gnuplot demo script: histograms.dem

autogenerated by on Tue Mar 6 11:36:02 2007
gnuplot version gnuplot 4.3 patchlevel CVS-14Feb2007
# Example of using histogram modes
set title "US immigration from Europe by decade"
set datafile missing "-"
set xtics nomirror rotate by -45
# First plot using linespoints
set style data linespoints
plot 'immigration.dat' using 2:xtic(1) t 2, \
'' u 3 t 3, '' u 4 t 4, '' u 5 t 5, '' u 6 t 6, \
'' u 7 t 7, '' u 8 t 8, '' u 9 t 9, '' u 10 t 10, \
'' u 11 t 11, '' u 12 t 12, '' u 13 t 13, '' u 14 t 14, \
'' u 15 t 15, '' u 16 t 16, '' u 17 t 17, '' u 18 t 18, \
'' u 19 t 19, '' u 20 t 20, '' u 21 t 21, '' u 22 t 22

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "US immigration from Northern Europe\nPlot selected data columns as histogram of clustered boxes"
set auto x
set yrange [0:300000]
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.9
set xtic rotate by -45
#set bmargin 10 
plot 'immigration.dat' using 6:xtic(1) ti col, '' u 12 ti col, '' u 13 ti col, '' u 14 ti col

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "US immigration from Northern Europe\n(same plot with larger gap between clusters)"
set style histogram gap 5

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# Stacked histograms
set title "US immigration from Europe by decade\nPlot as stacked histogram"
set key invert reverse Left outside
set key autotitle columnheader
set yrange [0:7e6]
set auto x
unset xtics
set xtics nomirror rotate by -45
set style data histogram
set style histogram rowstacked
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.75
plot 'immigration.dat' using 2:xtic(1), \
'' using 3, \
'' using 4, \
'' using 5, \
'' using 6, \
'' using 7, \
'' using 8, \
'' using 9, \
'' using 10, \
'' using 11, \
'' using 12, \
'' using 13, \
'' using 14, \
'' using 15, \
'' using 16, \
'' using 17, \
'' using 18, \
'' using 19, \
'' using 20, \
'' using 21, \
'' using 22

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# Stacked histograms by percent
set title "US immigration from Europe by decade\nFraction of total plotted as stacked histogram"
set key invert reverse Left outside
set yrange [0:100]
set ylabel "% of total"
unset ytics
set grid y
set border 3
set style data histograms
set style histogram rowstacked
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.75
plot 'immigration.dat' using (100.*$2/$24):xtic(1) t 2, \
'' using (100.*$3/$24) t 3, \
'' using (100.*$4/$24) t 4, \
'' using (100.*$5/$24) t 5, \
'' using (100.*$6/$24) t 6, \
'' using (100.*$7/$24) t 7, \
'' using (100.*$8/$24) t 8, \
'' using (100.*$9/$24) t 9, \
'' using (100.*$10/$24) t 10, \
'' using (100.*$11/$24) t 11, \
'' using (100.*$12/$24) t 12, \
'' using (100.*$13/$24) t 13, \
'' using (100.*$14/$24) t 14, \
'' using (100.*$15/$24) t 15, \
'' using (100.*$16/$24) t 16, \
'' using (100.*$17/$24) t 17, \
'' using (100.*$18/$24) t 18, \
'' using (100.*$19/$24) t 19, \
'' using (100.*$20/$24) t 20, \
'' using (100.*$21/$24) t 21, \
'' using (100.*$22/$24) t 22, \
'' using (100.*$23/$24) t 23

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# Columnstacks
#	xtic labels should be picked up from column heads ('title column')
#	key titles should be picked up from row heads ('key(1)')
set title "Immigration from Northern Europe\n(columstacked histogram)"
set style histogram columnstacked
set key noinvert box
set yrange [0:*]
set ylabel "Immigration by decade"
set xlabel "Country of Origin"
set tics scale 0.0
set ytics
unset xtics
set xtics norotate nomirror
plot 'immigration.dat' using 6 ti col, '' using 12 ti col, \
     '' using 13 ti col, '' using 14:key(1) ti col

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# 'newhistogram' keyword to plot
set title "Immigration from different regions\n(give each histogram a separate title)"
set key under nobox
set style histogram clustered gap 1 title offset 2,0.25
set style fill solid noborder
set boxwidth 0.95
unset xtics
set xtics nomirror rotate by -45
set xlabel "(note: histogram titles have specified offset relative to X-axis label)" offset 0,-2
set ytics
set grid y
set auto y
plot \
newhistogram "Northern Europe", \
'immigration.dat' using 6:xtic(1) t 6, '' u 13 t 13, '' u 14 t 14, \
newhistogram "Southern Europe", \
'' u 9:xtic(1) t 9, '' u 17 t 17, '' u 22 t 22, \
newhistogram "British Isles", \
'' u 10:xtic(1) t 10, '' u 21 t 21

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set style histogram rows
set boxwidth 0.8
set yrange [0:900000]
set xlabel "(Same plot using rowstacked rather than clustered histogram)"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot