 
need to.

Once you defeat the Cyberdemon, congratulations!

Then, you get a little story:
You've done it! The hideous Cyberdemon lord that ruled the lost Deimos base has 
been slain and you are triumphant! But... where are you now? You clamber to the 
edge of the moon base to see the awful truth. Deimos floats above Hell itself! 
You've never heard of anyone escaping from Hell, but you'll make the bastards 
sorry they ever heard of you! Quickly, you rappel down to the surface of Hell. 
Now, it's on to the final chapter of Doom! - Inferno. 
A few seconds after the story is finished, you'll see a screen of what the moon 
base looked like. Press Escape, select New Game. Now pick Inferno, select any 
skill level, and you start Episode 3. 

Episode 2 index / Contents

Walkthrough for Episode 3: Inferno

E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Gate to Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens

E3M1: Hell Keep

Hit the switch in front of you at the start. Then, when the platform raises up
to the top, go to the door across from you. To the left and right of the door
are switches. Hit the one on the left, and the door will open. If you are
playing on harder skill levels, you will find a Cacodemon or two here (don't
worry, you should have plenty of ammo to kill them). Go through the door, go
straight. RUN across the bridge and run through the fake wall. The bridge
collapses as you walk over it, so if you fall into the lava pit, just go
through the opening and RUN back to the surface, and then follow the
walkthrough in the next paragraph. You'll pick up a Shotgun along the way. In
this room, pick up the Box of Shotgun Shells and kill any Imps in this map
(they appear on hard skill levels). Now, go through the short opening and
follow it to a switch. Hit it and it will open like a door, so go through it.

Back in this room, go through the opening to your left and you'll come across a
door, so open it. Then from the door, go right and open another door (you might
want to kill the Imps and the Cacodemon that appears on harder skill levels
here). Follow the hallway to another door, killing any Demons. When you get to
the door, open it, and open the door across from you. Kill all the Imps in this
room, and the next door is the exit door. Before you open the exit door, check
the walls to the left of the exit door until you find the secret. In the secret
room, there is a Stimpack, Shotgun Shells, and a Rocket Launcher. Now open the
exit door, collect the health and ammo in here, and go through the exit

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M2: Slough of Despair

If you notice, you'll recognize that this level is shaped like a hand. At the
start of the level, all you need to do is follow the left hand wall until you
get to the Blue Key. Once you have the Blue Key, turn around and you'll find a
pillar with a switch on it and a few Cacodemons. Hit the switch and go back to
where you found the Blue Key and you'll find another area. Kill the Spectre,
and pick up the Box of Bullets, Box of Shotgun Shells, and the Computer Area
Map (which can be helpful for this map). Now go back to where you hit the
switch. You'll see a wall in the shape of an arrow "pointing" to another wall.
Check the wall the arrow is pointing to and a secret door will open, revealing
a Plasma Gun.

From here, go to the "ring finger" of the map (the Blue Key was located in the
pinkie). Walk forward and the wall in front of you will lower, revealing
several Lost Souls. Be sure to kill all of them, as they can be very annoying
in this level. Once all of the Lost Souls are dead, open the Blue Door to your
right. The only thing in this room is a switch, so hit it. The wall to your
left will lower, revealing the exit teleporter, so step on it.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M3: Pandemonium

On skill levels 4 and 5, there will be a Demon in front of you. Kill it, 
otherwise get out of your starting alcove, turn left, and then right up the 
stairs. Kill the Imps in here, hit the switch on the north part of the room, 
and the pillar behind you will lower, containing the Shotgun. With your back 
against the last stairway you took, go straight, and then take a right, going
up a different set of stairs. Up here, go right, and work your way around over
here until you see a pit below you. Jump in it, go straight, down the stairs
into a Silver Room. Go right and grab the ammo and the Blue Key. Now head back
up the stairs, and hit the switch in this pit. Then the floor you're on will 
rise (don't jump off). At the top, take a left, and jump back into this 
familiar room (the room where we got the Shotgun).

Now, with your back against the stairs we took to get up here at the start of 
the level, go straight, and then left up the only staircase we didn't take. Up
here, go right again, and then work your way around until you find a pit below 
you. Jump in it, go straight, and collect the health. No go down the stairs in 
this ledge, avoiding the opening to the right as you progress. At the bottom is
a Invincibility Sphere. Take it, go back all the way up (skip the opening), 
back into the pit. Now kill the Lost Souls and Shotgun Guys here, and look 
around the other areas in this pit until you find a BFG (YEAH!!), and a 
Soulsphere. Now go down the staircase again, and go to the opening we skipped.
Then go all the way right, killing any enemies in your way. At the door you'd
stop at, turn left up the stairs, and kill the Imps in here. In this room is a 
gray platform that has a ledge you can step on. It can trigger a secret. Here
is a map to show how to open it up:

          |    X    |               |  <-- Blue Door 
          |---------|               | 
       |--|_________|--|            |
       |_______________|            |  

Say the X is you. Get on the small ledge, and walk forward. A wall in front of 
you should open. Kill any enemies that appear, and grab the goodies behind the 
wall that just opened (the ledge is the --- part, and you walk up to the ___ 
part that's shorter, and the other ___ part is another ledge).

In this room also is the Blue Door. Open it, and go inside. Kill the Imps in
here, and then open the exit door. In here, walk up to the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M4: House of Pain

Collect the Rocket Launcher and Rockets in this starting room, and go straight, 
heading up the stairs. Once you get to the top, just follow the hallway to a 
door. Open it. Follow this hall to a bigger room, and kill all the enemies in 
here from where you are. Then, run up to the 3 switches in this room. Hit the 
one in the middle, and turn around to see a platform rise (it won't if the 
crushing pillar has lowered into the pit), and collect the Chaingun and 
goodies. Then, go back and hit the switch on the left, and turn around again 
and see a platform rise (like I said before, it won't rise if the crushing 
pillar has lowered into the pit). From the new platform that just raised, 
collect the Invincibility Sphere and health. No go back and hit the switch on 
the right. Then enter through the opening to the right of it. Follow this hall 
to another opening.

Go through the opening, and go straight. Go through the next opening, and then 
go all the way straight in this large room (skip the two large openings to the
right), and then there will be another opening to your left. Skip it, and go 
into the opening we're heading to. Kill the Lost Souls and the Baron that 
appears in here on skills 3 and up, and get the Blue Key in this opening we're
in. Then turn around, get out of this opening, go right, and take another right
into the opening we skipped. Get to the other end of the room to the Blue Door.
Open it.

Kill the Imps in this room, and go straight, opening the door (across from the
Blue Door, not to the left, the wall across from the Blue Door is a door). 
Then take a left, and in this room is a blue square. Step on it a few times, 
and a door should open that we can't open on our own. When the door is open, 
run through it, and go right. Follow this hall to another room, turn right, 
kill the Imps in here, and run to the pillars that have switches. Go to the 
pillar on the left, and hit the switch on the west side of the pillar. Turn 
around, go right until you bump into a wall, and turn right again. Go through 
the opening we just opened, and get the Yellow Key. Now go back, and hit the 
west switch on the right pillar. Now go straight, and left until you hit a 
wall, and go right, into another opening we just opened. Now open the Yellow 
Door, and get the Red Key. Now return to the pillars, and hit the south switch 
on the right pillar. Now go right, take a left, and then right into this 
opening. Open the Red Door in this room. 

Go left, until you hit a wall. Turn to your right and kill the Lost Soul. Check 
the wall he was guarding, and it should open. Grab the Radiation Suit, turn 
around, run straight through the lava pit, grabbing the health if you need to.
Then, run into the pit. Open the door down here. Follow the hall to the exit
door, and then go through the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M5: Unholy Cathedral

At the start, you can see 2 openings. Take the one on the left, and open the 
door inside. Go in, and grab the Shotgun Shells to your right. Then turn 
around, and follow the hallway to 2 doors. One of them leads to 4 teleporters.
Go through that door, and walk on the teleporter. When you get warped to a new
place, a door will open, and the room has power-ups, and a Demon or Baron 
(depending on the skill level). Go in the room the enemy came out of, and grab
the goodies (this will add to your secret percentage). In each corner of this
room is a teleporter. Take the teleporter in the northwestern part of this room
(use your Automap for to find the exact teleporter). 

In this new room, kill all the enemies here. Heal yourself with the Medikits in
here too. Also in this room are 2 doors next to each other. Take the one on the
right. Go into the room, and follow the hallway to a red pillar. Walk through
it from the south end, and then the wall in front of you will lower. Go into 
this room. In this room, there's a crushing pillar in each corner of the room
with a switch behind it. Hit the switch under the northeast pillar, and then in
the northwest part of the room, a platform will lower, containing the Blue Key.
Now, behind the southwest pillar in this room is a teleporter. Go through it 
(the pillar locations are from the entrance of the room).

Now, we're in this familiar room again. This time take the left door. Follow 
this hallway to the Blue Door, killing any Imps or Lost Souls in your way. Go
through the Blue Door, go left, open the exit door, and go through the exit

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M6: Mt. Erebus

You need to be quick with my instructions on this level. At the start, go left, 
and cross the lava pit, and stop when you get top another platform. From where
you are, look around for a staircase. Climb it, and when you get to the top, 
jump off to the floor in front of you. Kill the enemies here, and on this 
platform, collect the weapons, and the Invincibility Sphere. Once you collect
the Invincibility Sphere, face the small platform where you got the weapons, 
and *run* right, onto another platform. On here, *run* to the wall with skull
heads on it. From the wall, go left, then right, and jump into the pit. Now 
*run* straight, heading towards the teleporter in the small alcove. When you do
teleport, open the door in front of you. You may pick up the Blue Key on easy
skill levels, but it's not needed for these instructions.

In this room, you NEED to be invincible, otherwise you can't do the next part
safely. From the door, check all the walls to the left until one opens (the 
secret wall has a tiny candle in front of it). Inside the secret alcove, go 
through the teleporter. When you get teleported you here, turn around, and when
you do, go *slowly* right onto a smaller ledge. Facing the wall, to the right 
on the smaller ledge, switch to your Automap and make your you (the arrow) has
its back to the Blue Box. If you are, read this next sentence: YOU MUST STILL 

Then, when your back is to the Blue Box, take out the Rocket Launcher, save 
your game (if you are invincible). If you are playing on Skill Level 1, hold 
Shift. Fire. Right when you fire, hold down. If you do make it to the box, jump 
in. On Skill Levels 2 and up, you don't need to hold Down or Shift. Getting 
here Invincible and making it in the box takes a lot of practice, so keep 
trying to get in the box. When you are in the box, hit the exit switch (this 
took you to the secret exit ;-)). 

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M9: Warrens

Hey, this level is a replica of E3M1! How cheap! Anyway, hit the switch in 
front of you. When the platform lowers, head straight to the door and hit the
switch to the left of it. The door will open. Go through the opening to the
right, and open the door. In this room, open the door to the right. Now, open
the door at the end of this hallway. In this room, open the door across from 
us, and kill the Imps inside. The secret to the left of the exit door is still
here. Open the secret wall and get the stuff. Now go through the exit door and
step on the exit teleporter. Hey! The wall in front of us is lowering! Get to 
the other end of the room, grab the Blue Key, avoiding the Cyberdemon in here
(you don't need to kill it, don't bother). If you can, grab all the new goodies
in here, and when you are done, backtrack to the starting room, avoiding any 
new appearing enemies. 

In the starting room is a new alcove. Take out your BFG, and go through the 
alcove. Sooner or later, you'll teleport. When you do, take that BFG and kill 
the Cacodemons in front of you. If you have enough ammo, use it to kill the
Shotgun Guys that will ambush you from both the right and left. From where
the Cacodemons were, go left and grab the Red Key. Turn around, go straight, 
and when you get to where the Cacodemons were, go left, and exit this room back
into the starting room. Go to the door, hit the right switch (it is a Red Door,
and you may need to hit it a couple of times), and go inside, through the exit

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M7: Limbo

At the start, go straight, into a bigger room. On the western part of the room
is an opening. Go through it. Then, go left, and right. Follow this hallway to
a blood pit. Pass it. After you pass the blood pit, there will be an alcove to
your right. Go in and hit the switch. Turn back around and head right, and then
get the Blue Key. Kill any Demons that come towards you. Now, backtrack your 
way out of this maze, to the big "O" room. Cross this room (or take the 
platform to get around safely), and go in the opening across from the one we 
just came out of (avoid any new enemies). In this room, there are 2 Blue Doors.
Take the one on the left. Go through it (pick up the Shotgun Shells next to the
Blue Doors).

Cross the bridge in front of us, and still head straight. Jump into the small
pit, and go straight. Kill the Cacodemon in here, and pick up a Radiation Suit.
From the alcove we just came out of, take the opening on the left. In this 
small hall, go straight, getting into another room. Kill the Shotgun Guy, and 
go straight into another opening. Now, follow this hall to another opening. 
Follow it to a teleporter. DO NOT GO THROUGH IT. Before it is an opening on the
left wall. Go through it, and at the end of the opening, turn left into another
platform. Kill the Shotgun Guy on this one, collect the Cell Ammo, and pick up
the Red Key. Open the Red Door in here, and flip the switch. Now turn around, 
go straight, and then right. Now go through the teleporter. 

You will be right near where the Blue Key was. Get out of here again back 
Into the large "O" room. This time, go through the opening to the left. To the 
Left and right of you, there are 2 pillars. On the northern part on both are 
small openings that lead to a teleporter (each pillar I tell you to go to will 
have a small opening leading to a teleporter). Get to the pillar on the left, 
and take the teleporter. On this platform, hit the switch. Now, take the 
teleporter back, and go through the teleporter on the eastern part of this 
room. When you do teleport, get the Yellow Key across from you, and take the 
teleporter back. Before leaving this room, get on the platform to the left of 
the opening, and kill the Demon. Grab the health and a Radiation on this 
platform, and now exit this room. Now go right, and through the opening. This 
time, go to the large blood pit we passed on the way to the Blue Key. Get to 
the pillar in this pit, and go through the teleporter inside. When you get to 
this room, go straight, and turn right and hit the switch. Get out of this 
room, and back in this huge blood pit, get out of here and go to the "O" room 
again. Get to the middle, and go through the teleporter inside the pillar. 

In here, go straight. Open the Yellow Door, collect the Health, and hit the 
switch. Return to the teleporter. When you get to the "O" room again, go right,
into here again. Instead of going left this time, go right, take another right,
and then left, into the blood pit. In the blood pit, take the teleporter inside 
the pillar. In this room, open the Yellow Door, cross the bridge, open the exit 
door, and go through the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M8: Dis

Congratulations, you've made it to the final level of episode 3! Anyway, open 
the door in front of you. Go straight, and get out of the opening. Go right and
kill and kill The Spider Mastermind. Here are some tips:

1. If you have a BFG with at least 120 cells, you can use that to kill her. It
will only take 2-3 blasts.
2. On any skill level, you can have the enemies attack the Spider Mastermind to
weaken her.
3. In the center of the room, open the door. Inside is some Armor and a Plasma
4. You can stay in the center room, and take potshots at the Spider Mastermind
every now and then.
5. Also, on the platform surrounding the level there are Rockets and Cell Packs 
if you need them. To get them, use the staircase in the east part of the room.

Once you defeat the Spider Mastermind, congratulations!

Once the Spider Mastermind is dead, you get a little story:
The Loathsome Spiderdemon that masterminded the moon bases and caused so much 
death has had it ass kicked for all time. A hidden doorway opens and you enter. 
You've proven too tough for Hell to contain, and now Hell at last plays fair - 
for you emerge from the door to see the green fields of Earth! Home at last. 
You wonder what's been happening on Earth while you were battling evil 
unleashed. It's good that no Hell-spawn could have come through that door with 
After the story comes the "ending". You'll see the green fields of Earth with
peaceful music playing. Also you'll see a bunny in the grass...how cute...until
the music gets intense and you see a picture of a city blowing up. You'll even
notice the dead bunny on a stick. Once the ending is over, press Escape, New
Game, then select Thy Flesh Consumed as the episode. Then, select the skill
level, and you start episode 4.

Episode 3 index / Contents

Walkthrough for Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear

Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed, is only found in "The Ultimate Doom". If you
have "Doom" instead of "The Ultimate Doom", you will not be able to select this
episode from the list. You'll only be able to go as far as Inferno.

However, hope is not lost. If you are one of those unfortunate people without
Thy Flesh Consumed, then follow this link over to Doomworld:


From here, you will be able to patch your version of Doom up to the Ultimate
Doom. If your version of Doom is older than 1.9, simply select the version you
have to patch it to 1.9. Once your version of Doom is up to date, then you will
be able to patch it to Ultimate Doom. This is free and legal by the way, so
don't worry.

E4M1: Hell Beneath

Collect the Shotgun in front of you, and head out of this room. Take a left, 
and go right, into another room. Kill the Imps in here. From where you just 
entered this room, Go all the way right and hit the switch. Now turn around, 
and exit this room. Kill any Shotgun Guys that just teleported. From where you
exited this room, go all the way straight, then left, and another left to an 
opening to the right. Go through this hall, and jump in the slime pit in front
of you. 

When you get to the slime pit, turn right, and take another left, going up a 
set of stairs. Kill the Shotgun Guys and Imps in front of you. Go straight,
heading up another set of stairs, grabbing a Chaingun. At the top of the 
stairs, go left and grab the Red Key. Turn around, and go back down the 
staircase. When you get to the bottom of the stair case where you just took,
activate the lift to your right. When you get to the top *run* straight to land
on the platform in front of you. Now get to the Red Door across from us. Open 

Go straight to the wall in front of you. To the left and right of it are 
Paths to the same area. Take either one to an opening. Enter the opening to get 
the Blue Key (kill the Imps here too). Now exit the Red Door, and get back to 
the opening we took to get the Red Key. Go through the opening, go right, then 
all the way left to get to the Blue Door. Open it, and go through the exit 

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M2: Perfect Hatred  

Kill the 2 Shotgun Guys in front of you at the start. Collect the health on 
this platform too. From where you started, kill all the Imps, Demons, and 
Cacodemons heading your way. Also from where you started, there are 2 sets of 
stairs in front of. *Run* through the one on the left to make sure you land on 
this platform. On this platform is a switch. Flip it. Turn around to see a new 
opening. *Run* to get to it. 

In here, kill the Imps and Shotgun Guys near you. Jump into the pit and grab 
the Radiation Suit down here. Before you hit the switch, turn left. See that 
"triangle"? Here's a map if you don't know what I'm talking about:

     / \     
    /   \_____

                              / \
The _____ is the switch. The /   \ is the triangle (you can see it in the 
Automap). Walk up to the triangular wall and you'll hear a door open. Now, get
to the switch. Before you hit the switch, save your game. Now, hit the switch. 
When you hit the switch, turn right and *RUN* to the rising platform. Follow it 
to the platform we didn't go to yet, and *run* again, to get across the small 
gap. Pick up the Plasma Gun, and a hidden door will open, containing a Baron of 
Hell, an Energy Cell Pack, and the Yellow Key. Kill that Baron with your new 
Plasma Gun, and get the Yellow Key. Now drop back in the pit again, and go 
through the opening. Go straight, heading to a teleporter. Go through it. 

You're back at the starting room again. This time, *run* through the staircase
to the right. When you land on this platform, hit the switch in between the 
yellow bars (the Yellow Key is needed). When you hit it, turn to the right and
kill the Lost Souls that just appeared. When they're gone, *run* to the 
platform they were on. Get the Armor and Rocket Launcher, and then on this 
platform, there's part of the platform in front of an opening. Once again, 
*run* to get to it. Jump in the pit below, and kill any Cacodemons and Spectres
down here. If you want to save ammo, there's a Chainsaw you can get down here.
When everyone is killed down here, explore this room for another opening that
has a staircase. When you do find it, climb the stairs to a teleporter, but 
don't go through it yet. To the left of it is an opening. Inside is another 
Baron and a Blue Key. Take down the Baron, and get the Blue Key. Now go through
the teleporter.

You'll be at the starting room again. *Run* through the staircase at the left
again. *Run* straight again, crossing to get to another platform. See that blue
pillar? First, blow up the Barrel in front in of it, at a safe distance too. 
Then, open up the blue pillar (same thing as a Blue Door), and climb up the 
stairs. Behind a lump is a Cyberdemon. Ignore it (don't shoot it, and walk up 
to the door, and it will open by itself. Kill the Cacodemons in front of you. 
Then turn around, go back down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, go 
left, and take the teleporter. Save your game before you enter the teleporter.  
You will be where the Cyberdemon is. You should telefrag him, and he should be 
killed like that. Get the BFG here, and lower the lump. When it lowers, go 
right, *RUNNING* into the pit, following the right wall (be quick). If you were 
quick enough, you'll get to this opening. Go inside, and hit the exit switch 
(this took you to the secret exit ;)).

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M9: Fear

At the start, open the door in front of you. Collect the Shotgun in here, and 
open the other door in here too. Kill the Zombiemen in front of you, and from 
the door, hit the switches to the right and the left. When you do, turn back 
around, go through the doors again. When you get out of the second door, go 
straight, and when you get into a hallway, go right. When you get to a door 
(not the one to the left wall), turn right and face the gap to your right. See 
those pillars to the right that have openings in between them? Use this map:

|     |  / Y\
|        \  /
|     |  |  |
|        |  |
|     |  |  | 
|        |  |  
|     |_  _  _  _  _   _   _  _   _  
|        X 

Say the X is you. The Y is the Yellow Key. The spaces between the | and _ are 
openings you can run through. Now, see that opening in front of the pathway? 
Now, back up, and go through the opening and you'll be on the pathway. Cross it 
to the Yellow Key. Now, drop down to the pit below you. Down here, step on the 
teleporter next to you. 

On hard skill levels, you may telefrag a Baron when you get here. In this 
little "cage", flip the switch on the pedestal. Then, go right, then run to the 
door. Then, in here, take the staircase on the right, and kill the Shotgun Guy 
at the top, and then open the door. Kill the Imps and Shotgun Guys in here. 
From the door, go straight and take the lift down. When you get to the bottom,
open the door in front of you. Go through, and then left. Follow this hallway
to a door on the left wall. Open it. Go through. Follow this hallway to a 
Yellow Door, killing any Demons, Imps, Zombiemen, or Cacodemons in your way.
Open the Yellow Door, and get to the exit switch (don't flip it). Facing the 
exit switch, turn around, and check the walls. When part of the wall opens, get
the Backpack inside. Now go back and hit the exit switch.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M3: Sever the Wicked

Collect the Shotgun Shells and Shotgun in front of you, and run straight into 
A pit. Kill any enemies down here. Now, go down the staircase, and kill any 
Imps and Shotgun Guys down here. From the bottom of the staircase, go left, 
where you see 2 staircases (one goes up and one goes down). Head upstairs, and 
follow this hallway to a door. As you approach the door, a hidden door behind 
you will open. Kill the Imps inside, and grab all the goodies in here, 
everything you can get (this adds to your secret %). Then turn around and open 
the door. Kill any enemies in here, including that Baron on hard skill levels. 
When everyone here is dead, drop in the pit. Down here, get to the normal 
floor, not this harmful lava. On the floor we're on is a pedestal with a switch 
on it. 

Hit it. The platform in front of you will lower, containing the Red Key. Grab 
it, and turn around. Kill any enemies down here, and down here, follow the 
right hand wall to an opening. When you get to it go through. In here grab the 
Rocket Launcher. Now see the switch to the left? Face it then turn around and 
face the wall behind you. Open it like a door in go through. In here head up 
the stairs in front of you. At the top grab the Shotgun Shells, Rockets, and 
the Soulsphere, head back down the stairs, and leave this place. Back in here, 
take either path to the teleporter (left or right), grabbing the Boxes of 
Rockets. Take the teleporter.

When you teleport, kill the Spectre in front of you. Then, check the wall 
across the teleporter. It will lower. Run straight, outrunning these enemies.
Over here, you have 3 paths to take. Take the one on the left. When you get to
the wall, go left, and take another left, up the set of stairs. Kill any new 
appearing enemies here. From the set of stairs, go straight, and then turn 
right, up a staircase. Up here, head straight to get to a lift, leading up to 
where we started. When you get to the top, go left, and take a right into an
"outdoor hall". In this hall, open the Red Bars, and kill any enemies here, 
including that annoying Baron. From where the Red Bars are, Go straight, 
towards that pillar in front of you. Behind the pillar is the Blue Key. Grab 
it. Now turn back around, exit this room, into the platform where you started 
this level. On this platform, go all the way left (don't fall off), towards the 
Invincibility Sphere. Grab it, and fall off this platform to the left. Then, 
fall off again, into the blood pit. Down here, open the Red Door. Go inside.

From the Red Door, go left, and take the spiral stairs to the top. At the top,
take a right, getting to a staircase. Take the staircase to the Blue Door. Open
it. Go through it, and kill any enemies inside here. Follow this hallway to the
exit teleporter.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M4: Unruly Evil

Open the door in front of you. Collect the Shotgun and Shotgun Shells in here,
and kill the Spectres and Imps in here. When you do, take the lift across from
the door we took. When you get to the top, open the door in front of you. Go 
straight, and jump into the pit on the northeast part of the room. After you 
get in, go left (from the door), and take the lift up back up here. Now, go 
straight towards the stairs, but to the right of it is a new opening. Go 
inside, kill the Shotgun Guys, and grab the Red Key. Now turn around, go left,
and go left again into another opening. Open the Red Door, and go through it.

When you enter this room, go right, and hit the switch. Then, run left to the 
lowered lift. At the top, go right, and take the teleporter. When you get here,
you might telefrag a Shotgun Guy. Go right and hit the switch. Then, drop down
here, and hit the switch again. Go left onto the lowered lift again, and take
the teleporter to the left. Go left and hit the switch (you might telefrag a 
Shotgun Guy again). Then, drop down, hit the switch again, and run left to the
lift again. Now go straight, and through the exit teleporter.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M5: They Will Repent

At the start, go left, and take another left going downstairs, killing any 
enemies in your way. When you get to the bottom, go straight, and open the 
door. Go right, and when you get to an opening to the right, go in and open the
door. In here, go straight, activate the lift, killing any Imps or Lost Souls 
in your way. When you get to the top, take a right and get the Red Key, and 
kill any Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys up here too. Now, drop back down to the 
floor below you. Down here, head right to the door. Open it and go through. In 
here, walk straight until a wall on you lowers. Down here, go right until you 
get to a gap. Once you get to it, drop in it. Down here, head left and grab the 
Radiation Suit. Now, head up the stairs to the right.

This part of the level has one of the biggest shortcuts in the game, where you
skip the Blue Key and the Yellow Key all together. I recommend doing it, as
it's really easy and skips you from most of the hard parts. If you want to take
it, read the paragraph inside the asterisks.

At the top of the stairs, turn right. Now, follow the left hand wall until you
see an opening to the left of the pathway. Once you see it, drop down it. Down
here, get the Soulsphere and then go through the narrow opening. You'll find
yourself in a bigger area, with Shotgun Guys on platforms above you. Stay on
the right hand side of this room and go straight. You'll see a larger platform
across from you that has Demons on skills 3, 4, and 5. Kill the Demons if they
are there and then RUN onto the platform. If you happen to fall into the gap,
then just follow the slime trail to a staircase. On this platform, RUN straight
across another small gap and you'll be in a larger room. Kill any Zombiemen or
Demons in here. Now, you'll see a Yellow Door in this room. To the left of the
Yellow Door is a window. RUN through the window and you'll find yourself in the
exit room, so quickly hit the exit switch.

At the top of the stairs, turn left. Open the door in front of you, and go 
through. In here, follow this hall to a Blue Key. Once you get to it, the floor 
you're on will lower. Now wait for it to rise back up again, and when it does, 
turn around and leave this room. Back in here, follow this path to a Blue Door, 
killing any Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, or Barons of Hell in your way. Once you 
get to the Blue Door, open it, and go through. 

In here, kill all the enemies on the platforms. Now, cross the platforms to an 
opening. In here, walk straight and the floor you're on will lower. Down here, 
you'll be in the room with the Yellow Key. You have two options: 
1. Use a trick to get past the Yellow Door without the Yellow Key and get to 
the exit.
2. Get the Yellow Key to open the Yellow Door and get to the exit.

If you chose number 1, position yourself in front of the window. Now back up,
and *RUN* straight, running through the window. You'll be in the exit room. Hit
the exit switch.

If you chose number 2, head down the stairs and get in front of the Yellow
Door. Now, head left. See that switch on the wall? Hit it, and it will open
like a door, so go through. In here, check the wall to your left and a hidden
door should open, revealing a Berserk. Grab it, and head through the teleporter
to your right. In here, slowly cross this narrow pathway to the Yellow Key.
Now, turn around and drop down to the pit in front of you. Down here, take the
teleporter in front of you. Now, when you teleport, open the door in front of
you (which is the switch on the wall). In here, follow the left hand wall to
the Yellow Door. Once you get to it, open it, and go through. In here, hit the
exit switch.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly

Grab the Shotgun Shells in front of you, and kill the Shotgun Guy in front of
you. Now work your way out of here into a larger room, killing any Imps, Lost
Souls, or Shotgun Guys in your way. When you do get into a larger room, you 
will see a platform having the Blue Key on it (you can't get it). Kill any 
enemies in here too. Facing the Blue Key, drop down into the pit in front of 
it, and go left getting to an opening. Go through it, and as you go, you'll see
a floor with ammo and a Radiation Suit on it. Get the Radiation Suit, get into
the blood river again going left. You will need to drop into the pit, but 
before you do, you'll see a pillar with a teleporter on top, accessed from 4
different lifts around it (depending on which lift you take, it will teleport
you to a different area). From our view, here's what we see:

       W |__| E

Say the X is you. Take the "S" lift to get to the teleporter. When you do 
teleport, grab the Chaingun in front of you, and run to get to the platform 
across from this one. Kill the Shotgun Guy and Spectres in front of you, and 
then go straight, heading up a set of stairs. Up here, grab the Health and the 
Blue Key. Then go back down the stairs, go straight, and get into the blood 
river again. Go left, get on the platform where we got the Radiation Suit, and
check the walls until a hidden door opens. Go inside, go straight, get past the
first set of stairs, but go up the staircase after it. Check the brown wall in
front of you, and it should open. Go inside, grab the Rocket Launcher, and kill
the Baron (don't use that Rocket Launcher, or risk committing suicide). From 
where we entered, hit the switch on the right wall. Then take a left and open
the door (it has a demon face on it). 

Kill the Imps and Shotgun Guys in front of you, and go straight, and then hit 
the switch in between the Blue Bars. Turn around, and climb the stairs to the 
right to get the Yellow Key, killing that Baron on Hard Skill levels. Turn back
around, and before you go into the pit again, here:

     W |   | E

The X is you again. Drop down, and use lift W to take the teleporter. When you
do teleport, go straight, follow this bridge to another room. In here, kill the
Imps, Spectres, and Shotgun Guys.. See that pole in between the Red and Yellow 
bars? Walk around it to reveal a teleporter near the Red bars. Go through it.
You will telefrag a Shotgun Guy. Drop into the blood pit, kill any Cacodemons 
here, and grab the Radiation Suit if you need to. Down here, open the Yellow
Door, kill the Imp, get the health, and hit the switch. Exit this room, go 
right, and take the teleporter. Now that the Yellow bars have been removed, 
run across the gap the get to the teleporter the bars were in front of. Take 

Go straight, and follow this hallway to the Red Key, killing any enemies in 
your way. Now turn back around, and exit this hallway. To the left a wall has
lowered, with a Cyberdemon behind it. Kill it (you need to, otherwise you can't
beat this level), using your Rocket Launcher and BFG. When you do kill it, 
*run* up a small ladder on this balcony, and cross the bridge to get to this
room again (this room had the Yellow and Red Bars). Get back in the blood pit,
and open the Red Door. Kill the Imp and Cacodemon in here, and hit the switch.
Now get back out of this room and go left, taking the teleporter. Now with the
Red Bars removed, get to the farthest to the right where the Red Bars were, and
look right. You'll see a platform with goodies and a teleporter at the end. 
*Run* to get to the platform, get the goodies, and take the teleporter.

When you teleport, you'll be on the platform where the Cyberdemon was. If he's
alive still, kill him. If not, take a left, get up the stairs, get to the room
past this one, and take the exit teleporter at the northeast part of this room.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M7: And Hell Followed

Get the Shotgun, and kill the Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys in front of you. Then 
go straight, and when you see 2 staircases to the left and right, take the one
on the left. When you get to the top, go left, and kill the Zombieman in front
of you. Then, get to the switch that the Zombieman was in front of, and hit it.
The wall in front of you should lower. Go inside, and take the staircase on the
right. At the top, go left, and get the Red Key on the platform, killing any
Lost Souls or Cacodemons in your way. Exit this room from where you came from

Just before the staircase in front of you is a staircase to the right. Go down
it again, and at the bottom, turn left, and open the door. In here, jump into
the pit across from you, killing the Shotgun Guys in your way. In the pit, go 
left. Follow this hall to a floor with a Radiation Suit on it (kill the enemies
in your way). From the Radiation Suit, turn left, and open up the Red Bars.
From the Red Bars, go straight, and take the lift on the left. Kill the Shotgun
Guy on it. Get to the top using this lift.

At the top, go straight, and hit the switch (watch out for the Baron up here on
hard skill levels). The wall in front of you will lower, revealing another 
Baron and a switch. Kill or avoid the Baron, and hit the switch. From the 
switch, go straight, and fall onto the ground below you. From here, go 
straight and then left, crossing this new bridge. On the platform it leads to, 
get on the flashing square, and then a lump should raise with a switch on it
(this is the exit switch). Hit this switch, and you're done with this level!

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M8: Unto the Cruel

Congratulations, you've made it to the final level of Episode 4, and this game! 
Anyway, get the Shotgun in front of you, and kill the Imps around you. Then go 
down the stairs, and flip the switch down here, and the door to the left will 
open. Kill all the Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Spectres in here (or let them 
fight). From the door we entered, go right, and follow this hall to a wall with
a Demon head. Check it. It should open, revealing the Red Key. Turn back around
to the door we entered to get here, and cross the bridge to get to this 
platform. On here, open the Red Bars, and kill the Baron. Also in this small 
room is a switch. Flip it. Now leave this platform and go back to the door we
used to get here. Follow the other hallway to a Demon head. Check it. Go in, 
and take the teleporter. 

Kill the Imps and Shotgun Guys in here. From the teleporter, go straight, and
head up the staircase. At the top, go left, and follow this bridge to another
platform. Kill the Baron on here that appears on hard skill levels, and get the
Armor. In here, go down the stairs, and follow this bridge into another room.
Kill the enemies in here, and hit the switch in here. When you do hit it, take
the lift down to the left.

Down here, follow this hall to the Yellow Key, killing any enemies in your way
(watch out for 2 Barons on hard skill levels). When you get the Yellow Key, 
turn around, go straight, and hit the switch to the left. Ride this lift up
again, and up here, backtrack your steps to the teleporter we used to get here.

In here, open up the Demon face door. Now cross the bridge to the center 
platform again, and this time open the Yellow Bars. Kill the Baron in here, and
hit the switch in this small room. Now, instead of crossing the bridge we used
to get here, cross the new bridge on this platform. Climb the stairs, and open
the door.

In here, walk around the pillar to get to the Spider Mastermind. Kill it. Here
are some tips.

1. Use your Rocket Launcher or BFG to kill her. It only takes 2-3 BFG hits to 
kill her.
2. On hard skill levels, there will be a few Barons in here too. You can use 
them to weaken/kill the Spider Mastermind.
3. Near the Spider Mastermind is a hidden area with a BFG and some ammo. Check
the walls while she's in a fight with an enemy so you don't risk being killed.

When you do kill the Spider Mastermind, the pillar we walked around will lower,
revealing the exit teleporter. Take it, and you've finished the game! 
Congratulations on defeating her!

Once you step on the exit teleporter, you get a little story.

The Spider Mastermind must have sent forth its legions of Hellspawn before your 
final confrontation with that terrible beast from Hell. But you stepped forward 
and brought forth eternal damnation and suffering upon the horde as a true hero 
would in the face of something so evil. Besides, someone was gonna pay for what 
happened to Daisy, your pet rabbit. But now, you see spread before you more 
potential pain and gibbitude as a nation of Demons run amok in our cities. Next 
stop, Hell on Earth!

A few seconds after the story is done, you can see a screen of what happened
after the ending from Episode 3. You'll see the Doom marine with a Shotgun in
one hand and holding the head of his dead bunny in the other hand. Someone's
going to get their ass kicked.

^_^ Woo-Hoo! I'm done guiding all 36 levels! ^_^ 

Episode 4 index / Contents

11. Secrets

Now I've decided to add a secrets section, which will really make my Ultimate
Doom Walkthrough Ultimate. This will cover every secret in the game. You can 
use my Walkthrough for parts of this section too. 

Episode 1: Knee Deep in the Dead
Episode 2: The Shores of Hell
Episode 3: Inferno
Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

Secrets in Episode 1: Knee-Deep in the Dead

E1M1: Hangar
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base

E1M1: Hangar: 4 Secrets

1. In the room with a zig-zag floor, walk up to the door, but check the walls 
to the right of it. One should open, so go through. In here get the health and 
ammo, then follow this hall to an opening, and go through. Out here, get the 
MegaArmor in the middle of the room.

2. Now go back and open the door, and in here, get to the exit door. Then turn 
around an go back to the room with the zig zag floor. Remember the platform 
with the Imp on it? It has lowered. Go inside and get the Medikit, Shotgun, and 
Shotgun Shells.

3. From Secret 2, get back to the Zig-Zag room. See the light posts at the 
north part of this room? Get to them. Now, turn around and face the opening 
that lead to Secret 2. Facing the opening, and with your back in between the 
light posts, back up. You should then see a wall lower in the Secret 2 room. 
*RUN* to the lowered wall, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here is a 
hallway of Armor Bonuses and a Box of Shotgun Shells, and an opening back to 
the zig zag room.

If the wall/lift raises before you get to it, get back to the light posts, back 
up a little bit, and the wall/lift will lower again (there is a trapwire you 
must step on that's between the opening in the light posts). 

Note: At the start, go to the room to the left. Between the staircase are 
pillars. On the east part on the right one is a switch. Flip it. Get back into 
the starting room, and to the right of the windows is a new opening. Go through 
it, and you'll be in the room with the MegaArmor. This can cut through the 
whole level almost. This is an Ultimate Doom Only Secret (this "secret" does 
not affect your secret %).

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M2: Nuclear Plant: 6 Secrets

1. At the start, take a right, and then left. See the walls to your left? 
Check them until a hidden door opens. Go inside and get the goodies in here. 

2. In the previous secret room, hit the switch in there. Then get out of that 
room, and there is a door to your right and left. Take the one on your left. 
Climb up the first set of stairs, and you'll see an opening next to you. Out 
here has a Chaingun, Box of Bullets, and a Soulsphere.

3. When you have the Red Key, go through the Red Door, and go in the room to 
your right. Hit the switch on the pillar in here, and leave this room. Across 
from you is an opening to a maze. Go inside. In the southeastern part of this 
maze is part of a wall in between 2 poles. Check it, and it should open, 
revealing a Backpack.

4. Also in this maze is a room with a flashing light. Shoot the wall where the 
light is flashing, and go inside. Going in here is a secret.

5. In here, get past the first 2 sets of stairs (don't go up any further). 
Check the walls after the second set of stairs, and a hidden door should open. 
Get in this small room (it has Armor Bonuses), and you have another secret.

6. Exit this maze, and go left, heading up the stairs. Cross this bridge, and 
get to the opening where 3 Medikits are. Before going down the lift, check the 
walls to the left of it, and part of it should open. Go inside (this has Health 
and Armor Bonuses), and here's your final secret!

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M3: Toxin Refinery: 7 Secrets

1. In the room with the Yellow Key (you climb stairs to get to here), climb the 
stairs, and you'll hear the sounds of 2 platforms dropping (both are in front 
of "Computer Walls". At the top of the stairs, go left, then right, and you 
should see one of the dropped platforms. Get on it, and when it gets as high as 
it goes, walk up to the "Computer Wall", and it should open. Going in here 
counts as a secret (there is a Soulsphere in here).

2. From secret 1, go straight, and you'll see the other platform being dropped 
platforms. Get on it, walk up to the "Computer Wall", and it should open. Going 
in here counts as a secret.

3. Stay in this room. Get into the slime river to the right, and go in the 
tunnel here. Follow it to a platform with a switch. Getting here counts as a 

4. On this platform, hit the switch, and check the walls to the right of it. A 
hidden door should open. Coming in here counts as a secret. 

5. With the switch hit, get back to the room we started in. A bridge should've 
rised. Cross it to get to a wall, and it should open. Coming in here increases 
your secret %.

6. From here, get to the secret exit switch (use the Walkthrough if you don't 
know how). Don't hit it. Facing the switch, turn around, check the wall, and it 
should lower. At the top, kill the Imp, and get the Box of Rockets. 

7. Whenever you have the Blue Key, open the Blue Door, and go right until you 
hit a wall. Check the walls over here, and part of it should open. In here has 
a good selection of items, and your final secret.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M4: Command Control: 3 Secrets

1. Check the walls to your left at the start. The wall should open, revealing a 
Medikit, Backpack, and Shotgun Shells.

2. Exit this room. In here, you have 3 openings to go through. Take the one on 
the far left. In here, jump in the slime river, and go left. Follow this river 
to a room. In here is a secret area. 

3. In here, is a switch. Hit it, and get to the rising platform next to you 
quickly. At the top is a Soulsphere. Take it, and you made all 3 secrets.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M5: Phobos Lab: 9 Secrets

1. At the start, get to the room across from you. In here, go up the stairs. Up 
here, destroy the barrels in front of the wall. When the barrels are gone, 
check the wall the barrels were in front of. It should open, containing some 
so-so items. 

2. When you have the Yellow Key, leave the hall you got it from, and jump in 
the slime pit in this room. From where the opening is (the opening that leads 
to the Yellow Key), check the walls across from it. Part of the wall should 
open. Go inside, and you'll be in a room with a Rocket Launcher, Box of 
Rockets, and MegaArmor.

3. Open the Yellow Door, and take either staircase to the other end of the 
room. At this end of the room, see the alcove with a Medikit in it? Go inside 
it, and check the wall the Medikit was in front of. It should open. containing 
a Radiation Suit.

4. Get in the small room with the Radiation Suit, and check the wall to the 
left. It should open, containing a Chainsaw.

5. Get into the small room with the Chainsaw, and check the wall in front of 
you. It should open, leading outside to a Soulsphere.

6. Get back into the room we got into the previous 3 secrets, and flip the 
switch. Turn around, go right, and to the left of the lift in front of the 
Yellow Door is a lift. Lower it, get on board, and then take it to the top. Up 
here, check the walls until the hidden door opens. Get in here and grab the 
Shotgun Shells. 

7. Leave this room (go through the Yellow Door), and get into the hallway 
across from you. Go up the stairs, go left, and take a right up another 
staircase. In here is a switch (it is a door). Check the walls to the right of 
it, and a hidden door should open. In here is a secret room with all sorts of 

8. When you have the Blue Key, open the Blue Door. Go left, and take another 
left, to a small, hard to miss opening. Follow this to a secret room, 
containing Light Amplification Visors (you'll need them in this room). 

9. From the Blue Door, there is a barrel in front of a wall in the western part 
of this room. Destroy it, and check the wall the barrel was in front of. In 
here is the final secret of the level, containing an Invisibility Sphere.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M6: Central Processing: 4 Secrets

1. When you have the Red Key, open the Red Door. When you have the Blue Key, 
jump in the slime pit, and go through the opening across from where the Blue 
Key was. Ride it up to a Soulsphere.

2. Get off the platform from secret 1, exit this opening, and get on the ledge
to the right. Go through the opening on here. It will count as a secret.

3. When you approach the Blue Door, a platform behind you will lower to your 
left. Kill the enemies in here, and go in. This is a secret.

4. In here, check the walls until a hidden door opens. Go inside, and open the
Blue Door in here. Grab the Yellow Key, go down the stairs, and go straight 
until you hear a door open (it won't open in here). Leave this room (use the 
hidden Blue Door), get to the large room from here, and in here, get to the 
other side of the room. Over here, there is a small opening with the slime 
river inside. Follow this to a room with goodies and a door. Here is your final
secret of this level.  

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M7: Computer Station: 4 Secrets

1. When you have the Yellow Key, go through the Yellow Door. As you get to the
Red Key, you'll see a pillar lowering, containing Shotgun Guys. Kill them, and
get on the lowered pillar. It should rise. Facing the staircase we came up 
from, *run* to get in the slime pit to the right while the pillar is rising. 
Get on the ledge down here, and you'll have a secret. To get out of here go 
through the opening on here, follow it to a wall, and open it.

2. Get back on the pillar, and do the same, instead *run* to the other slime 
pit we didn't go through yet. Down here, go through the opening. In here you'll
see a switch (which is a door). Open it, and coming in here counts as a secret.

3. Exit the secret #2 room, and go right. Follow this slime pit to a ledge 
with a Soulsphere on it. This is a secret. To get back inside, check the wall 
on this ledge, and it will open.

4. When you have the Blue Key, Go through the Yellow Door again. Before the 
Blue Door is an opening to the left. Go through, and then take the opening to 
the right. Check the walls in here it a hidden door should open. Go though here
and you'll have your final secret. Also, check the walls in here to find a 
hidden door leading to an Invisibility Sphere. 

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M8: Phobos Anomaly: 1 Secret

1. Hit the switch at the start. Jump down, and go left to the staircase. At the
staircase, check the walls to the right and a hidden door should open, 
revealing a Soulsphere.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M9: Military Base: 2 Secrets

1. In the room where you get the Blue Key, on one of the corners of the room is
a hidden lift. Take it down to a hidden room.

2. When you have the Blue Key, open the Blue Door, and check the walls to the 
right. In here are some hard to grab goodies.

Episode 1 index / Contents

Secrets in Episode 2: The Shores of Hell

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M8: Tower of Babel
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly: 4 Secrets

1. At the start, take the teleporter across from you. Then, in here, follow 
this room to a bridge surrounded by lava. Go through it, and hit the switch to
the right. Behind you, a lump will rise. Facing the switch you hit turn around
(don't go anywhere), and hit the switch in front of you. Then turn right and go
through the new opening to the left of the teleporter. In here has some goodies
and the Red Key. 

2. Now go back to the lump and hit the other switch. Now get to the room where
the Blue Key is. In here, a new teleporter has lowered. Go through it. In here 
are a few enemies, and a Plasma Gun and some ammo.

3. Go through the teleporter near the lump with the switches. Go straight, and
you'll see an alcove to the left. In here, flip the switch to the left (this is 
a door that opens only once), go in, and through the teleporter. In here is a 
secret hall with Health and Armor Bonuses.

4. Go open the Red Door, and go through. Then get the goodies in here.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M2: Containment Area: 12 Secrets

1. At the start, go straight. When you have the chance to go right or left, go
right. Follow this path to a wall (not any crates). At the wall, go all the way
left, to a crate. Walk up to the crate, and it should lower. Inside is an 
alcove with Shotgun Shells. 

2. From the Shotgun Shells, go left to an opening. In here, go left to the 
center of the room. From where you came, go right, heading to a door. Before
the door is an alcove to the left. Go in and hit the switch. The door will 

Go inside, and the stairs will raise. Up here, go left, and then take another
left. You'll see the Yellow Key across from you. Follow the lights on the 
ceiling to reach it (this isn't a secret). Turn around, and then go straight. 
Stop at the first opening to the left. Get on the lifts going up and down, and 
behind one of the lifts is a hidden opening. Go in and here's the secret. This 
room has a lot of Health Bonuses inside.

3. From secret 2, follow this hall to the crate maze again (go through the 
opening across from the door we opening by flipping a switch). In here, go 
straight, and then left. Open the Yellow Door. In this room, open the other 
door. In here, go right, and hit the switch. Turn around, and the pillar will
lower, containing the Chaingun. Get it for a secret.

4. Get back into the crate maze, and search for another Yellow Door. In here,
*run* all the way straight, getting the Backpack before it's too late. Now 3 
pillars will raise. Hit the switch on each. Now go through the opening, and 
turn left, into a new opening. Here is a secret.

5. Go through the opening to the right of this one. Get the Rocket Launcher in

6. Go through the opening to the right of this one. Here lays another secret.

7. Now exit this room, and in the crate maze, get to the room where we flipped
a switch to open a door. Go through the door again, and up the stairs. Up here,
go right. To the right of this opening is another room. Go through it, and then
straight until you hit a wall. Then go right, and go through the opening. Going
in this hall counts as a secret. Follow this hall to a Backpack.

8. When you pick up the Backpack. You will be trapped in here, and a wall in 
front of you will open, having enemies. Go in the new room, and you have a 

9. From secret 8, check the walls in here until a hidden door opens. Go inside.
In this hallway, check the walls to the right until a hidden door opens. Go 
inside, get the goodies, and you have a secret. To get out of this trap, get
out of here, follow the hallway to you hit a wall/door, and check/open it.

10. With your back at the Red Door, go left, and skip the first opening. Then
go inside the second opening. On one of the pillars is a switch. Hit it, and
go left to the lowered pillar. It has a Plasma Gun in it. Be warned that this
switch only works once, so if you miss the Plasma Gun, you can't get it. But I
have found a way to get this weapon if you missed it lowering. Face the pillar
the Plasma Gun is on. Next to it is a switch above you. If you get in front of
the pillar and face the switch at an angle, you can hit it. Get closer to the
switch while facing it at an angle. If you keep hitting Spacebar, you'll
probably hit it, causing the pillar to lower for good. Now you can get Plasma

              S   PG    |

Say the X is you. The rectangle ahead of you is the pillar, and PG is the
Plasma Gun. The S's are the switch which is high above you. But if you get up
to the switch (even if you are below it) and hit Spacebar when hitting it at an
angle, you have a chance to hit it.

11. Facing the Red Door, get to the crushing ceiling hall. In the crushing
ceiling hall, there is an opening to the left of one of the crushing ceilings.
Go through the opening, and follow it to a Chainsaw. Pick it up.

12. Get through the crushing ceiling hall, and follow this to a room with the
Blue Key. Before crossing the slime pit to get it, go right, and "hug" the
corner over here. To the right of the Blue Key, a wall will lower once,
containing a Soulsphere. So save your game before you attempt this one.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M3: Refinery: 6 Secrets

1. Skip the door to the right at the start, and go straight. Here, go left, and
then right, through the opening. Follow this to the Blue Door. Skip it. Follow
this hall to an opening to another room. Facing the opening, turn around, and
check the walls until a hidden door opens. Go in here and get the Backpack.

2. From secret 1, go through the opening now. When you enter this room, check 
the walls to the left until a hidden door opens. Go in here for a shortcut and
a secret.

3. In here, go right, through the opening, and then the opening behind the 
Shotgun. In here, take the opening to the left. In this room, go straight, and
jump into the lava pit. Go through the opening to the right, and climb the 
stairs. Up here is a secret with a Plasma Gun and an Energy Cell.

4. From secret 3, jump down, get the Blue Key, and open the door in here. Back
in this room, go right until you see an opening to the left. Go through, and in
this small room, go in the room across from you. In here are 2 walls in between
2 silver poles. One of them can open. Check both. When one of them opens, go
through, and you have a secret.

5. From here, get to the Blue Door. Open it. go right, and follow this hall to
another room. In here, go through the opening at the northwest part of the 
room. In this room with lots of pillars, get through the opening at the 
northeastern part of the room. In here, there are two slime pits. Take the one
on the right, and in the pit, go right (through any opening in between 2 
pillars), and then go right, through a small opening. In here is a secret, and
a Radiation Suit.

6. From the Radiation Suit, exit the room you got it from, and go through the 
opening to the right. Follow this hall to another room. In here is the final 
secret, and a Soulsphere.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M4: Deimos Lab: 10 Secrets

1. Check the flashing wall to the right of you at the start. It should open. 
Inside are some goodies.

2. Get out of secret 1, and take the teleporter to the right. In here, go 
straight, up either staircase. Up here, take the lift. When you get to the top,
take either way to an opening. From this opening, turn right, then left, to 
the red "pedestal". Walk around it in all directions, and the pillars should
lower. Also, behind the pillars, a new opening will lower. Get all the goodies,
then go through the opening, and here is a secret.

3. From here, get back to the lift, and jump off. Down here again, go straight,
and go through the opening to the right. From here, go straight until you get 
to the second opening to the right. Go in it, and when you get out of this 
small hall, turn right. If you were quick enough getting here, you should see a
hidden door shut. To re-open it, or if you didn't see it, shoot the walls with
a Fist, Pistol, Shotgun, or Chaingun to re-open it. When the hidden door opens,
go inside, and you'll get a Chaingun, Box of Bullets, and Invisibility.

4. From secret 3, get to the Blue Key (use my guide if you can't get to it). 
Now, stay on the platform where you got the Blue Key. On this platform is a 
switch. Hit it. The wall next to you will lower. Go in, and follow this hallway
to a zig-zag bridge (don't jump off from the ledges in here to the ground below
you, and watch out for the crushing ceilings). Get across the bridge, and get 
the Radiation Suit. When you get it, turn around, and jump off to the left, and
get the Berserk Pack. When you pick it up, you will have a higher secret %.

5. Down here from secret 4, go through the hallway. At the end of the hallway,
you'll get to the toxic "O". Out on this toxic "O", run to the left. This will
open a secret door on the other side of this toxic "O". So get to the other
side of this toxic "O" clockwise and you'll find an opening (it will be the
north opening on your Automap). Go through this opening. In this room, go right
and you'll find Demons, ammo, a Backpack, Health Bonuses, Armor Bonuses, a
Radiation Suit, a Medikit, and a Soulsphere. Step onto where the Health and
Armor Bonuses are to get credit for a secret.

6. Now, get to the Blue Door. Open it. When you get to the Yellow Door, go
left, and pick up the Yellow Key under the crushing ceiling. Now go back and
open the Yellow Door. Go inside. Go left until you see an opening to the left.
Go through and go down the stairs. When you get to the bottom, open the first
door near the stairs to the right. Go inside. Go in the slime pit in front of
you. When you get it, get in the opening to the right. Destroy the barrels in
front of you. Now that the barrels are gone, you can get the MegaArmor. Get it.
When you get it, you get a secret.

7. When you pick up the MegaArmor, exit this room. When you get out, jump in
the blood pit in front of you. Down here is a ledge with 2 Medikits. When you
get on the ledge, you get a secret.

8. You may think you're trapped down here, but you're not. Get to the other
ledge down here, and on this ledge, get into the smaller blood pit next to it.
In this blood pit, check the walls until a hidden door opens. Go in this hall,
go straight, and then right into another room. In here is a secret.

9. Oh no! We're trapped in secret 8! Don't worry, calm down. When you enter
secret 8, the wall behind you will raise, blocking the exit out of this room.
With your back on the wall, check the walls to the left, and a hidden door
should open. In here, follow this hall to a door/wall. Open it, and in here,
follow this hall back to the room with the 4 doors. In here, go back up the
stairs. At the top, follow the left wall until you drop into a pit (stay on the
left wall too). Down here, check the walls until a hidden door opens. Go
inside, and in here is a secret, with a teleporter and a Plasma Gun.

10. From secret 9, go through the teleporter. In this room, go through the
opening. Follow this hall to another room. When you get to the bottom, you'll
see a teleporter across from you. Go through it. In here, turn right, and jump
into the lava pit. In here, get to the platform to the left. Before going into
the teleporter here, hit the switch on this ledge. Now go through the
teleporter. In here, walk forward, turn around, and go through the teleporter
again. In this familiar room, turn right, and cross the bridge. Get to the exit
door. "Touch" it, and turn around. A next bridge has risen. Follow it to a

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M5: Command Center: 10 Secrets

My god, here goes another tough one. Oh well, here goes. Also note that some of
the doors in this level are skull heads/switches too. 

1. Open the door in front of you at the start. Now, go straight until you hit a
wall. From here, go right until you see a pool of blood. Step on it. A hidden 
door should open. In this small room is a secret. It contains a Box of Shotgun

2. From secret 1, backtrack to the start. Run straight to the same wall. From
here, go left to the Medikit. Step on it. Another hidden door will open. Go in
here and get the Box of Shotgun Shells.

3. Get out of secret 2. In this room, take either staircase. When you get to 
this room, take either staircase up here to another room. Get to the other end
of the room, and open the door. In here, there is a door to the left and right.
Take the one on the left. From your viewpoint, get to the top left corner of 
this room. Check the walls over here. A hidden door should open. In this secret
room is a Chainsaw.

4. From the Chainsaw, exit this room. In here again, take the other door. In 
here, go straight, then left, and over here, there is a door to the right and
left. Take the door on the left. In here, follow this hall to a staircase. 
Climb it. As you climb, you'll hear the sound of a door opening. Go back down 
the stairs, and as you go down, you'll see a new opening to the left. In here 
is a secret, and a Radiation Suit.

5. Grab the Radiation Suit, and go back up the stairs. When you get back up to
the top, open the door across from you. In here, take the staircase to the 
right. At the bottom, go across this thin slime pit to another one. In here is
another slime pit with an opening leading to another thin slime pit. To open
up the opening, pick up the Clip in front of the wall, and it will open. Go 
through the opening, the slime pit, and then you'll get to a platform. Getting 
to this platform counts as a secret.

6. There is another non-toxic opening in the secret 5 room. Go through it, and
you'll be in a room with 3 doors to your right. Take any door (all 3 lead to 
the same room), and in this room, jump in the slime pit. Down here are 2 
openings (one is larger than the other). Go through the larger one, and at the
end is an Energy Cell Pack, and credit for your secrets total.

To get out of this slime pit, exit the opening you're in, and go through the 
smaller opening (it has a teleporter). Take the teleporter. You'll wind back up
at the start.

7-10. Use my Walkthrough for these secrets, because your secret % will add up 
as you use my Walkthrough for this level. The secret is getting to the secret
exit, Fortress of Mystery.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M6: Halls of the Damned: 3 Secrets

1. Once you have the Yellow Key, leave the room from where you got it from. In
here, open the door across from you. In this room, get the stuff in the center
of the room. It counts as a secret.

2. Exit the Secret #1 room. In here again, go through the opening to the right,
and open the door. In here is a secret room, and a Chaingun (watch out for the
crushing ceilings).

3. To reopen the door in the Secret #2 room, hit the switch that is in the 
room (walk around, and a hidden door should open, revealing the switch). Then,
when you get out of this room, get to the opening across from you. In this 
opening, follow this hall to a door. Open it. In this room, open the Yellow 
Door. Go in. Hey! There's the exit switch! Let's hit it! 

What! It was a fake switch?! Anyway, when you hit the switch, the floor you're
on will lower, and you'll be able to see a new room. Down here, go straight 
until you hit a wall. When you do, turn left, and open the door. Go inside, and
in here is a secret. To get out, follow this hall to a wall. As you approach
it, it will open by itself. 

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M7: Spawning Vats: 6 Secrets

1. In the room with crates and many Demons inside, hit the switch on the lump
in this room. The lump will lower, allowing you to go past. In here, follow 
this hallway to a bigger room. Before going into the bigger room, you'll see a
staircase to the left. Climb it to the top. Up here, follow this hall to 
another room. In this room, go down the staircase. At the bottom, hit the 
switch in front of you. Then, when you turn around, you'll see a new opening. 
Go inside, and in here is a secret and contains some cool power-ups.

2. From secret 1, go in the big room we skipped and get the Blue Key. Now, 
backtrack all the way to the start. Now, go through the opening we skipped. 
Skip the Blue Door, and go through the hallway next to it. Follow it to another 
room. Now, somewhere on the wall to the right is an opening (it's not hidden).
Follow this hall to a room. In here is a secret, and a Plasma Gun is in this 

3. Stay in the secret 2 room. In here is a switch on the wall (it is a door). 
Hit it, and the door will open. In here is another secret, and a Chainsaw.

4. From secret 3, backtrack to the Blue Door. From here, get to the Yellow Key.
Once you have the Yellow Key, get to the Red Key. Now, get to the Red Door. 
Skip it, and go in the room beyond it. In this room, go all the way left to an
opening. To the left of this opening is an opening to the left. Go through it.
In this room has 7 small openings. One of them has a hallway leading to another
room. Look for the opening that has another hallway, and follow it to another 
room. This is a secret room. It has a teleporter and a Rocket Launcher. 

5. From secret 4, go through the teleporter. In this room, cross the lava to 
the Red Door. In here, open the Red Door. Go inside this small room, and you
have a secret. Remember to hit the switch in this room too.

6. From secret 5, go through the teleporter. In this room again, exit this
room, go back through the hallway, and in here, exit this room. Back in this 
room, go through the opening to the left. Now, follow this hall to another 
room. In this room, go through the other opening. In this familiar room, enter
the opening across from you. Follow the hallway to the Blue Door. Open it, go
left, and climb the staircase in front of you. At the top, you'll be in another
room. Hit the switch across from you. Now, backtrack to the Blue Door. Exit the
Blue Door, and go right. You'll be back at the starting room, and you'll see a 
new opening. Go inside, and you have a secret. Inside this opening is a 
Soulsphere and an Energy Cell Pack.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M8: Tower of Babel: 0 Secrets

This level is secret free!

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M9: Fortress of Mystery: 1 Secret

1. In the room you started in, one of the alcoves around you has a door. Open 
it. In this room, check the walls across from you, and a hidden door should 
open. Using my guide, this is where you exit the level (and a secret too). 

Episode 2 index / Contents

Secrets in Episode 3: Inferno

E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Gate to Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens

E3M1: Hell Keep: 1 Secret

1. Just before you open the exit door, check the walls to the left. A hidden 
door should open, and the secret has a Stimpack, Shotgun Shells, and a Rocket 

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M2: Slough of Despair: 3 Secrets

1. At the start, follow along the right wall until you get to wall. To the left
of this wall should be a small lava pool. Walk into the small lava pool, and 
the wall you went into should lower, revealing a Chaingun. 

2. From the Blue Key, head straight. See the area where the new Cacodemons are?
Get to the area they came from, and a triangular pillar should rise (you can 
see a triangle near the Cacodemons on the Automap). Hit the switch on it. Then, 
go back to where you got the Blue Key, and you'll see a new opening. Grab the 
Computer Area Map Inside. 

Again, go back to where you hit the switch. Switch to your Automap. Just near
you is a structure shaped like an arrow. Check the walls where the arrow points
to, and a hidden door should open. In here has a nice Medikit and a Plasma Gun.

3. Now, switch to your Automap again, and look around (press F, and use the 
keys to look around). You'll see that this map is shaped like a glove. See the
fingers on the map? Switch back to first person mode, and go through the middle
finger. In here, follow this hall to two switches. Hit the one on the left. An
opening will open, revealing a Soulsphere. 

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M3: Pandemonium: 6 Secrets

1. Get out of your starting alcove, and go right. Follow this hall into another
room. In this room, enter the opening to the left. While going down this hall,
look at the walls to the right, and you should see an opening. Go through, and
follow this hallway. When you get out, you'll be in a new room. Coming in here
counts as a secret. 

2. In secret 1, take either opening across from you. In this room, go left, and
you'll be in another room. In the blood pit to the right, you'll see an 
opening. Get to it. Go through, and you'll be in a room with a Rocket Launcher,
Backpack, and other goodies (you'll also get a Berserk).

3. From secret 2, backtrack all the way back to the hall you used to get to 
secret one. Exit this hall into the other room (not secret 1). In here, go 
right. You'll see an opening to the left. Go through, and you'll be in a room
that has a big pool of slime. Go in, and you'll find a platform with a Chaingun
on it. Get on the platform, and you have a secret.

4. From secret 3, exit this room. In here again, go left, and enter the 
opening. In this room, enter the other opening. In this small room, climb the
square stairs. At the top, go straight through the opening. In here, skip the
opening to the right, and go straight. In this room, there is a small opening
to the left. Go through it. Up here, go left, climbing the stairs. You'll get
to a small room with 2 Medikits. Getting here counts as a secret. 

5. From secret 4, go back through the opening you just came from. Go forward 
until you see an opening to your right. Go through it. In this room again, go
all the way right, through the opening. In this small room, go left, heading up
the stairs. When you get to the top, get to the other end of the room. When you
get to the wall, turn around. You should see a gray platform. Getting on it 
triggers a secret room. Here's how to get on it:

          |    X    |               |  <-- Blue Door 
          |---------|               | 
       |--|_________|--|            |

Say the X is you. Get on the small ledge, and walk forward. A wall in front of 
you should open. Kill any enemies that appear, and grab the goodies behind the 
wall that just opened (the ledge is the --- part, and you walk up to the ___ 
part that's shorter, and the other ___ part is another ledge).

When this happens, a hidden door in front of you should open. Get to it, and go
in the new room. In here is a secret, and some goodies.

6. Get out of the secret 5 room, and go right. You'll see an opening to the 
right. Facing the opening, walk up to the wall to the left of the opening. The
wall should lower. When it's finished lowering, you'll be able to access 
another small room. Getting in it counts as a secret (get the goodies too).

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M4: House of Pain: 4 Secrets

1. At the start, go straight. Just before the staircase in front of you is an
opening to the left and right. Take the one on the right. Now, follow this zig
zag floor to a door. As you follow along this floor, you'll see a teleporter in
the lava. Go in it. Coming in this empty room counts as a secret. 

2. Once you have the Blue Key, enter the Blue Door. In this room, there is a 
door to the left and across from you. Take the door on the left. In here, get 
to the other side of the room, and open the door. In this room, go left, and
open the door. In here, open the door to the right. In this small room, walk
forward to the switch. You'll drop in a small pit, picking up a BFG. Now, to 
get out of this room, hit the switch, the pit you're in will rise up, allowing 
you to exit this room.

3. Exit the secret 2 room. In this room again, open the door across from you. 
In this room, go right until you hit a wall. Check this wall. It should open.
In this secret room lies some useful goodies.

4. Whenever you have the Red Key, open the Red Door. In this room, turn left.
You'll see three openings to your right. Skip the first two, and go in the 
third one. In this opening, Check the walls until a hidden door opens. In here
is a Radiation Suit that you will need for getting past the upcoming harmful 

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M5: Unholy Cathedral: 10 Secrets

1. In the room you start in, there are 4 openings leading to doors. Go through
the opening on the far left, and open the door. In this room, check the wall to
the left. It will open. In here, follow this hallway to a small room. This 
small room has a Light Amplification Visor.

2. From secret 1, backtrack to where you opened the secret wall. In here, open
the door to your left. In this room, open the door across from you. In here, 
open the door in the western part of this room. In here, open the door in front
of you. Now get to the other end of this room, and get the Plasma Gun, Energy 
Cell Pack, and Soulsphere. This will count as a secret.

To get out of here, flip the switch in the alcove where you got those goodies.
The doors that you opened will re-open. You may need to hit the switch twice to
open up both doors. 

3. In this room, get to the northern part of this room. Open either door that 
are next to each other over here (don't open the one by itself). In this room,
go left, and through the opening, to the other part of this room. Over here, 
walk up to the wall in front of you, and it should lower. In here, follow this
hall to a larger room. In this larger room, check the walls to the right of 
you, and a hidden door should open. In this secret room is a Radiation Suit.

4. Exit the secret 3 room. In here, take the teleporter in the north part of 
this room. When you are teleported to the courtyard, a hidden door behind you 
on one of the buildings will open. Go through the new opening, into this secret 
room. In here has the Yellow Key.

5. Get out of the secret 4 room, back into the Courtyard. Now, get to the east
part of this courtyard (use your Automap). In the east part of this courtyard, 
check the walls until a hidden door opens. The hidden door is the Yellow Door.
This small and secret room has a Soulsphere and a Chainsaw.

6. From secret 5, take the teleporter in the northwest part of the room (use
Automap). In this room, go straight until you get to two doors. Take the one on
the right. In this room, follow the hall to a red pillar. Walk through the 
south end of the pillar, and the wall in front of you will lower. Go into this
new room you can access. To the right of you is one of the crushing pillars 
with a switch behind it. Hit the switch next to the crushing pillar. Facing the
switch, turn around, get out of the pillar's way. You'll see three openings to 
your right. Go through the opening in the middle, and in here, follow this hall
to a Rocket Launcher. You'll get credit for a secret.

7. Exit the secret 6 hall. Back in here (with the crushing pillars in each 
corner of the room), exit this room. In this room, check the walls to your 
right (not in the new opening to your right), and you should find a hidden door
opening. In here, cross the slime pit, through the opening, up the stairs. When
you get to the top, go straight, and collect the items in front of you. Getting
up here counts as a secret.

8. Exit the secret 7 room, get across the slime pit, and back here. In here, go
straight, pass the red pillar, and follow the hall to two doors. Open both 
doors. One of them leads to a set of teleporters (and the other doesn't open). 
Go through the teleporters. You'll be warped back to the courtyard. A hidden 
door on the building in front of you will open. Go through the new opening, and 
in here contains two Medikits and a Box of Bullets, and a secret.

9. Exit the secret 8 building. Back in the courtyard, take the teleporter in 
the northwest part of the room (again). In this familiar room, go straight, and
open the door on the left. In this room, follow this hall to two doors. One 
goes to a set of teleporters, and the other goes to a lava pool. Go through the
door that leads to the set of teleporters, and go through the teleporters. 
Again, you'll be warped to the middle of the courtyard. When you get here, a 
hidden door on the building to the right of you will open. Go inside the new
opening, and inside contains a lot of Health Bonuses and a Box of Bullets.

10. Again, get back into the courtyard from secret 9. Once more, go through the
northwest teleporter. When you get back into this room again, open the door to
your left. In here again, follow this hall to two doors (the ones that leads to
teleporters and a lava pool). Now go through the door that leads to the lava 
pool. In this room, open the door to your right. In this room, go left, and 
follow this hall to two doors. One leads to another room, and the other room
leads to a set of teleporters. Go through the door that leads to the set of 
teleporters, and take the teleporters. AGAIN, you'll be back at the courtyard.
When you get here, a hidden door on the building to the left of you will open.
Go through the new opening. In this secret room is a Box of Shotgun Shells, a
Box of Bullets, and an Invincibility Sphere.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M6: Mt. Erebus: 4 Secrets

1. At the start, go right, and cross the lava pool to another area of this 
level. When you get here, there will be a staircase leading to a door (on a 
building) across from you. Climb the stairs, and open the door. In this room,
drop down. Down here there is a teleporter to your left and right. Take the 
teleporter to your right. You'll be teleported to a platform on this building.
On this building lies an Energy Cell Pack and a Plasma Gun.

2. From secret 1, switch to your Automap. Just to the left of the building 
you're on is another building. Jump off this platform, and get to the building.
From the south end of this building, open the door, and go inside. Get to the
Berserk. Pick it up. From the Berserk, go right (with your back facing the 
door), until you get to a wall. Check this wall, and it should open, revealing
a secret, and an Energy Cell Pack. 

3. From secret 2, turn around, and go straight until you get to another wall.
Check this wall, and it should open. Go through the teleporter. When you 
teleport here, save your game. See that pillar with a Chainsaw on it just next
to you? Well run across this platform to get to the pillar. When you get to the
pillar, you get credit for a secret, and you can get a Chainsaw.

4. From secret 3, drop down from this pillar. Down here, take the teleporter
in the south end of the building we jumped off of to get to secret 3. When you
teleport, you'll be back here. Open the door in front of you. In here again, 
take the teleporter in the west part of this room. You'll be teleported back up
here. The secret is getting into the blue box with a switch inside. Use my 
Walkthrough for this part, but when you get in, you can go to E3M9, and you
get a secret (using an Invincibility Sphere for this part is highly suggested).

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M7: Limbo: 4 Secrets

1. At the start, get into the big room across from you. In here, go through the
opening at the west part of this room. When you get in here, use my guide to 
get to the Blue Key. Using my guide, just before the Blue Key are two alcoves
(one on land and the other in the lava pit). Hit both switches. Now go and get
the Blue Key. Once you have the Blue Key, turn around, and go straight, to the 
to alcoves with switches in them (don't go in them).

From these two alcoves, go straight, past the lava pool. Over here, you'll see
two openings to your right. Skip the first opening, and go through the second
opening. Going in this room counts as a secret (it has a few Armor Bonuses).

2. From secret 1, exit the opening you came from. Out here, turn right, and you
should see a new opening to your left. Go through it. In this secret room is a
Rocket Launcher and a Soulsphere.

3. Get out of the secret 2 room, and exit this maze, back into the big "O" 
room. In here, get to the other end of the room, through this opening. In this
room, open the Blue Door to your left. In here, cross the bridge in front of 
you, and then get to the other end of the room. Over here, drop in the small 
pit. Down here, go straight, and get to this room. In here, grab a Radiation 
Suit, and then with your back facing the opening you just game out of, take the
opening to your right. In this part of the maze, work your way to another room.

In this room has a teleporter (don't go through it), and a BFG (and a secret).

4. From secret 3, get back to the room where you got your Radiation Suit. In 
here, with your back against the opening you just came out of, enter the 
opening across from you. In here, work your way to another room with Radiation
Suits. In here, enter the opening across from you. In here, follow this hall to
another opening. Go through it. As you go, you'll see a teleporter across from 
you (don't go through it). Just before the teleporter is an opening to the 
left. Go through it. When you get out of this hall, turn left, and grab the Red
Key in this room. In this same room, open the Red Door, and hit the switch.  

Now turn around, and go straight until you hit a wall. Then turn right, and go
through the teleporter. Get out of this room you're in, back into the "O" room.
Again, get to the other end of the room, and through the opening. In here, now
open the Blue Door to the right. In this room, follow the wall to your right to
an opening. Go through. Follow it to a switch, Hit it, leave this hall, and 
*run* to the other end of the room (the switch made the wall lower for a few 
seconds), and hit the switch over here. If the wall rises on you, just check 
the wall you raised, and it will lower.

Now with the switch hit and the wall lowered, go left (with your back facing 
the switch you hit), and cross the new bridge. See the pillar over here? It has
an opening leading to a teleporter. Go through the opening, through the 
teleporter. When you teleport, you'll be on a platform across from the Yellow 
Key. This is a secret. On this platform is a Plasma Gun, Armor, and some other

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M8: Dis: 0 Secrets

Here is another secret-free level.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M9: Warrens: 1 Secret 

1. This is a replica of E3M1, right? So the secret is still in the same place. 
Just before the E3M1 exit door, check the walls to the left of it. A hidden 
door should open, containing a Rocket Launcher, 4 Shotgun Shells, and a 

Episode 3 index / Contents

Secrets in Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear

E4M1: Hell Beneath: 2 Secrets

1. At the start, go straight, and jump into the slime pit. Down here is a
hidden lift. Here's where it is:

                    ____              ________
               Red  |   | Slime Pit S|   |    |
              Door  |   |     X      |   |-------
                    |   |____________|   |                           
                    |                    |___     
                    |____________________|   |___|
                    |    Starting Room   | 

Say the X is you and the S is the secret. Check the platform the S is next to,
and the hidden lift should lower. Behind the lowered lift is a small room with
a Rocket Launcher and 2 Box of Rockets. Go in that room, and get the goodies.
When you get the goodies, check the walls to the left of where you entered this
room, and a hidden door should open. In this room is a secret, and you can take
either teleporter to get out of here.

2. When you have the Red Key, open the Red Door. When you enter, you should see
a torch to the left and right of you. Get in front of the torch on the left 
(face the torch), and press the space bar on it. Now, the wall behind you 
should lower. When it's finished lowering, step on the new "Nin" logo on the
floor. You should get credit for a secret (walk around the middle of the logo
to make sure you get a secret).

Now, when you try to leave this room, you will be trapped (the floor in front
of the Red Door will rise). To get out of here, hit the switch on the new wall,
and the wall will lower back into a floor.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M2: Perfect Hatred: 3 Secrets

1. At the start, *run* across the stairs to the left to get to the other 
platform. On this platform, hit the switch on the wall. Now turn around, and
*run* to get through the new opening you see. In here, drop into the lava pit.
When you drop down, turn around, and you should see a switch. Before you hit 
it, walk up to the pole to the left of the switch, and you should hear the 
sound of the door opening. 

Now hit the switch, and *run* all the way right to get to the rising platform 
before it's too late. When it's done rising, follow it to another platform. 
*Run* across the gap to get it. Over here, pick up the Plasma Gun. A door will
open, containing the Yellow Key. Grab it. Now turn around, drop into the lava
pit. Down here, go through the opening and up the stairs at the north part of 
this room. Now go straight towards the teleporter. Before you go through the
teleporter, check the walls to the left of it until a hidden door opens. In 
here is a Berserk and an Energy Cell Pack. Now go through the teleporter (it 
brings you back to the start).

2. Using my Walkthrough, get to the Blue Key. When you have it, use my 
Walkthrough to get to the Blue Pillar. Open it. Now climb up the stairs. When
you get to the top, walk forward to the door and it will open. When it opens,
turn around, go back down the stairs. When you get to the bottom, go left, and
go through the teleporter. You'll telefrag the Cyberdemon, and you'll get a 
secret, and a BFG.

3. From secret 2, use my Walkthrough to get to the secret exit. When you get to
the secret exit switch room, you'll also get credit for a secret. The secret 
exit leads to E4M9, Fear.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M3: Sever the Wicked: 20 Secrets

There is a slight error in this level. There were meant to be 22 secrets in 
this level, but 2 were missing in this level. So the highest % number you can 
get in this level is 90%.

1. At the start, go straight, and drop down to the ground in front of you. Down
here, go down the staircase in front of you. In here, go left. You'll see a 
staircase leading up, and one leading down. Take the staircase that heads 
upstairs. Up here, follow this hall to a door. As you approach the door, a 
hidden door behind you will open. Go through the new opening. In here lies 
useful goodies, and a secret.

2-19. From secret 1, go back to the door we were approaching, and open it. In
this room, drop down to the pit in front of you. Down here, go right, then 
left. You should see an opening with a switch and a Rocket Launcher in it. Go
in the opening. In here, check the wall across from the switch, and it should
open. In here, climb the stairs to the top. As you climb up the stairs, your 
secret % will be raising until you get to the top.

20. From the top of the stairs of secrets 2-19, go in the room the staircase 
leads to. In here is another secret, and it has a Soulsphere and some other

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M4: Unruly Evil: 2 Secrets

1. At the start, open the door in front of you. In this room, lower the lift in
front of you, and get on it. When the lift rises face the door in front of you, 
go left, and follow the hall to an area of torches. Over here, get in front of
the Green Torch. Facing the green torch, hit the spacebar, and the floor you're 
on will lower. Down here, go through the new opening, and stay where you are. 
When the floor rises again, go through the only opening you can access here. In
this room is a teleporter, a secret, a Rocket Launcher, and a Box of Rockets.

2. From secret 1, take the teleporter. When you teleport, turn around, and open
the door. You'll be in this room again. In here, go right, and follow the hall
to the torches again. Again, get in front of the Green Torch, and press the 
Spacebar. The floor will lower again. Go back through the opening, and in this
room, take the opening to the left this time (instead of having the floor rise
again). In this room is a teleporter, a secret, and a Berserk. 

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M5: They Will Repent: 2 Secrets

1. From the start, use my Walkthrough to get to the Red Key. In the same room
where you got the Red Key, open the Red Door. In this room, check the walls to
the left of the Red Door until a hidden door opens. This secret room contains 2

2. From secret 1, use my Walkthrough until you get to the Yellow Door. When you
get to the Yellow Door, go all the way left, and hit the switch (it is a door).
In this room, check the walls to the left and a hidden door should open. In
this secret room has a Berserk Pack.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly: 3 Secrets

1. At the start, go straight, into another room. In here, work your way to a
larger room. In here, get to the northwest part of the room. Over here, there
are two openings (one near the wall and one to the left of that opening). Go 
through the opening that is not next to the wall. In this opening, go straight,
and just walk through the wall, and you'll be in a secret area. In this secret
area has a few Energy Cells and a Plasma Gun.

2. From secret 1, get back into the larger room. See that platform with the 
Blue Key? Facing the Blue Key, drop down into the pit in front of it, and head
right. Now follow this hall until you see a non-toxic floor to your right. Get
on it. On here, check the walls and a hidden door should open. In this secret 
room is an Invisibility Sphere, and a lift. Lower the lift, ride it up, and at
the top is a Soulsphere.

3. From the Soulsphere in Secret 2, drop down. You'll be in this room again. 
Facing the Blue Key, drop down into the pit again and go left. Now follow this
hall to a non-toxic floor to your left. Get on it. On here, check the walls and
a hidden door should open. Getting in this room counts as a secret. 

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M7: And Hell Followed: 4 Secrets      

Note: There may be 4 secrets in this map, but you can only get a 50% secrets
score without cheating. This is because there are two areas that the player
cannot get to without cheating, and both of these areas are marked as secret.

1. You need the Blue and Yellow Key for this one. At the start, go straight, 
and go down the stairs to the right. Down here, go left, and hit the switch to
the right (this is a door, and go through. In here, follow this hall to a 
switch. Hit it, and a pillar to your right will lower, containing a Soulsphere.
Pick it up, and the wall in front of you will drop, revealing the Blue Key.

Now, exit this room. Back here, go up the stairs to the left. When you get to 
the top, go up the stairs in front of you. Up here, go left, and hit the switch
(this is another door, and enter this room. In here, go up the stairs to your
right. Up here, go straight to a wall with a demon head on it (this is the Blue
Door). Open it. Go through the teleporter across from you.

When you teleport to this room, pick up the Yellow Key in front of you. Now 
turn around and go through the teleporter. You'll be teleported in front of the
Blue Door. In here, go straight until you get to the 4 sets of stairs. Take the
staircase to the right, and hit the switch (this is the Yellow Door). 

In here, go down the stairs to another room. In here, turn right. If you're
playing on skill levels 1, 2, and 3, you'll find two Boxes of Rockets. On skill
4, you'll find a BFG and three Energy Cell Packs. Check the wall in front of
these items and a secret door will open. In this secret room, you'll find two
Medikits (skill levels 1, 2, and 3 only), a Rocket Launcher, an Invincibility
Sphere, and a Soulsphere (skill 4 only).

NOTE: In this secret area, if you search the wall to your left, you'll find a
hidden door that opens, revealing another Invincibility Sphere. The platform
the Invincibility Sphere is on is too high for you to get on, and if you
cheated to get onto the platform, you'd get credit for two secrets. These are
the two inaccessible secrets I told you about earlier.

2. From secret 1, turn around, and get to the other end of the room. Hit the
switch over here. When you hit the switch, turn around, and go through the
opening to the left, and go down the stairs. While going down these stairs,
you'll see an opening to the right. Go through it, and this secret room has a
few useful goodies.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M8: Unto the Cruel: 1 Secret 

1. At the start, turn left. You'll see two bodies being hung by their necks 
(one is near the wall and one is to the left of that one). Get in front of the 
body that is not next to the wall. When you get in front of it, push the 
space bar. The floor the bodies' above should lower, and so should the wall to
the left of it. Go through that new opening, and in this secret room is a 
Chaingun and other useful goodies.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M9: Fear: 2 Secrets

1. At the start, use my Walkthrough to get to the Yellow Key. When you have the
Yellow Key, drop down to the water below it, and take the teleporter. When you
teleport, turn around and hit the switch. When you hit the switch, go down the
small staircase to your right, and open the door across from you.

In this room, go up the stairs to the right, and at the top, open the door. In
this room, turn all the way around, facing the door you just entered. Check the
walls to the left of the door, and a hidden door should open. This secret room
has a Berserk. 

2. From secret 1, get your back on the door we entered to get to this room (not
the secret 1 door). From here, use my Walkthrough to get to the exit switch.
Before you hit the switch, turn around, and check the walls, and a hidden door
should open. This secret room has a Backpack.
Woo-Hoo! I finished all 36 levels in my secrets section! Now this is what I 
call a Walkthrough! ^_^

Episode 4 index / Contents

12. Which Levels have Which Keys?

Here is a list of the keys that are found in each level:

E1M1: None
E1M2: Red
E1M3: Yellow, Blue
E1M4: Yellow, Blue
E1M5: Yellow, Blue
E1M6: Yellow, Blue, Red
E1M7: Yellow, Blue, Red
E1M8: None
E1M9: Yellow, Blue, Red
E2M1: Blue, Red
E2M2: Yellow, Blue, Red
E2M3: Blue
E2M4: Yellow, Blue
E2M5: None
E2M6: Yellow, Blue, Red
E2M7: Yellow, Blue, Red
E2M8: None
E2M9: Yellow, Blue, Red
E3M1: None
E3M2: Blue
E3M3: Blue
E3M4: Yellow, Blue, Red
E3M5: Yellow, Blue
E3M6: Blue
E3M7: Yellow, Blue, Red
E3M8: None
E3M9: Blue, Red
E4M1: Blue, Red
E4M2: Yellow, Blue
E4M3: Blue, Red
E4M4: Red
E4M5: Yellow, Blue, Red
E4M6: Yellow, Blue, Red
E4M7: Yellow, Blue, Red
E4M8: Yellow, Red
E4M9: Yellow

Which Keys are not needed to finish the level

E1M3: Yellow, Blue (if you go for the secret exit)
E1M4: Yellow (you don't need it, but it helps you get to the exit faster)
E1M6: Yellow (if you take the shortcut in my Walkthrough)
E2M1: Red (it leads to a secret room)
E2M2: Yellow (it allows you to access 2 different secrets), Blue, Red (if you 
know the huge shortcut)
E3M5: Yellow (it leads to a secret in the courtyard)
E4M2: Yellow, Blue (if you know the bypass trick)
E4M5: Yellow (if you know the bypass trick)
E4M7: Yellow, Blue (you can use these to get useful items)


13. Tricks

Exit E1M9: Military Base Quicker

In E1M9: Military Base, use my Walkthrough to get to the Blue Key. When you get 
the Blue Key get to the Blue Door, open it, and go through. In here, you can 
strafe run to get on the platform in front of you without having to hit a 
switch to rise the pathway. If you can strafe run across the gap and onto the 
platform, you can hit the exit switch, and you won't need to go in the slime 
river and hit a switch.

Bypass the entire level in E2M2

At the start, go straight. When you have the chance to go right or left, go 
right. Over here, go straight until you hit a wall. When you hit the wall, go 
all the way left to a crate. Walk up to it, and it should lower. Now go 
straight, through the opening across from you.

In this room, turn right, and through the opening. Follow this slime river to a
wall (run). When you hit the wall, turn around, and get to the wall to your 
left. Hugging the wall (turn right and left, and check different parts of the 
walls too), keep pressing the spacebar until you hear the sound effect of a 
switch. Now *run* right and get to the bridge rising (if you don't, you'll be 
killed). Now open the exit door, and hit the exit switch.

Pillars with switches lowered into the floor?

In some levels (let's use E2M2 as an example), there are pillars with switches 
that lower into the ground, and the switches are no longer visible on the 
screen. But you will still be able to activate the switch. Just get in front of 
the side of the pillar where the switch is and face the switch. Now press the 
Spacebar and it will be activated (just get in front of where the switch was 
and press the Spacebar like any other switch). 

The pillars I'm talking about in E2M2 are the 3 in the Yellow Door room. Just 
hit one switch and go into the room the switch opened. The other two pillars 
will lower.

Bypass much of E3M7: Limbo

In E3M7: Limbo, use my Walkthrough to get to the Red Key, then get to the big 
"O" room, and go through the opening in the north part of this room. In here, 
instead of taking the teleporter in the opening in the left, take the one in 
the right. When you teleport, you'll notice there isn't a pathway in front of 
you to get to the Yellow Key. But you can do a *Strafe-Run* (running at an 
angle strafing) to get to the Yellow Key, crossing the gap in front of you. 
Once you have the Yellow Key, get back to the Big "O" room. Back in here, take 
the teleporter in the middle of the room. In here, there's no pathway to the 
Yellow Door, but you can Strafe-Run to run across the platform to get to it. 
Once you get to the Yellow Door, open it, and go through. Hit the switch in 
here. Now get to the exit. 

Strafe Running across the platforms does take a while to get it right, but if 
you're good at this, you can get through this level saving lots of time, and 
not needing to hit two switches in this level.

Get to E3M9: Warrens much quicker

Ok, to do this, use my Walkthrough or E3M6 to get to the blue box that has a 
switch inside to get to the secret exit (E3M9). Now, instead of having a Rocket 
explosion throw you back into the box, you can activate the secret exit switch 
outside of the blue box. Here's what to do: Drop down to the blue box, and get 
on the left or the right side of the box. Now, facing the north end of the box, 
get on an angle to the north end of it (use the Automap to get in front of the 
secret exit switch outside the box), and once you're at an angle facing the 
north end of the box (and being just in front of the switch as if you were in 
the box, press the Spacebar until you get to switch activated (this will take 
several times, but if it won't work, position yourself a bit more to the 

Bypass the entire level in E4M2

At the start, use my Walkthrough to get to the first teleporter in the level. 
Don't go through the teleporter. Facing the teleporter, check the walls to the 
left until a hidden door opens. In here, get the Berserk and go right to the 
Energy Cell Pack. When you pick it up, check the walls to the right of it and
a hidden door should open. Follow this hall to the other side of the 
teleporter. Now take the teleporter.

You'll be teleported to a different place this time. Save your game. Walk and 
pick up the MegaArmor, and turn around. At an angle, hold Shift, Alt, and *run*
right off this platform, hoping you land on the stairs past the Blue Pillar. If
you don't do it, load up your saved game again, and try it again. When you get 
on the stairs, follow it up to the door, and when it opens, turn around and try
to get on the platform before the Blue Pillar. Now take the new teleporter
here, and use my Walkthrough to get to the secret exit.

Bypass the Yellow Door in E4M5

Now use my Walkthrough to get to the Yellow Door. Standing right in front of 
the Yellow Door, turn around and go up the stairs. Up here, turn around. You'll
see a wall with an opening to the left of the Yellow Door. Now get back at a 
fair distance (don't fall in the gaps behind you), blow up the barrels in front
of you, get center with the opening, and *run* straight to the opening. There's
a good chance you got through the opening, and bypassed the Yellow Door. From 
here, you can hit the exit switch.


14. Nightmare!

Now, we are all aware of that evil skill level in Doom, "Nightmare!" Yes, it is 
a very nasty skill level, and even Doom claims "This is a skill level that 
isn't even remotely fair." So, what's so bad about this Nightmare skill level? 
First off, enemies move and attack twice as fast. And even worse, they can 
respawn after being killed too! So, that means no camping out in crowded areas, 
because eventually, more and more monsters will be after you. So, you'll need 
to be constantly on the run, and then develop strategies for each map.

Oh yeah, you can't cheat too, so don't even try it. The only cheats that work 
are music switching and full map/objects on map. And hey, there is one positive 
attribute on Nightmare: All weapons/ammo provide double ammo (as seen as on the 
"I'm Too Young to Die" skill level), so it gives you a little bit more margin 
for error and it gives you more strategies.

A general tip for all levels: Utilize ALL of your save slots. Save as you get 
to key points in the levels, and be sure to save in separate save slots. This 
will ensure you can go back to another part of the map if you screw up.

Now, time to give you map by map hints and tips on how to succeed in Nightmare.

Episode 1: Knee Deep in the Dead
Episode 2: The Shores of Hell
Episode 3: Inferno
Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

Nightmare tips for Episode 1: Knee-Deep in the Dead

E1M1: Hangar
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
E1M9: Military Base

E1M1: Hangar

You know, I find episode 1 to be a pretty tough episode to complete on this 
skill level. In Hangar, you'll have Shotgun Guys to deal with in every room, so 
they can mow your health down pretty quickly. If you are running on Ultimate 
Doom, go into the left room on the start. Be stealth while killing the Shotgun 
Guys. Hit the switch on one of the poles to open a door leading to the outside 
courtyard. Run to the courtyard and grab the MegaArmor.

From here, you can go through the secret entrance. Be aware of the Shotgun Guys 
and grab the health too. From here, you'll be able to work your way to the 

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M2: Nuclear Plant

Now, I think this is a more simple level. Be sure to open up the secret leading 
to the Soulsphere and Chaingun, as they are very important. By doing this, 
you'll also get a Backpack in the process. From there, you can get the Red Key 
and mow down all the Zombiemen. Also, be sure to save before taking on all of 
the enemies after the lift near the end of the level. And don't go running off 
for the Chainsaw, it's really not worth it.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M3: Toxin Refinery

This is actually a VERY tough level on Nightmare. And trust me, if you're a 
real man, I want you to go for the secret exit.

The first part is pretty hard. I like to mow down the enemies with the 
Chaingun. And if you're lucky enough, you can dispose of the Demons/Spectres 
with the barrels.

When you hit the switch leading to the Yellow Key room, again, use that barrel 
and appreciate it. This is also a very nasty area, because all of the Imps and 
Shotgun Guys will be respawning, so be VERY quick.

In the Yellow Key area, quickly go around and sweep the area. Grab all the 
health, even if it means picking up the Yellow Key. Now, it's highly 
recommended you go to the stairs and grab the hidden Soulsphere. Now quickly 
burst over to the Rocket Launcher area. After you activate the switch leading 
to the secret exit, be sure to save.

This is where luck comes in. When you need to get back to the start of the 
level, just try to move around as you knock out the respawned enemies. When you 
cross the bridge to open the door, go forward and clean up the area with your 
Rocket Launcher. Seize any open holes to get to the exit door. In here, BEFORE 
you even touch that switch, go up the hidden lift to get the Box of Rockets.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M4: Command Control

You know, having a secret right next to you when you start the level really 
helps. Also, get the Soulsphere at the beginning of the level, but once you get 
it, turn around, drop back down, and cross the toxic river. Clean up the Blue 
Key room with the Rocket Launcher too.

Once you get to the Blue Door, go to the maze. Just run to the right and clean 
the area. There shouldn't be that many Imps to bother you, so grab the Yellow 
Key, hit the switch, and open the Yellow Door. And just kill the Shotgun Guys, 
go across the bridge, and get to the exit switch.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M5: Phobos Lab

The first part of this level is tricky. Just go raise the bridge immediately. 
THEN go for the Medikit near the hidden Shotgun. After you get the Yellow Key, 
don't kill the enemies through the window - they'll just respawn and you'll 
waste ammo. Also, go get the hidden Rocket Launcher in the slime pit. There's 
health down there too.

I also clean sweep the area before the Yellow Door with the Rocket Launcher. 
After you go through the Yellow Door, use either your Chaingun or Rocket 
Launcher to plow through the area. Also, GET THE HIDDEN SOULSPHERE NEAR THE 
SWITCH. I can't stress that enough. Once you hit the switch in the area, don't 
leave through the Yellow Door. Instead, go up the lift to the left of the 
Yellow Door lift. Open the door and go into the secret room. There is a 
partially important Invisibility Sphere. Now open the hidden door which will 
lead you to the area outside the Yellow Door.

After you save and keep trying, you'll get to the area before the dark hallway. 
Go into the secret area and grab the much important Chaingun, health, and ammo. 
Now progress the level until you get to the Blue Key/Blue Door. Once you get to 
it, open it. This is a bit tricky to get to the exit door.

I recommend getting the Light Amplification Goggles so you don't kill yourself 
trying to hunt down the Shotgun Guys. There's also scattered Medikits, so use 
them wisely. Once you can squirm through this room, try to use your 
Chaingun/Chainsaw to get through the Demons in the exit room.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M6: Central Processing

You know that alcove with the health/Imps/barrels near the Red Door? I'd save 
it until after you get the Red Key. By the way, in the Red Key room, use the 
barrels to your advantage. Also, try to camp out by the wall where the door 
closes. You'll be able to see all of the enemies coming at you.

After you get the Blue Key, dip in the pit. Get the Radiation Suit, get the 
Medikits, and then get the Soulsphere.

Now, this level is fairly simple. Once you get to the Blue Door, turn around 
and the wall to your left will lower, revealing a group of Imps. Clean them out 
with your Rocket Launcher and open the hidden door. Now get to the Yellow Key 
and a door on the other side of the room will open. Now, it's necessary that 
you step in here to open up another shortcut. After you clean out the area and 
get the health, go back to where the Blue Door is. This time, go to the 
opposite slime pit. Go to the opening and follow this narrow path to a door.

Get the health and ammo and open the door. Quickly kill all of the Shotgun Guys 
and get the Soulsphere. Now, progress the game until you get to the room with 
the exit door. Stay in the alcove where you hit the switch until you kill the 
enemies. Now once the area is clean, seize the chance to run to the exit door.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M7: Computer Station

This level is a big pain in the ass on Nightmare. I'd simply run around killing 
anything you can until you have a chance to get the Yellow Key. Once you get 
the Yellow Key, go to the Yellow Door nearby and open it. What you should do 
here is go forward and walk around the perimeter of this room counter 
clockwise. This is so you avoid the window where all the Shotgun Guys outside 
are waiting for you. Once you get to the staircase, clean out everyone and 
everything with the Rocket Launcher.

Also, what I like to do here is get on that pillar that rises when you walk on 
it. Jump off it to get the Radiation Suit and the Soulsphere at the other end 
of the slime pit.

Now progress this level until you get the Red Key. Once you have the Red Key, 
SAVE. Go back to the lift. What I do here is lower the lift (but not get on it) 
and keep firing at the wall with my Rocket Launcher. The splash damage should 
get rid of the Demons. Now get yourself back to the Red Door. Quickly get the 
Blue Key. Now work your way to the Yellow Door. Now, like you did earlier, go 
around the perimeter of the room so you don't need to see the window with the 
Shotgun Guys.

As you get to the Blue Door, clean out all areas with the Rocket Launcher. 
There is scattered health around, so use it wisely. In the exit room, be sure 
it's absolutely clean before you get out of the level.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M8: Phobos Anomaly

There's not a lot of strategy here. You can easily get to the Barons of Hell 
with 200% health and 100% armor. In the final room, get rid of the Barons 
quickly, because dealing with all of those super-fast Spectres are not fun.

Use the rockets on the Barons. Trust me, they really help.

Episode 1 index / Contents

E1M9: Military Base

This level is also a toughie. You need to get through ALL parts fast. Use the 
Chaingun to plow through the enemies at the beginning. Once you have the Yellow 
Key, go down the stairs nearby to get the much needed Rockets/health. Now run 
to the Yellow Door. Clean out the area with the Rocket Launcher and quickly get 
the Red Key. Now, run to the Red Door, and do the same with your Rocket 
Launcher. Now getting the Blue Key is rather tricky. Try to lure the 
Demons/kill the Demons so you can get the Blue Key. Also, grab the Medikit in 
the nearby new hallway.

Once you have the Blue Key, run over to the Blue Door and save. Now, once you 
open the Blue Door, quickly fire your rockets across from you to take out the 
Imps/Shotgun Guys. Now, this is very tough. This may take several times and it 
can be frustrating. Strafe and RUN across the pit to get onto the platform with 
the exit switch. This gets rid of that process of dipping down into the slime 
pit, hitting the switch to raise the bridge, and then working your way to get 
back up.

Eventually, you'll do it, and then you'll be able to pat yourself on the back.

Episode 1 index / Contents

Nightmare tips for Episode 2: The Shores of Hell

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M8: Tower of Babel
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly

If you ask me, I think episode 2 is easier than episode 1 on nightmare. First 
off, go kill the zombiemen around the corner and quickly get the Blue Key. Now 
run to the teleporter, step on it, and then get the Shotgun across from you. 
After you get the Shotgun, kill the Shotgun Guys nearby, because they can get 
annoying. Also, run to the teleporter on the other side of the room, collecting 
the Medikits on your way. Once you get to the teleporter, step through it.

This room is tricky. I'd lower the floor and then hit the other switch to go 
down the secret hallway. Kill off the Demons and when you see a gap opening 
between the Demons, RUN through it and get the Blue Door. After you step 
through the teleporter, quickly kill the Imps and the Cacodemon. Now, hit both 
switches, get through the teleporter, kill this Cacodemon, open the door, kill 
the Imp, hit the exit switch.

Even If there is a Plasma Gun, don't get it. It'll cost you more health, ammo, 
and is even more dangerous.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M2: Containment Area

This is a simple level as well. I'd get the Shotgun and the Armor at the 
beginning of the level if I were you. And since it's likely that you're low on 
health by now, get that Berserk by all means necessary. Now, go to the 4-way 
intersection room with the group of Imps. Get to the door and hit the switch to 
open it. Go up the stairs and go to the area with the crushing ceilings 
quickly. Now, you can use the crushing ceilings to crush the Imps and Demons in 
the area. Once you get to the Blue Key, be sure to get the hidden Soulsphere 
nearby (step in the lighted corner of the room to lower the left. Quickly get 
the Red Key and run back to the Red Door.

Open it, hit the switch, and then get to the exit door. Grab the Stimpacks if 
needed and hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M3: Refinery

The first half of this level is quite simple. Now, run forward and go on the 
other side of the Cacodemon cage. There are two openings here. Take the right 
opening to get to the slime pit. Cross it and then go right. Now run into the 
room across from you and fall in the pit. Avoid the Lost Souls and get the 
Plasma Gun. Use it to mow down the Demons and get the Blue Key. Now, exit the 
room and RUN to the right. Go back through the opening to your left. In this 
big room, grab the MegaArmor and open the secret door. Run to the left and 
ambush the enemies with your Plasma Gun. Get the hidden Backpack and then RUN 
to the Blue Door.

From here, go right and run down the hallway. Use your Plasma Gun to get rid of 
the Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Lost Souls. Also, get the Invisibility Sphere 
and go into the dark pillar room. Try your best to avoid the Imps and Lost 
Souls. When you get to the slime pit, get the hidden Radiation Suit and go into 
the other slime room for the Soulsphere. Now go back to the other side of the 
slime pit and kill the Cacodemon. Run to the exit door, kill the Spectre, and 
hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M4: Deimos Lab

Like Command Control, there is a secret right next to you, so use it and get 
the health and ammo. Now step through the teleporter. Since this is a large 
map, you have plenty of distance between you and the enemies. You can simply 
run to the Blue Key, but on your way, I'd get the secret Chaingun in the alcove 
(where you shoot the door to open it). Believe me, you'll want this Chaingun 
later on. Once you have the Blue Key, go to the Blue Door and try to avoid the 
scattered Imps. When getting the Yellow Key, you can simply kill the Shotgun 
Guys and avoid the Baron of Hell.

After you open the Yellow Door, go get the secret Plasma Gun. Step through the 
teleporter and mow down everyone with your Plasma Gun. Go down the staircases 
and run to the teleporter across from you. In here, kill the Demon and fall in 
the pit. Hit the switch in the corner to raise the platform. Go through the 
teleporter. Now step back through this teleporter. The Demon shouldn't have 
respawned by now, so cross the new bridge to the exit door. While standing in 
front of the exit door, go to the newly raised bridge to get the Soulsphere. 
Open the exit door, kill the Imps, and then hit the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M5: Command Center

Now, it should be straightforward to get to the secret exit. When you hit the 
switch to raise the stairs leading to the hidden teleporter, mow down the 
Demons as fast as you can. Be sure to save before you step into the hidden 
teleporter. You'll be surrounded by Lost Souls. My only advice to you here is 
to squirm around, kill as many as you can, and when you finally have the 
chance, open the door and get to the secret exit. It's very hard, but with 
plenty of health, you'll eventually get it.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M6: Halls of the Damned

The beginning of the level shouldn't be that hard to get through. However, PICK 
UP THE BERSERK. I cannot stress how important it will be later on. I highly 
recommend you get the Blue Key first, so you don't kill yourself battling with 
the enemies to get it at the end. After you get the Blue Key, sneak around in 
the maze to get the Red Key. If a group of enemies form, take them out with 
your Rocket Launcher. Also, near the Red Key are 4 Stimpacks. Be sure to get 
them, and then try to escape the maze without finding the Baron of Hell. Also, 
if you have time, get the Backpack in the early part of the maze.

When going for the Yellow Key, use the Chaingun to mow down all the 
Zombiemen/Shotgun Guys/Imps in the hall. Before getting the Yellow Key, kill 
the Cacodemon near you. In the Yellow Key room, sweep around the room in either 
direction. Don't kill the Cacodemon in this room, as it'll waste time.

And also, don't get the Soulsphere nearby. As vital as it seems, you'll run 
into more enemies and lose that extra health pretty quickly. Run back to the 
hall where the Blue Key is. Now, all of these Demons may be a problem, but 
there's an easy way to get around them. Remember that Berserk you found near 
the beginning of the level? Just punch out the Demons one by one and try not to 
run into any Barons of Hell. With a good amount of success, you'll get out of 
the hallway. Go through the Blue, Red, and Yellow Doors and hit the exit 

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M7: Spawning Vats

If you're quick enough, you can get through this level with minimal problems. 
At the start of the level, run to the big room that has the Demons and the 
crates. Get the Invincibility Sphere and the Berserk as fast as you got into 
the room. Avoid all the Demons, Cacodemons, and the Baron of Hell when you are 
getting the Blue Key. Now run back to the start of the level and get to the 
Blue Door. Before opening it, go down the hall to your right. Kill the Imps and 
quickly get the Invincibility Sphere at the other end of the room. Now RUN back 
to the Blue Door and open it. While you are invincible, work your way to the 
Yellow Key. Get it and then quickly work your way to the Red Key. Your 
invincibility will most likely be worn out by the time you get to the Red Key.

Now, as you get to the Red Door, kill any Imps/Demons in your way and avoid any 
in the more open rooms. When you get to the Red Door and raise the 
bridge/release the Cacodemon, unload 2 rockets on the Cacodemon and then 
quickly get to the exit switch.

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M8: Tower of Babel

There isn't a lot to be said here. For one, Lost Souls don't respawn, so when 
you kill them, don't worry, they'll be gone for good. And since Nightmare gives 
you double ammo, you have more than enough ammo to take down the Cyberdemon. 
Use the Soulspheres when necessary, and do whatever you can to kill the 

Episode 2 index / Contents

E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

By the time you get here, the odds are fairly high that you don't have a Rocket 
Launcher. Grab all the ammo/weapons in the starting room while you do your best 
to avoid the Barons of Hell. In the second room, try to get some, if not most 
of the Cacodemons to fight with the Barons. Grab the Medikits and the 
Soulsphere and then run to the next room. If you're lucky, you'll get all three 
keys, exit the level, and take minimal, if not low damage in the process.

Episode 2 index / Contents

Nightmare tips for Episode 3: Inferno

E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Gate to Limbo
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens

E3M1: Hell Keep

This is a fairly simple level to beat on Nightmare. And if you can take the 
best routes, Episode 3 is probably the easiest episode to beat in Nightmare. In 
this map, grab the Boxes of Bullets and open up the keep. Now, what you want to 
do here is lure the Cacodemons out into the open area. If you are lucky, you 
could distract them and get them to fight with the Imps. Now run out. Be VERY 
quick with the Shotgun, and since you'll land on the Box of Shotgun Shells, 
quickly get out.

In the next room, what you need to do is QUICKLY open the door and shut it 
manually before the Imps and Cacodemons come after you. Now, just take shots at 
the Demons one by one and don't be hesitant about it. Once you get to the room 
with all of the Imps, follow the process of shoot, retreat, shoot, retreat 
until you kill every last Imp. Now, quickly get the hidden Rocket Launcher and 
grab any surrounding health, and then step on the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M2: Slough of Despair

This level is a little tricky. What you want to do is QUICKLY get to the area 
near the Blue Key, but DON'T go near the Blue Key before you release the 
Cacodemons. Grab the hidden Plasma Gun and any surrounding ammo/health you can 
find. Once you have the Blue Key, be sure to save your game. Then run to the 
LEFT of the Cacodemons, if not, you could be in a bit of trouble. In the final 
area, either lure all the Lost Souls on one side or spray them with your Plasma 
Gun. Once you get to the Blue Door, open it, hit the switch, and then step on 
the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M3: Pandemonium

If you go through this level fast enough, it's not really a problem. The Demon 
right across from you at the beginning of the map could give you a problem, 
however. Just run straight up the stairs from the start. Take the right 
staircase and work your way to the Blue Key. Now once you have the Blue Key, go 
back and hit the switch to raise the platform. Grab the MegaArmor. Now since 
you'll be back at the top of the staircase near the level's starting point, 
take the left staircase this time. Work your way until you get to the BFG and 
the Soulsphere. After that, quickly get out of the lava pit and RUN down the 
curved staircase to get to the Invincibility Sphere.

Since you'll be invincible long enough to get to the end of the level, just run 
through the nearby openings, go up the stairs, open the Blue Door, open the 
exit door, and then step on the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M4: House of Pain

The trick at the start of the level is to get the Demon out of your way without 
firing your gun. Now once you have a clear path to the staircase, run up it and 
open the door. In this area, clean the area out with a BFG. Now, activate all 3 
switches. Two of them will raise platforms behind you. Be sure to recharge on 
any health and grab the Invincibility Sphere. Now while you are Invincible, 
work your way to the Blue Key. From here, clean up the Lost Souls if you need 
to and then RUN to the Blue Door. In here, open the door across from you. Now 
be quick with stepping on and around the tiles to open the door. Once you get 
it open, save your game and then run into the hallway. In here, follow it into 
the next room. Clean out the Imps with a Rocket Launcher.

In the pillar area, hit the south switch on the west pillar to open up the room 
next to the Yellow Key. Now hit the west switch on the west pillar. This will 
open the room with the Yellow Key. Now, what you want to do is get the Yellow 
Key first. Now go into the room next to the Yellow Key and you'll find another 
important Invincibility Sphere. While you are invincible, progress the level 
until you get the Red Key and then get into the Red Door. Now, in this hallway, 
get the hidden Radiation Suit nearby if your invincibility is about to run out. 
Now, near the end of the level, just barrel right through and you'll be at the 
exit in no time.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M5: Unholy Cathedral

Since you can avoid a large majority of the enemies here, this map is quite 
simple to beat on Nightmare. At the start of the level, open the second door to 
the left and go through it. Now, go left and follow this hallway to a door. 
Open it and step on the teleporter. Teleporting through here will open a nearby 
door containing a Baron of Hell and an Invincibility Sphere. Grab the 
Invincibility Sphere and step through the northwest teleporter in this room. In 
here, try to sneak your way around the Demons and open the door to your right. 
While you are Invincible, work your way to the Blue Key. Once you have the Blue 
Key, step through the teleporter underneath the southwest crusher in this room.

You will be taken back to the area where all of the Demons are. This time, open 
the left door and go through it. Now, since you will probably not be Invincible 
anymore, you will need firepower to mow through the Imps and Lost Souls. So 
save your game before going through this room. Now open the Blue Door, go 
through it, and then step into the exit teleporter after opening the exit door.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M6: Mt. Erebus

This is a level where you don't need to fire a single shot to win. And believe 
me, you'll be better off taking the secret exit. At the start of the level, run 
left and quickly cross the leva pit onto land. You will see a gray bricked wall 
with a staircase across from you. To save yourself from the pain, walk to the 
left of this wall. You will see an Invincibility Sphere, so RUN to get it. Now, 
run straight and take a right onto land. Across from you is the green skulled 
building. Open it, grab the Berserk, and then open the secret door and step 
through the teleporter.

If you are not skilled at this, this is where you want to save your game. Now, 
keep strafe running until you land in the blue box and hit the secret exit 

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M7: Limbo

This level is big. And I counted a grand total of 47 monsters. Beating this 
level on Nightmare is kind of in your favor, right? Well, barrel through the 
two Shotgun Guys and then work your way through the maze to get the Blue Key. 
Once you have it, avoid any enemies in the maze and get to the Blue Door area. 
Open the Left Door, use the staircase to get to the other side of the pit, and 
then drop in the tiny pit across from you. Quickly make short work of this 
Cacodemon and grab the Radiation Suit. Since there are only 2 other Shotgun 
Guys you need to worry about in this maze, work your way through this maze 
until you get to the Red Key. Now open the Red Door and hit the switch and go 
back through the nearby teleporter.

Now, work your way to the Yellow Key area. Before stepping through the 
teleporter, grab the nearby Radiation Suit in the corner of the lava pit. Now, 
I recommend that you get the Yellow Key WITHOUT activating the switch to get to 
it. Just save your game before you attempt this. All you need to do is strafe 
run to get onto the Yellow Key platform. Also, while you are at it, strafe run 
onto the nearby platform with the ammo and then step onto the teleporter. In 
this room, quickly get back to the Blue Door and open it. Take a left and 
you'll be back in the big "O" pit.
Step through the teleporter in the middle of the pit. In this room, you'll see 
a Yellow Door on a platform across from you. You'll usually need to hit a 
switch and raise a bridge to get here, but if you RUN to the other side of the 
platform, you won't have to go out on a limb and hit the switch. The trick is 
to go to where that thin walkway is. With the platform and Yellow Door on your 
right, strafe right, left, and then STRAFE RUN onto the platform whith the 
Yellow Door. This is frustrating, but you'll eventually get it. Open the Yellow 
Door, hit the switch, and then retreat through the teleporter.

Back in here, go left and into the maze. Take the opening to your right and 
step onto the small lava pit. Step through the teleporter in the central pillar 
and then open the Yellow Door. Cross the bridge, open the exit door, and then 
step through the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M8: Dis

As long as you have at least 80 cells on you, this store is very, VERY easy. 
When you get to the Spider Mastermind, fire a BFG shot and then run up close to 
it. Fire another shot in the process and then with two direct hits, the Spider 
Mastermind will be toast. If you can't do this, run around the room and poke at 
him, dealing with the Cacodemons and the Barons of Hell as well.

Episode 3 index / Contents

E3M9: Warrens

Since the majority of this level is just an E3M1 clone, this is easy, 
especially if you're armed with more weapons. Just do the same process you did 
to get to the exit teleporter in E3M1, such as luring enemies into the more 
open areas. Before you get to the fake exit teleporter, clean out the Imps with 
a Rocket Launcher. And once you get to the exit teleporter, grab all the 
Rockets, the Invisibility Sphere, and the Blue Key BEFORE YOU GET THE 
INVINCIBILITY SPHERE. As tempting as it is to fight the Cyberdemon, don't. Now, 
with the Blue Key and invincibility, leave the room. Avoid all of the enemies. 
When you go down the hallway where the Demons are, you'll notice a more open 
area with Spectres. Hit the switch near here to lower the platform. This 
platform contains another Invincibility Sphere, so grab it.

Now go back to the previous room. There will be some new Cacodemons here, but 
use your rockets to get rid of them. Also, get the new Plasma Gun in the corner 
of the room. Now, progress back to the map's starting point. Equip your BFG and 
go through the new opening. Before stepping through the teleport line, fire 
your BFG. Now RUN while your BFG is charging and if you timed it right, the BFG 
blast will have killed the Cacodemons without anyone else noticing. If you 
didn't get the timing right, reload your saved game and try again.
I'd prefer the Rocket Launcher to get through this area rather than the BFG. 
Now, RUN to the Red Key, killing all of the Shotgun Guys that get in your way. 
Once you have the Red Key, RUN back to the level's starting point. From here, 
just open the red door and step through the exit teleporter.

Episode 3 index / Contents

Nightmare tips for Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel
E4M9: Fear

E4M1: Hell Beneath

Now, this is probably the hardest level in Ultimate Doom to beat on Nightmare. 
I have no idea how I got through this map. Guess what you get for healing 
items? Four, yes, count them, four health bonuses. I honestly don't know how 
you can use 4% health to your advantage, but be grateful it's there. Now, get 
the Shotgun across from you. A Shotgun Guy or two may notice and teleport down. 
Be VERY quick on killing them and get the hidden Rocket Launcher under the 
secret lift while you're at it. Now, go kill the Imps and hit the switch. Now, 
this is your judgment call. If you are still in good condition with at least 
75% health or so, be sure to save your game, especially after the beating you 
took from the Shotgun Guys. Run into the next area before they respawn. Now, 
quickly fall in the pit and go through the opening. If you need to, clean out 
the area with a Rocket Launcher. Grab the nearby Chaingun and mow anyone else 

If you are still in a fine enough condition, save in ANOTHER slot. Now, go up 
the stairs and shoot at the wall across from the Red Key. Now, go to this wall 
and open the hidden door to your left. Now grab the 4 (!) health bonuses. Save 
your game and then RUN to the start of the level. By now, all those vicious 
Shotgun Guys have respawned. If you're lucky, you'll make it through the Red 
Door without getting killed. Once you get to the Red Door and open it, sneak 
around the pillar, kill the Imps, and get the Blue Key. Save your game again, 
because it's time for the suicide part of the level.

Since all of the enemies will have respawned, just RUN all the way to the Blue 
Door on the opposite side of the map. If you are lucky enough to get to it, 
open the Blue Door and then step through the exit teleporter. Beating this 
level means you can beat episode 4 on Nightmare.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M2: Perfect Hatred

Now, this level is much simpler than the previous level, thank god. What you 
want to do is have the Imps attack the Shotgun Guys and get rid of them. Now, 
progress your game until you get to the Yellow Key. Once you have the Yellow 
Key, try to lure the Baron of Hell out to grab the Plasma Gun. Now, drop into 
the lava pit, go up the stairs, and clean up the area around you. NOW DON'T 
STEP INTO THAT TELEPORTER. Open the hidden door to your left and then grab the 
goodies. In here, walk through the other side of the teleporter and you'll be 
in a secret area. Save your game here. Now, see the staircase with the blue 
door? If you can strafe run correctly, you'll be able to land on the left side 
of the Blue Door without using the Blue Key.

Go up the stairs. At the top, dodge the Cyberdemon and then turn back around. 
See the new teleporter? RUN ACROSS THE PIT TO GET TO IT. When you step through 
this teleporter, you'll telefrag the Cyberdemon and get a BFG. Lower the lift 
and get to the secret exit.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M3: Sever the Wicked

The first thing you want to do is activate the switch next to you. This will 
raise the bridge behind you to get to the Invincibility Sphere. Now, work your 
way until you get to the Red Key. Since you're Invincible, try to kill a 
minimal amount of enemies. Once you have the Red Key, open the secret door 
nearby with the secret staircase. Kill the Imps and get the Soulsphere at the 
top. Now, go back down the stairs. See the switch across from you? Open the 
hidden door on the right. Follow this hallway and step through the teleporter.
You'll be back at the start, and guess what? You were able to avoid all of the 
nasty Barons of Hell? Open the Red Door and take out the Baron. Get the Blue 
Key and drop down to the pit below you. Down here, go right and fall in the 
lava pit. Down here, open the Red Door and go through it. Using a Chaingun or a 
Plasma Gun, kill all the enemies at the top of the spiral staircase. Open the 
Blue Door at the top. Clean out the area with a Rocket Launcher and then RUN to 
the exit teleporter.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M4: Unruly Evil

Clean up all of the Imps and Shotgun Guys at the beginning of the level. Now, 
open the secret area and use the Berserk to replenish your health. Step through 
the teleporter. In this area, open the door across from you. Grab the 
Soulsphere and the Invincibility Sphere on the other side of the room. Now, 
progress the game until you get to the Red Key. From here, open the Red Door 
and go through it. In here, just RUN through this whole place while you still 
are Invincible. Hit both switches on the sides of the room, sweep the area with 
your Rocket Launcher while you're at it, and then with enough health, you'll 
exit the level.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M5: They Will Repent

If you run through this level, you shouldn't really have a big problem, 
especially if you still have a good amount of health from the last level. Now, 
since you'll deal with many Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Imps, it's best that 
you use a Chaingun until you get to the Red Key. Now, open the nearby Red Door. 
Grab the two hidden Stimpacks if you need them. Now progress the game until you 
have the Blue Key. Now, don't open the Blue Door. Drop down to the pit on your 
left instead. Get the Soulsphere at the front. Now RUN to the next area and get 
the Radiation Suit before the lava takes away anymore health. From here, go 
straight and kill the Demons.

Now, see that window? RUN through it to go beyond the Yellow Door. Hit the exit 
switch and you'll finish this simple level.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly

This level can be really hard on Nightmare. Be sure to bust through the first 
area quickly, and when you are in the moat area surrounding the Blue Key, get 
the hidden Soulsphere. After you get to the Blue Key, continue rushing through 
the level until you get to the Yellow Door. Each time you pick up health (with 
no enemies in site), save. In the Yellow Door area, clear out the Cacodemons 
quickly. When you get the Red Key, run back down the hall and get to the Red 
Door. Use it to lower the Red Bars. With all the cells and the Invincibility 
Sphere, you can get up close and personal with the Cyberdemon to finish him 

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M7: And Hell Followed

The last part of this map can be really hectic. My recommendation here is to 
quickly get the Blue Key first (you'll also get a Soulsphere to boot). Then, 
rush over to the Red Key (open the nearby door to get the Yellow Key). Be sure 
to grab the Soulsphere and Invincibility Sphere. While you are invincible, run 
like hell to the end of the level. If you're lucky, you'll be able to get to 
the switch that opens up the exit switch. Of course, with all the ammo provided 
in the secrets, a BFG shot here or there won't hurt.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M8: Unto the Cruel

If you are low on health, be sure to stock up in the nearby secret. You'll also 
want a Rocket Launcher or BFG to clear up all of the Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys 
in the following room. While going after the Yellow Key, it is extremely 
important to lower all the pillars and get every power-up nearby. Also, grab 
the Soulsphere next to the Yellow Key. If you can get to the final room with 
enough ammo and health, the ending will be cake.

Episode 4 index / Contents

E4M9: Fear

If you are extremely careful in this level, it can become significantly easier. 
When you get the Yellow Key, be sure not to drop into the pit and teleporter, 
because doing so will make the level ten times as hard. Once you get the Yellow 
Key, get back on the other edge and take the quickest path to the Yellow Door, 
mowing down every single enemy that pops up. In the early part of the level, 
health should not be a problem, as you should still have a good amount of 
health from the Soulsphere you just got from the previous level.

Episode 4 index / Contents

15. How to use a BFG9000

Don't you hate it when you fire a BFG9000 and you aren't able to kill any
enemies surrounding you? Well, here's how to use it correctly. Here are the
locations where I have found the BFG:

E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M7: Limbo
E3M9: Warrens
E4M2: Perfect Hatred
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel

The BFG9000 should only be used carefully. It will also kill any enemies that 
you see once the BFG blast hits something. 

----------------| X |---------------
  S       S                        |
  S             E                  |
              E     E              |
         E     E  B      E         |

The X is you. The B is where the BFG blast hit. The E are the enemies that die. 
The S are the ones that survive. If you turn right and back up (so you can see 
the BFG blast before it hits something), it should also kill the enemies that 
were the survivors.

How to dodge a BFG

If you play a Doom online deathmatch, you should be aware of people who use the 
BFG frequently. They shouldn't be too much of a problem if you know how to 
dodge a BFG blast correctly. If you know how to, look here. 

|                     _   |
|  M                B|_|X |
|                         |
|                         |

Say the X is you. The M is your enemy and the B is where the BFG hit. The 
square between you and the BFG blast is a pillar. Since your enemy couldn't see 
you and the BFG blast hit, you will not be hurt/killed. If you move out and he 
can see you, you should be killed. 

As long as your enemy cannot see you, the blast is not going to hurt/kill you. 
Another way to do this is not only hide behind something, but to get out of 
your enemy's sight. Since it takes a second or two before the BFG fires, you 
can also try to kill your enemy and then hide when the BFG blast is launched 
(even if an enemy is dead the BFG can still kill you). 


16. Bugs and Errors

Here are some known bugs and errors I found in the game. If I forgot any, tell 

1. In E4M3: Sever the Wicked, the maximum secret % score is 90. There is a pair
of torches near the hidden staircase (where you get a large majority of your
secrets). The torches are on two small spaces that count as secrets, and you
cannot step onto these small areas without cheating.

2. In E4M7: And Hell Followed, the maximum secret % score is 50. This is due to
that the player cannot step into 2 of the secret areas without using any cheat,
only 2 secrets are accessible without cheats. The areas you cannot step onto
are on the platform where one of the hidden Invincibility Spheres is located.


17. Codes

Here are some codes for all of you cheaters out there. Of course, you can use 
these for fun in the game and to have fun in the levels. You can type these in 
anytime during gameplay.

Permanent Invincibility: Press IDDQD to become permanently invincible. You 
cannot be killed by anything, including slime pits, enemies, crushing ceilings, 
and so on, until this is disabled in E1M8. You can turn this off at any time by 
pressing IDDQD again. Another thing is this will set your health to 100%.

All weapons, full ammo, full armor, no keys. Press IDFA and it will give you 
all of what I mentioned. Pressing IDFA again will max out everything again.

All weapons, full ammo, full armor, keys: Same as above, just press IDKFA and 
you will get all of mentioned above.

Full Automap/Object Indicators: You must be in the Automap to do this. Press 
IDDT and your map will be full. Press IDDT again and it will add object 
indicators, which represent items, enemies, weapons, health, and so on. 
Pressing IDDT after that sets your Automap to normal.

Find your current position and coordinates on map: Press IDMYPOS and you will 
be able to see where you are on the map.

Gain power-up: Press IDBEHOLD and then one of these next letters will give you 
a power-up:

IDBEHOLDR: Radiation Suit (temporary)
IDBEHOLDS: Berserk (lasts for level)
IDBEHOLDA: Automap (no object indicators, unvisited areas are gray)
IDBEHOLDV: Invincibility (time limit, white screen)
IDBEHOLDI: Invisibility (time limit)
IDBEHOLDL: Light Amplification Visor (temporary)

Warp to level. Press IDCLEVxx to warp to that level. For example, if you want 
to get to E3M2, you would type in IDCLEV32. The first x is episode number, 
second is level number. You can use this to get to secret levels.

Change level's music: Press IDMUSxx to change the level's music, and it will 
switch the music to that level if you hate the music and want something better. 
Just like level warping, IDMUS17 will change to the music from E1M7, where the 
first x is episode number and the 2nd is level number. 

Walk through walls: Press IDSPISPOPD and you will be able to walk through walls 
and go as far off the map too. During this time you can still hit switches and 
open doors but you will walk over most objects too. Just press that again and 
it will be turned off. 

Gain Chainsaw: Press IDCHOPPERS to get yourself a free Chainsaw. That's all it 


18. Update History

Version .75, October 15, 2003: Walkthrough to the end of Episode 3.

Version .77, October 16, 2003: Completed Episode 4, Mission 1, Hell Beneath. 8
more levels to go!

Version .83, October 17, 2003: Finished 2 more levels, E4M2 to E4M9. Finished
E4M9. 6 more to go!

Version .86, October 18, 2003: Finished E4M3. 5 more levels to go!

Version 1.13, October 20, 2003: Added in a secrets section, finished E1M5. I
also finished my Walkthrough yesterday. Woo-Hoo! ^_^

Version 1.25, October 21, 2003: Finished Episode 1 in my secrets section. 27
more levels to go!

Version 1.30, October 22, 2003: Finished the first 2 levels in Episode 2 of my
secrets section.

Version 1.33, October 23, 2003: Finished E2M3, slowly getting this FAQ done.

Version 1.38, October 28, 2003: Finished E2M4 and E2M5 in my secrets section.
Also added a way for killing the Cyberdemon in E4M2 without using any ammo.

Version 1.39, October 29, 2003: Finished E2M6 in my Secrets section. Also fixed
something I messed up in E2M5's secrets.

Version 1.52, October 30, 2003: Finished Episode 2 in my secrets section. Also
got the first level of episode 3 done.

Version 1.58, October 31, 2003: Finished E3M2 and E3M3 in my secrets section.
Happy Halloween everybody!

Version 1.61, November 1, 2003: Finished E3M4 in my secrets section. 22 levels
down, 14 more to go!

Version 1.63, November 3, 2003: Finished E3M5 in my secrets section. 23 levels
down, 13 more to go!

Version 1.80, November 4, 2003: Finished Episode 3 in my secrets section. Also
did the first 2 levels of episode 4. 29 levels down, 7 more to go!

Version 1.91, November 6, 2003: Finished 3 more levels in my secrets section
(E4M3, E4M4, E4M5, and E4M6). 33 Levels down, 3 more to go!

Version 2.00, November 8, 2003: Woo-Hoo! I just finished my secrets section!
Now this is what I call a Walkthrough! ^_^

Version 3.00, November 28, 2003: Added in a Section 7, "Things to Look Out
For". Also made section dividers in my Items Section to split them into ammo,
healing items, etc.

Version 3.50, December 4, 2003: Added in two more tips for defeating the
Cyberdemon in E2M8.

Version 4.00, December 6, 2003: Put someone new in my Credits section. Added
Mouse Controls in my Controls section, and made section dividers in my Controls
to make the section less messier.

Version 5.00, December 7, 2003: Made a new Section "Where to Find Weapons". It
shows all the levels each weapon is found in.

Version 6.00, December 8, 2003: Added two more sections. "Which Levels have
Which Keys?" and "Tricks"

Version 6.40, December 10, 2003: Started working on Which Enemies Appear in
Which Levels in Section 8. So far I did the Zombieman, Shotgun Guy, Imp, and
Demon. Happy Birthday Doom! You are 10 years old now!

Version 7.00, December 11, 2003: Finished up the enemies in section 8.

Version 7.10, December 19, 2003: No update here, but I changed my email
address, since my other one wasn't working.

Version 7.15, December 23, 2003: Added a Keyboard Control in the Controls

Version 8.00, December 26, 2003: Added in a Hints section to this FAQ.

Version 8.05, December 29, 2003: No update here, but I fixed MANY of the AWFUL
spelling mistakes in this FAQ.

Version 8.15, January 10, 2004: Added in a "Weapon Controls" section in my
Controls section.

Version 8.30, February 18, 2004: Rewrote the first 5 Levels in my Walkthrough
to make them be detailed better and easier to read (my first few levels in my
Walkthrough were crap, and made them better).

Version 8.40, March 8, 2004: Added a new Trick in my "Tricks" section of this

Version 8.60, April 8, 2004: Added two new Tricks in the Tricks section of this

Version 9.00, April 12, 2004: Fixed some errors in this FAQ, thanks to
shocker102 emailing me. Also added a tip for E2M9: Fortress of Mystery.

Version 9.15, April 13, 2004: Added a new Section "Bugs and Errors" into this
Walkthrough. Got 2 Errors into it right now.

Version 9.40, June 16, 2004: Made a whole new format for this FAQ. Also
corrected many over margin and spelling errors.

Version 9.50, September 25, 2004: Showed an easier method in my walkthrough to
get the Yellow Key in E4M9: Fear. I found it out today and it's much more
easier and quicker than the old way I would get it.

Version 9.70, October 27, 2004: Added in information about Doom95 in my
controls section.

Version 10.10, November 10, 2004: Fixed my Walkthrough for E4M3: Sever the
Wicked so it covers both of the secrets and re-wrote E4M5: They Will Repent so
it covers the shortcut through the whole level.

Version 10.12, January 2, 2005: Fixed a LOT of spelling and grammar mistakes in
this guide thanks to LedMeister. I also sorted out the tricks in my Tricks
section by episode order.

Version 10.30, February 19, 2005: Added a "Using the BFG9000" section to this
guide for people who need better skill with the BFG.

Version 10.50, May 22, 2005: Added a Codes section for this FAQ, which explains
all of the codes in the game.

Version 11.00, July 23, 2005: Did a huge update to the beginning of the FAQ. I
moved the Update History section at the bottom of the FAQ so you won't have to
scroll through it to check out the FAQ. Also I made my items section more
organized and detailed, and made my weapons and enemy sections more detailed
instead of using short, choppy sentences.

Version 11.60, September 3, 2005: Since the first good question about this game
was asked, I made an Asked Questions section, putting it in there. I also
changed my layout in the Tricks and the Controls section, making it easier to

Version 11.65, September 14, 2005: Changed the format in my walkthrough
section, changing it from ***** to -----, making it easier to read. Another
thing I did was add another question to the Asked Questions section about
making demos with Doom95.

Version 11.80, October 22, 2005: Thanks to mosquito_breath, I fixed plenty of
spelling and grammar mistakes in pretty much this whole FAQ. In my secrets
section, I changed the layout from ***** to ---- and added episode dividers,
making it easier to read. On top of all that, I put in a new asked question in
the asked questions section.

Version 11.85, November 28, 2005: Added another question that is always asked
in my "Asked Questions" section.

Version 11.90, January 27, 2006: Fixed a small error in my table of contents.
Thanks to LedMeister on this one.

Version 11.95, March 2, 2006: Added another question to the Asked Questions

Version 12.05, May 28, 2006: Added another question to the Asked Questions
section and fixed up some of the other questions. Also, in my secrets section,
I made a small change to E2M2: Containment Area. I have found a way to get the
Plasma Gun if you missed it (because the switch that lowers the lift works

Version 12.10, July 21, 2006: Fixed several line breaks and updated things that
were outdated in the Asked Questions section. Thanks to Aquastreak for pointing
these out.

Version 12.20, July 17, 2008: Fixed up secret #5 for E2M4: Deimos Lab in my
Secrets section, as my method wouldn't open the door leading to the secret if
taken incorrectly. I also updated the availability for this game in the Asked
Questions section.

Version 12.60, July 18, 2008: I decided to add something neat to this guide: A
Nightmare section. It will give you hints on how to beat every level on the
Nightmare difficulty. Right now, I have the first 2 episodes done.

Version 12.80, July 29, 2008: Completed Episode 3 and finished the first 5
levels in Episode 4 for my Nightmare walkthrough.

Version 13.00, January 22, 2009: Yeah, I'm a mean man for keeping you this
long. I wrapped up the remaining levels in my Nightmare section, and even
decided to re-write parts of my walkthrough for E3M1: Hell Keep and E3M2:
Slough of Dispair.

Version 13.05, February 4, 2009: Fixed up info about the inaccessible secrets
in E4M7: And Hell Followed. I also fixed up my description for the Spider
Mastermind, mostly because of the fact that Arachnotrons do not appear in
Ultimate Doom.

Version 13.10, February 7, 2009: Fixed up the format for my walkthrough of
E4M5: They Will Repent.


19. Credits

ID Software = They made the greatest game ever, Doom!

CJayC = For posting this FAQ/Walkthrough, and he's the one who made the
greatest website in the world, GameFAQs.

Microsoft = For creating Microsoft Windows operating systems, the best out

You = You read this FAQ/Walkthrough, and liked it (hopefully).

Me = I wrote this FAQ/Walkthrough.

LedMeister = The Doom Expert told me about the errors in E4M3 and E4M7 with
their secrets, and helped me with many other things in Doom. He also pointed
out an error in my Table of Contents that I just noticed.

Pulse = Another user on GameFAQs who plays Doom. He helped me find the Blue and
Yellow Keys in E4M7, and helped me with a few other things in Doom.

My older brother = He found the Secret Exit for Episode 1 out of nowhere, and
now I know where it is. Also introduced me into the Doom world back when I was
a little kid.

Shocker102 = He emailed me about some errors in my guide, and a few tips.

AquaStreak = A cool user on GameFAQs I met a while back. He pointed out a
question I forgot to add to this guide, about where the best place to buy this
game is (since it is pretty rare). Also pointed out several errors in this

mosquito_breath = A user on GameFAQs I met this past week. He emailed me
showing me all the spelling and grammar errors I made in my guide, and I was
able to fix them thanks to him. Thanks a lot man. :)

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